Pol  Revision:cb584c9
Pol::Clib Namespace Reference




class  access_violation
class  BinaryFile
class  ci_cmp_pred
class  CNTService
class  ConfigElem
class  ConfigElemBase
class  ConfigFile
class  ConfigProperty
class  ConfigSection
class  ConfigSource
class  DirList
class  ExceptionParser
class  FileContents
class  fixed_allocator
class  FMTStreamWriter
class  HiddenMiniDumper
class  KeyboardHook
class  message_queue
class  MiniDumper
class  MSJExceptionHandler
class  OFStreamWriter
class  OnlineStatistics
class  OStreamWriter
class  PolMain
class  PolToolMain
class  ProgramConfig
class  ProgramMain
class  PushDir
class  RunEclMain
class  Socket
class  SocketClientThread
class  SocketListener
class  SpinLock
class  StackWalkerLogger
class  StreamWriter
class  StringSet
class  structured_exception
class  StubConfigSource
class  ThreadedOFStreamWriter
struct  TraceBufferElem
class  UnitTest
class  VectorConfigElem


typedef char Directory[MAXFULLDIR]
typedef char FFile[MAXFNAME]
typedef char File1[MAXFILE]
typedef char Pathname[MAXPATH]
typedef std::lock_guard< SpinLockSpinLockGuard
typedef unsigned int wallclock_diff_t
typedef unsigned int wallclock_t


enum  {


static void _thread_stub2 (void *arg)
void _tracebuffer_addelem (const char *tag, unsigned int value)
template<class T , size_t N>
CONSTEXPR size_t arsize (T(&)[N])
char * binary (unsigned int val, int nbits)
char * buildfn (const char *directory, const char *filename)
char * buildfnext (const char *directory, const char *filename, const char *extension)
int chddir (const char *dir)
int copyFile (const char *src, const char *dst)
int copyFileNoRep (const char *src, const char *dst)
void ctrlc_handler (int x)
std::string curdir ()
std::string decint (unsigned short v)
std::string decint (signed int v)
std::string decint (unsigned int v)
std::string decint (signed long v)
std::string decint (unsigned long v)
void decodequotedstring (std::string &str)
char ** decompose1 (char *cmdline, int *pargc)
template<class T >
void delete_all (T &coll)
void dump16 (fmt::Writer &writer, const unsigned char *s, int len)
void enable_exit_signaller ()
void encodequotedstring (std::string &str)
std::atomic< bool > exit_signalled (false)
template<class D , class S >
explicit_cast (const S &s)
int favail (void)
void fdump (fmt::Writer &writer, const void *data, int len)
bool FileExists (const char *filename)
bool FileExists (const std::string &filename)
int filesize (const char *fname)
bool flags_clear (u32 value, u32 flags)
bool flags_set (u32 value, u32 flags)
void force_backtrace (bool complete)
int forspec (const char *spec, void(*func)(const char *pathname))
char * fullmerge (char *path)
std::string FullPath (const char *filename)
int fullsplit (const char *path)
size_t getCurrentMemoryUsage ()
 returns the current process size in bytes More...
std::string getencodedquotedstring (const std::string &in)
std::string GetFilePart (const char *filename)
unsigned int GetFileTimestamp (const char *fname)
std::string GetTrueName (const char *filename)
static void handleSignalLinux (int signal, siginfo_t *signalInfo, void *arg)
static void handleStackTraceRequestLinux (int signal, siginfo_t *signalInfo, void *arg)
std::string hexint (unsigned short v)
std::string hexint (signed int v)
std::string hexint (unsigned int v)
std::string hexint (signed long v)
std::string hexint (unsigned long v)
template<class D , class S >
implicit_cast (const S &s)
void incStr (char *str)
static int inner_copy (const char *src, const char *dst, int replaceOk)
static int inner_move (const char *src, const char *dst, int replaceOk)
void InstallOldStructuredExceptionHandler (void)
bool IsDirectory (const char *dir)
void legalize (char *s, const char *allowed)
std::tm localtime (const std::time_t &t)
 threadsafe version of localtime More...
void LogTraceBuffer ()
int make_dir (const char *dir)
void MakeDirectory (const char *dir)
int match (char *a, char *b)
void MD5_Cleanup ()
bool MD5_Compare (const std::string &a, const std::string &b)
bool MD5_Encrypt (const std::string &in, std::string &out)
char * mergeFnExt (char *fname)
void mklower (std::string &str)
void mkupper (std::string &str)
int moveFile (const char *src, const char *dst)
int moveFileNoRep (const char *src, const char *dst)
char * nodefile (const char *directory, const char *filename, int node)
void normalize_dir (char *dir)
std::string normalized_dir_form (const std::string &istr)
int nwords (const char *s)
void open_file (std::fstream &ofs, std::string &filename, std::ios::openmode mode)
void open_file (std::ofstream &ofs, std::string &filename, std::ios::openmode mode)
void open_file (std::ifstream &ifs, std::string &filename, std::ios::openmode mode)
void passert_failed (const char *expr, const char *file, unsigned line)
void passert_failed (const char *expr, const std::string &reason, const char *file, unsigned line)
void PrintHeapData ()
double random_double (double f)
int random_int (int i)
int random_int_range (int minI, int maxI)
bool readline (Socket &sck, std::string &s, bool *timeout_exit, unsigned int timeout_secs, unsigned maxlen)
bool readstring (Socket &sck, std::string &s, unsigned int interchar_secs, unsigned length)
void RemoveFile (const std::string &fname)
template<typename T >
void sanitize_bounds (T *value, const T min, const T max)
template<typename T >
void sanitize_lowerlimit (T *value, const T min)
template<typename T >
void sanitize_upperlimit (T *value, const T max)
void splitnamevalue (const std::string &istr, std::string &propname, std::string &propvalue)
char * stracpy (char *dest, const char *src, size_t maxlen)
template<class S1 , class S2 >
int stringicmp (const S1 &str1, const S2 &str2)
template<class S1 , const char * >
int stringicmp (const S1 &str1, const char *str2)
template<const char * , class S2 >
int stringicmp (const char *str1, const S2 &str2)
char * strip (char *s)
int strip_one (std::string &direc)
std::string strlower (const std::string &str)
char * strpcpy (char *dest, const char *src, size_t maxlen)
std::string strupper (const std::string &str)
void test_convertquotedstring ()
void test_dqs (const std::string &in, const std::string &out)
void test_splitnamevalue (const std::string &istr, const std::string &exp_pn, const std::string &exp_pv)
void test_splitnamevalue ()
std::string tostring (const Bscript::BTokenType &v)
std::string tostring (const Bscript::BTokenId &v)
template<class T >
std::string tostring (const T &v)
wallclock_t wallclock ()
wallclock_diff_t wallclock_diff_ms (wallclock_t start, wallclock_t finish)
void writeline (Socket &sck, const std::string &s)


