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File: Unicode.em

Description: Functions that allow messages to be sent to clients in any unicode language UO supports.
Last Modified: 02/10/2009

File Constants:

const _DEFAULT_UCFONT  := 3;
const _DEFAULT_UCCOLOR := 0x3B2;
// Constants for PrintTextAbove*
const JOURNAL_UC_PRINT_NAME := 0x00; // Implicit. Print's the object's description / npc's name in the journal.
const JOURNAL_UC_PRINT_YOU_SEE := 0x01; // Will print "You see:" in the journal.


BroadcastUC(uc_text, langcode, font:=_DEFAULT_UCFONT, color:=_DEFAULT_UCCOLOR)
Name Type
uc_text Array of 2-byte integers, where each integer is a Unicode character
langcode 3-character 'Originating Language' string code e.g. ENU, CHT, DEU, RUS, KOR, etc.
font Integer (optional) font code. Not the same as non-unicode font codes
color Integer (optional) color code. Not the same color as the same value for non-unicode prints
Broadcasts a unicode string to all players
uc_text MUST be an array of integers representing unicode characters.
Integers must be "Big Endian" (0x1234) and not "Little Endian" (0x3412).
Integers will be clipped internally to 2-bytes (value masked with 0xFFFF)
The Array must be terminated with zero. (0x0000)
Return values
1 on success
"Unicode array exceeds maximum size." (200 characters)
"langcode must be a 3-character code."
"Invalid value in Unicode array."
"A parameter was invalid"
PrintTextAbovePrivateUC(above_object, uc_text, langcode, character, font:=_DEFAULT_UCFONT, color:=_DEFAULT_UCCOLOR, journal_print := JOURNAL_UC_PRINT_NAME)
Name Type
above_object UObject reference
uc_text Array of 2-byte integers, where each integer is a Unicode character
langcode 3-character 'Originating Language' string code e.g. ENU, CHT, DEU, RUS, KOR, etc.
character Character reference to receive the text
font Integer (optional) font code. Not the same as non-unicode font codes
color Integer (optional) color code. Not the same color as the same value for non-unicode prints
journal_print Integer (optional)
Displays a unicode string above 'above_object' only to 'character'
uc_text MUST be an array of integers representing unicode characters.
Integers must be "Big Endian" (0x1234) and not "Little Endian" (0x3412).
Integers will be clipped internally to 2-bytes (value masked with 0xFFFF)
The Array must be terminated with zero. (0x0000)
Notes: journal_print flags:
const JOURNAL_UC_PRINT_NAME	:= 0x00; // Implicit.  Print's the object's description / npc's name in the journal.
const JOURNAL_UC_PRINT_YOU_SEE := 0x01; // Will print "You see:" in the journal.
Return values
1 on success, 0 on failure
"Unicode array exceeds maximum size." (200 characters)
"langcode must be a 3-character code."
"Invalid value in Unicode array."
"A parameter was invalid"
PrintTextAboveUC(above_object, uc_text, langcode, font:=_DEFAULT_UCFONT, color:=_DEFAULT_UCCOLOR, journal_print := JOURNAL_UC_PRINT_NAME)
Name Type
above_object UObject reference
uc_text Array of 2-byte integers, where each integer is a Unicode character
langcode 3-character 'Originating Language' string code e.g. ENU, CHT, DEU, RUS, KOR, etc.
font Integer (optional) font code. Not the same as non-unicode font codes
color Integer (optional) color code. Not the same color as the same value for non-unicode prints
journal_print Integer (optional)
Displays a unicode string above 'above_object'
uc_text MUST be an array of integers representing unicode characters.
Integers must be "Big Endian" (0x1234) and not "Little Endian" (0x3412).
Integers will be clipped internally to 2-bytes (value masked with 0xFFFF)
The Array must be terminated with zero. (0x0000)
Notes: journal_print flags:
const JOURNAL_UC_PRINT_NAME	:= 0x00; // Implicit.  Print's the object's description / npc's name in the journal.
const JOURNAL_UC_PRINT_YOU_SEE := 0x01; // Will print "You see:" in the journal.
Return values
1 on success, 0 on failure
"Unicode array exceeds maximum size." (200 characters)
"langcode must be a 3-character code."
"Invalid value in Unicode array."
"A parameter was invalid"
RequestInputUC(character, item, uc_prompt, langcode)
Name Type
character Character reference to receive the text
item placeholder, pass any valid item
uc_prompt Array of 2-byte integers, where each integer is a Unicode character. The question to which the player types the response.
langcode 3-character 'Originating Language' string code e.g. ENU, CHT, DEU, RUS, KOR, etc.
Displays a unicode system message prompt to 'character', the character can then enter unicode characters which will be returned to the script.
uc_prompt MUST be an array of integers representing unicode characters.
Integers must be "Big Endian" (0x1234) and not "Little Endian" (0x3412).
Integers will be clipped internally to 2-bytes (value masked with 0xFFFF)
The Array must be terminated with zero. (0x0000)
Return values
a struct with members "lang" (3-character string), and "uc_text" (a "unicode array" of 2-byte integers representing unicode characters in the specified language) on success.
"No client attached"
"Another script has an active prompt"
"Unicode array exceeds maximum size." (200 characters)
"langcode must be a 3-character code."
"Invalid value in Unicode array."
"Invalid control characters in text entry"
"A parameter was invalid"
SendSysMessageUC(character, uc_text, langcode, font:=_DEFAULT_UCFONT, color:=_DEFAULT_UCCOLOR)
Name Type
character Character reference to receive the text
uc_text Array of 2-byte integers, where each integer is a Unicode character
langcode 3-character 'Originating Language' string code e.g. ENU, CHT, DEU, RUS, KOR, etc.
font Integer (optional) font code. Not the same as non-unicode font codes
color Integer (optional) color code. Not the same color as the same value for non-unicode prints
Displays a unicode system message to 'character'
uc_text MUST be an array of integers representing unicode characters.
Integers must be "Big Endian" (0x1234) and not "Little Endian" (0x3412).
Integers will be clipped internally to 2-bytes (value masked with 0xFFFF)
The Array must be terminated with zero. (0x0000)
Return values
1 on success
"Unicode array exceeds maximum size." (200 characters)
"langcode must be a 3-character code."
"Invalid value in Unicode array."
"A parameter was invalid"