static unsigned int blocks_allocated = 0
static unsigned int bytes_allocated = 0
const unsigned CST_MANDATORY = 1
const unsigned CST_NORMAL = 0
const unsigned CST_UNIQUE = 2
std::atomic< bool > exit_signalled
const std::size_t flush_limit = 10000
static Pathname fullpath2
MSJExceptionHandler g_MSJExceptionHandler
static unsigned int last_blocks_allocated = 0
static unsigned int last_bytes_allocated = 0
bool LogfileTimestampEveryLine = false
int mydir_errno
bool passert_abort = true
bool passert_dump_stack = false
bool passert_nosave = false
bool passert_shutdown = false
bool passert_shutdown_due_to_assertion = false
std::string scripts_thread_script
unsigned scripts_thread_scriptPC
char temp_dir [MAXDIR]
char temp_drive [MAXDRIVE]
char temp_ext [MAXEXT]
char temp_fname [MAXFILE]
char temp_path [MAXPATH]
UnitTest test_convertquotedstring_obj (test_convertquotedstring)
UnitTest test_splitnamevalue_obj (test_splitnamevalue)
TraceBufferElem tracebuffer [TRACEBUF_DEPTH]
unsigned tracebuffer_insertpoint
static Pathname workspace2

Detailed Description

CLib namespace is for functions that a general app may need, not necessarily related to POL at all (string manipulation, for example)

Typedef Documentation

typedef char Pol::Clib::Directory[MAXFULLDIR]

Definition at line 19 of file dirfunc.h.

typedef char Pol::Clib::FFile[MAXFNAME]

Definition at line 21 of file dirfunc.h.

typedef char Pol::Clib::File1[MAXFILE]

Definition at line 20 of file dirfunc.h.

typedef char Pol::Clib::Pathname[MAXPATH]

Definition at line 22 of file dirfunc.h.

typedef std::lock_guard<SpinLock> Pol::Clib::SpinLockGuard

This is a std::lock_guard specific for SpinLock

Definition at line 33 of file spinlock.h.

typedef unsigned int Pol::Clib::wallclock_diff_t

Definition at line 9 of file wallclock.h.

typedef unsigned int Pol::Clib::wallclock_t

Definition at line 8 of file wallclock.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 40 of file dirfunc.h.

Function Documentation

static void Pol::Clib::_thread_stub2 ( void *  arg)
void Pol::Clib::_tracebuffer_addelem ( const char *  tag,
unsigned int  value 
template<class T , size_t N>
CONSTEXPR size_t Pol::Clib::arsize ( T(&)  [N])

Definition at line 87 of file stlutil.h.

char * Pol::Clib::buildfn ( const char *  directory,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 134 of file dirfunc.cpp.

References fullpath2.

char * Pol::Clib::buildfnext ( const char *  directory,
const char *  filename,
const char *  extension 

Definition at line 144 of file dirfunc.cpp.

References fullpath2.

int Pol::Clib::chddir ( const char *  dir)

Definition at line 76 of file dirfunc.cpp.

int Pol::Clib::copyFile ( const char *  src,
const char *  dst 

Definition at line 255 of file dirfunc.cpp.

References inner_copy().

int Pol::Clib::copyFileNoRep ( const char *  src,
const char *  dst 

Definition at line 261 of file dirfunc.cpp.

References inner_copy().

void Pol::Clib::ctrlc_handler ( int  x)

Definition at line 60 of file esignal.cpp.

References exit_signalled.

Referenced by enable_exit_signaller().

std::string Pol::Clib::curdir ( )

Definition at line 160 of file dirlist.cpp.

References normalized_dir_form().

std::string Pol::Clib::decint ( unsigned short  v)

Definition at line 64 of file strutil.cpp.


Referenced by Pol::Bscript::EScriptProgram::_readToken(), Pol::Items::Item::add_to_self(), Pol::Clib::Socket::apply_prebind_socket_options(), Pol::Clib::Socket::apply_socket_options(), Pol::Network::apply_socket_options(), Pol::Bscript::StoredTokenContainer::atGet1(), Pol::Bscript::StoredTokenContainer::atPut1(), Pol::Items::Item::call_custom_method(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_fileline(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_files(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_funclist(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_globalvars(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_inslist(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_pidlist(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_scriptins(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_scriptprofile(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_scriptsrc(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_srcprof(), Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_stacktrace(), Pol::Core::commit_incremental_saves(), Pol::Items::Item::create(), decint(), Pol::Clib::Socket::disable_nagle(), Pol::Network::disable_nagle(), Pol::Core::elapsed(), Pol::Bscript::Compiler::emitFileLine(), Pol::Core::find_giveitem_container(), Pol::Core::getCharacterOrClientParam(), Pol::Core::getCharacterParam(), Pol::Clib::BinaryFile::GetElementCount(), Pol::Core::GetGlobals(), Pol::Bscript::Executor::getParam(), Pol::Bscript::Executor::getParamImp2(), Pol::Module::gumpbutton_handler(), Pol::Core::load_incremental_indexes(), Pol::Core::load_realms(), Pol::Plib::MapServer::LoadSecondLevelIndex(), Pol::Network::open_listen_socket(), Pol::Items::ItemDesc::PopulateStruct(), Pol::Core::read_incremental_saves(), Pol::Core::read_movecost(), Pol::Clib::BinaryFile::ReadBuffer(), Pol::Bscript::SymbolContainer::resize(), Pol::Core::save_incremental(), Pol::Core::send_binary(), Pol::Core::RepSystem::show_repdata(), Pol::Clib::SocketListener::SocketListener(), Pol::Network::Client::status(), Pol::Core::textcmd_procs(), Pol::Core::textcmd_threads(), Pol::Core::timeoutstr(), Pol::xmain_inner(), and Pol::Module::ItemGivenEvent::~ItemGivenEvent().

std::string Pol::Clib::decint ( signed int  v)

Definition at line 71 of file strutil.cpp.


std::string Pol::Clib::decint ( unsigned int  v)

Definition at line 78 of file strutil.cpp.


std::string Pol::Clib::decint ( signed long  v)

Definition at line 85 of file strutil.cpp.


std::string Pol::Clib::decint ( unsigned long  v)

Definition at line 91 of file strutil.cpp.


void Pol::Clib::decodequotedstring ( std::string &  str)

Definition at line 167 of file strutil.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Clib::ConfigFile::read_properties(), and test_dqs().

char** Pol::Clib::decompose1 ( char *  cmdline,
int *  pargc 

make a char** array suitable for call to exec() or spawn()

the argc in *pargc.
void Pol::Clib::dump16 ( fmt::Writer &  writer,
const unsigned char *  s,
int  len 

Definition at line 13 of file fdump.cpp.

Referenced by fdump().

void Pol::Clib::enable_exit_signaller ( )

Definition at line 65 of file esignal.cpp.

References ctrlc_handler().

Referenced by Pol::Core::PolSig::PolSig(), and Pol::ECompile::run().

void Pol::Clib::encodequotedstring ( std::string &  str)

Definition at line 204 of file strutil.cpp.

Referenced by getencodedquotedstring(), and test_dqs().

std::atomic<bool> Pol::Clib::exit_signalled ( false  )
int Pol::Clib::favail ( void  )

how many file handles are available?

void Pol::Clib::fdump ( fmt::Writer &  writer,
const void *  data,
int  len 
bool Pol::Clib::FileExists ( const char *  filename)

Definition at line 118 of file fileutil.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Core::commit(), Pol::Core::commit_incremental(), Pol::ECompile::compile_file(), Pol::Core::decode_page(), Pol::Core::ScriptDef::exists(), Pol::Core::FindConfigFile(), Pol::Module::PackageObjImp::get_member(), Pol::Core::get_textcmd_help(), Pol::Bscript::Compiler::getFileContents(), Pol::Plib::GetPackageCfgPath(), Pol::Core::implicit_package_cmds_cfg(), Pol::Core::import_new_data(), Pol::Bscript::Compiler::includeModule(), Pol::Module::DataStoreFile::load(), Pol::Plib::load_all_cfgs(), Pol::Core::load_anim_xlate_cfg(), Pol::Mobile::load_armor_zones(), Pol::Core::load_circle_data(), Pol::Core::ConsoleCommand::load_console_commands(), Pol::Module::load_fileaccess_cfg(), Pol::Core::load_incremental_indexes(), Pol::Items::load_itemdesc(), Pol::Core::load_mime_config(), Pol::Core::load_movecost(), Pol::Items::load_npc_intrinsic_equip(), Pol::Core::load_npc_templates(), Pol::Core::load_package_cmdlevels(), Pol::Items::load_package_itemdesc(), Pol::Plib::load_packaged_cfgs(), Pol::Plib::load_packages(), Pol::Core::load_party_cfg(), Pol::Core::load_resource_cfg(), Pol::Multi::load_special_storedconfig(), Pol::Core::load_spell_data(), Pol::Core::load_stacking_cfg(), Pol::Core::load_system_hooks(), Pol::Core::LoadTusScpFile(), Pol::Core::MemoryUsage::log(), Pol::UoConvert::UoConvertMain::main(), Pol::Module::DataFileExecutorModule::mf_CreateDataFile(), Pol::Module::FileAccessExecutorModule::mf_FileExists(), Pol::Module::FileAccessExecutorModule::mf_WriteFile(), Pol::Mobile::NPC::on_death(), Pol::Mobile::Character::on_death(), Pol::Core::open_map_file(), Pol::Core::open_uo_data_files(), Pol::Core::open_uopmap_file(), Pol::Network::read_bannedips_config(), Pol::Core::CombatConfig::read_combat_config(), Pol::ECompile::read_config_file(), Pol::Core::read_data(), Pol::Module::read_datastore_dat(), Pol::Core::read_extobj(), Pol::Bscript::Compiler::read_function_declarations_in_included_file(), Pol::Core::read_guilds_dat(), Pol::Core::Menu::read_menus(), Pol::Core::read_npc_templates(), Pol::Core::read_party_dat(), Pol::Core::read_region_data(), Pol::Core::read_resources_dat(), Pol::Core::ServSpecOpt::read_servspecopt(), Pol::Core::read_storage_dat(), Pol::Core::rndat(), Pol::Core::run_start_scripts(), Pol::Core::set_watch_vars(), Pol::Core::slurp(), Pol::Clib::PolToolMain::unpackCompressedGump(), and Pol::Bscript::Compiler::useModule().

bool Pol::Clib::FileExists ( const std::string &  filename)

Definition at line 122 of file fileutil.cpp.

int Pol::Clib::filesize ( const char *  fname)
bool Pol::Clib::flags_clear ( u32  value,
u32  flags 

Definition at line 66 of file mapfunc.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Plib::polflags_from_tileflags().

bool Pol::Clib::flags_set ( u32  value,
u32  flags 

Definition at line 61 of file mapfunc.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Plib::polflags_from_tileflags().

int Pol::Clib::forspec ( const char *  spec,
void(*)(const char *pathname)  func 

perform a function on all files meeting a file spec

Definition at line 15 of file forspcnt.cpp.

References strzcpy.

Referenced by Pol::ECompile::run().

char * Pol::Clib::fullmerge ( char *  path)

Definition at line 50 of file dirfunc.cpp.

std::string Pol::Clib::FullPath ( const char *  filename)
int Pol::Clib::fullsplit ( const char *  path)

Definition at line 34 of file dirfunc.cpp.

size_t Pol::Clib::getCurrentMemoryUsage ( )

returns the current process size in bytes

Definition at line 26 of file xmain.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Module::GetCoreVariable(), and Pol::Core::MemoryUsage::log().

std::string Pol::Clib::getencodedquotedstring ( const std::string &  in)

Definition at line 235 of file strutil.cpp.

References encodequotedstring().

Referenced by Pol::Mobile::Character::printProperties().

std::string Pol::Clib::GetFilePart ( const char *  filename)

Definition at line 175 of file fileutil.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Bscript::Compiler::getFileContents().

unsigned int Pol::Clib::GetFileTimestamp ( const char *  fname)

Definition at line 135 of file fileutil.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::ECompile::compile_file().

std::string Pol::Clib::GetTrueName ( const char *  filename)
static void Pol::Clib::handleSignalLinux ( int  signal,
siginfo_t *  signalInfo,
void *  arg 
static void Pol::Clib::handleStackTraceRequestLinux ( int  signal,
siginfo_t *  signalInfo,
void *  arg 
std::string Pol::Clib::hexint ( signed int  v)

Definition at line 30 of file strutil.cpp.


std::string Pol::Clib::hexint ( unsigned int  v)

Definition at line 36 of file strutil.cpp.


std::string Pol::Clib::hexint ( signed long  v)

Definition at line 43 of file strutil.cpp.


std::string Pol::Clib::hexint ( unsigned long  v)

Definition at line 49 of file strutil.cpp.


template<class D , class S >
D Pol::Clib::implicit_cast ( const S &  s)

Definition at line 34 of file stlutil.h.

void Pol::Clib::incStr ( char *  str)

take a string, increment alphas, 'ZZZZ' converts to 'AAAA', etc

static int Pol::Clib::inner_copy ( const char *  src,
const char *  dst,
int  replaceOk 
static int Pol::Clib::inner_move ( const char *  src,
const char *  dst,
int  replaceOk 

Definition at line 267 of file dirfunc.cpp.

References inner_copy().

Referenced by moveFile(), and moveFileNoRep().

void Pol::Clib::InstallOldStructuredExceptionHandler ( void  )
void Pol::Clib::legalize ( char *  s,
const char *  allowed 

remove all occurrences of characters not in allowed from s

void Pol::Clib::LogTraceBuffer ( )
int Pol::Clib::make_dir ( const char *  dir)
void Pol::Clib::MakeDirectory ( const char *  dir)
int Pol::Clib::match ( char *  a,
char *  b 

do first strlen(b) chars of a and b match? match(s, "tag")

Referenced by Pol::Core::DebugContext::cmd_pidlist().

void Pol::Clib::MD5_Cleanup ( )

Definition at line 112 of file clib_MD5.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Core::GameState::deinitialize().

bool Pol::Clib::MD5_Compare ( const std::string &  a,
const std::string &  b 
bool Pol::Clib::MD5_Encrypt ( const std::string &  in,
std::string &  out 
char * Pol::Clib::mergeFnExt ( char *  fname)

Definition at line 65 of file dirfunc.cpp.

References strzcpy.

void Pol::Clib::mkupper ( std::string &  str)

Definition at line 271 of file strutil.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Core::get_textcmd_help(), and Pol::Core::start_textcmd_script().

int Pol::Clib::moveFile ( const char *  src,
const char *  dst 

Definition at line 282 of file dirfunc.cpp.

References inner_move().

int Pol::Clib::moveFileNoRep ( const char *  src,
const char *  dst 

Definition at line 287 of file dirfunc.cpp.

References inner_move().

char * Pol::Clib::nodefile ( const char *  directory,
const char *  filename,
int  node 

Definition at line 123 of file dirfunc.cpp.

References fullpath2.

void Pol::Clib::normalize_dir ( char *  dir)

Definition at line 159 of file dirfunc.cpp.

int Pol::Clib::nwords ( const char *  s)

how many words in s? nondestructive, assumes s is strip()ed

void Pol::Clib::open_file ( std::ofstream &  ofs,
std::string &  filename,
std::ios::openmode  mode 

Definition at line 29 of file iohelp.cpp.

void Pol::Clib::open_file ( std::ifstream &  ifs,
std::string &  filename,
std::ios::openmode  mode 

Definition at line 42 of file iohelp.cpp.

POL_NORETURN void Pol::Clib::passert_failed ( const char *  expr,
const char *  file,
unsigned  line 

Definition at line 65 of file passert.cpp.

POL_NORETURN void Pol::Clib::passert_failed ( const char *  expr,
const std::string &  reason,
const char *  file,
unsigned  line 
void Pol::Clib::PrintHeapData ( )
double Pol::Clib::random_double ( double  f)
int Pol::Clib::random_int_range ( int  minI,
int  maxI 

Definition at line 43 of file random.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Module::UtilExecutorModule::mf_RandomIntMinMax().

bool Pol::Clib::readline ( Socket sck,
std::string &  s,
bool *  timeout_exit,
unsigned int  timeout_secs,
unsigned  maxlen 
bool Pol::Clib::readstring ( Socket sck,
std::string &  s,
unsigned int  interchar_secs,
unsigned  length 
void Pol::Clib::RemoveFile ( const std::string &  fname)
template<typename T >
void Pol::Clib::sanitize_bounds ( T *  value,
const T  min,
const T  max 

Definition at line 113 of file clib.h.

template<typename T >
void Pol::Clib::sanitize_lowerlimit ( T *  value,
const T  min 

Definition at line 107 of file clib.h.

template<typename T >
void Pol::Clib::sanitize_upperlimit ( T *  value,
const T  max 
char * Pol::Clib::stracpy ( char *  dest,
const char *  src,
size_t  maxlen 

make an always null terminated string in maxlen characters

Definition at line 17 of file stracpy.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Bscript::SmartParser::IIP(), and Pol::Bscript::Compiler::readCurLine().

template<class S1 , class S2 >
int Pol::Clib::stringicmp ( const S1 &  str1,
const S2 &  str2 
template<class S1 , const char * >
int Pol::Clib::stringicmp ( const S1 &  str1,
const char *  str2 

Definition at line 55 of file stlutil.h.

template<const char * , class S2 >
int Pol::Clib::stringicmp ( const char *  str1,
const S2 &  str2 

Definition at line 64 of file stlutil.h.

char* Pol::Clib::strip ( char *  s)
int Pol::Clib::strip_one ( std::string &  direc)
char* Pol::Clib::strpcpy ( char *  dest,
const char *  src,
size_t  maxlen 

make a space-padded string

void Pol::Clib::test_convertquotedstring ( )

Definition at line 256 of file strutil.cpp.

References test_convertquotedstring_obj, and test_dqs().

void Pol::Clib::test_dqs ( const std::string &  in,
const std::string &  out 

Definition at line 241 of file strutil.cpp.

References decodequotedstring(), encodequotedstring(), and INFO_PRINT.

Referenced by test_convertquotedstring().

void Pol::Clib::test_splitnamevalue ( const std::string &  istr,
const std::string &  exp_pn,
const std::string &  exp_pv 

Definition at line 140 of file strutil.cpp.

References INFO_PRINT, and splitnamevalue().

Referenced by test_splitnamevalue().

void Pol::Clib::test_splitnamevalue ( )

Definition at line 151 of file strutil.cpp.

References test_splitnamevalue(), and test_splitnamevalue_obj.

std::string Pol::Clib::tostring ( const Bscript::BTokenId v)

Template specialization for outputting the token ID

Definition at line 28 of file tokens.cpp.

References tostring().

template<class T >
std::string Pol::Clib::tostring ( const T &  v)

Definition at line 79 of file stlutil.h.


wallclock_t Pol::Clib::wallclock ( )

Definition at line 31 of file wallclock.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Network::Client::SpeedHackPrevention().

wallclock_diff_t Pol::Clib::wallclock_diff_ms ( wallclock_t  start,
wallclock_t  finish 

Definition at line 38 of file wallclock.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Network::Client::SpeedHackPrevention().

void Pol::Clib::writeline ( Socket sck,
const std::string &  s 

Variable Documentation

unsigned int Pol::Clib::blocks_allocated = 0

Definition at line 34 of file opnew.cpp.

Referenced by PrintHeapData().

unsigned int Pol::Clib::bytes_allocated = 0

Definition at line 32 of file opnew.cpp.

Referenced by PrintHeapData().

const unsigned Pol::Clib::CST_MANDATORY = 1

Definition at line 20 of file cfgsect.h.

Referenced by Pol::Clib::ConfigSection::~ConfigSection().

const unsigned Pol::Clib::CST_NORMAL = 0
const unsigned Pol::Clib::CST_UNIQUE = 2

Definition at line 21 of file cfgsect.h.

Referenced by Pol::Clib::ConfigSection::matches(), and Pol::Core::read_guilds_dat().

const std::size_t Pol::Clib::flush_limit = 10000

Definition at line 12 of file streamsaver.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Clib::StreamWriter::operator()().

Pathname Pol::Clib::fullpath2

Definition at line 73 of file dirfunc.cpp.

Referenced by buildfn(), buildfnext(), and nodefile().

MSJExceptionHandler Pol::Clib::g_MSJExceptionHandler

Definition at line 48 of file msjexhnd.cpp.

HMODULE Pol::Clib::hDbgHelpDll

Definition at line 74 of file mdump.cpp.

unsigned int Pol::Clib::last_blocks_allocated = 0

Definition at line 35 of file opnew.cpp.

Referenced by PrintHeapData().

unsigned int Pol::Clib::last_bytes_allocated = 0

Definition at line 33 of file opnew.cpp.

Referenced by PrintHeapData().

bool Pol::Clib::LogfileTimestampEveryLine = false
int Pol::Clib::mydir_errno

Definition at line 169 of file dirfunc.cpp.

bool Pol::Clib::passert_abort = true

Definition at line 32 of file passert.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Core::PolConfig::read_pol_config().

bool Pol::Clib::passert_dump_stack = false

Definition at line 30 of file passert.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Core::PolConfig::read_pol_config().

bool Pol::Clib::passert_nosave = false
bool Pol::Clib::passert_shutdown = false

Definition at line 31 of file passert.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Core::PolConfig::read_pol_config().

bool Pol::Clib::passert_shutdown_due_to_assertion = false

Definition at line 34 of file passert.cpp.

Referenced by Pol::Core::should_write_data(), and Pol::xmain_inner().

char Pol::Clib::temp_dir

Definition at line 30 of file dirfunc.cpp.

char Pol::Clib::temp_drive

Definition at line 29 of file dirfunc.cpp.

char Pol::Clib::temp_ext

Definition at line 32 of file dirfunc.cpp.

char Pol::Clib::temp_fname

Definition at line 31 of file dirfunc.cpp.

char Pol::Clib::temp_path

Definition at line 28 of file dirfunc.cpp.

UnitTest Pol::Clib::test_convertquotedstring_obj(test_convertquotedstring)
UnitTest Pol::Clib::test_splitnamevalue_obj(test_splitnamevalue)

Referenced by test_splitnamevalue().

TraceBufferElem Pol::Clib::tracebuffer

Definition at line 19 of file tracebuf.cpp.

unsigned Pol::Clib::tracebuffer_insertpoint

Definition at line 20 of file tracebuf.cpp.

Referenced by _tracebuffer_addelem(), and LogTraceBuffer().

Pathname Pol::Clib::workspace2

Definition at line 73 of file dirfunc.cpp.