Latest Core Changes
Last Modified: 02-11-2018POL099.1
02-11-2018 | Nando: |
Added | range parameter to Accessible(chr, item, range := ACCESSIBLE_DEFAULT). Valid values: range >= 0, range == ACCESSIBLE_DEFAULT or range == ACCESSIBLE_IGNOREDISTANCE. The default range will be defined as the servspecopt entry "DefaultAccessibleRange". If that entry doesn't exist, the "DefaultDoubleclickRange" will be used instead (which defaults to 2). |
Fixed | Accessible(chr, item) now checks for the distance to the item. Differently from the distance of 2 tiles the docs stated, the allowed distance before was about 18 tiles. To recover the old behavior, use ACCESSIBLE_IGNOREDISTANCE as range. |
02-06-2018 | Turley: |
Fixed | fileaccess.cfg: Not specifying Directory entry behaves like before and gives access to all directories. (broken since 01-05-2018) |
02-05-2018 | Turley: |
Added | Operator @ used to receive a function object, which can later be used to call the underlying function with the same parameters/return value via the method ".call(..)" |
Note | This object can only executed in the same script instance where it was created and cannot be saved/loaded from datafiles/cprops. |
Note | Use cases: function genericItemLoop(func) for item in ... // complicated checks; endfor endfunction function changecolor(item) item.color:=6; endfunction ... genericItemLoop(@changecolor); genericItemLoop(@changeY); // (fast) function table, instead of "if" cascade var look=dictionary; look["blubb"]:=@doSomething look["blah"]:=@doSomethingElse ... look[mykey].call(); |
Changed | Version number of ecl files, recompilation needed. |
01-07-2018 | Kevin: |
Added | basic::UnpackJSON(string) Given a string in JSON format, returns an eScript object representing that JSON value. |
Added | basic::PackJSON(expr) Given an eScript expression (Int, Dbl, String, Array, Struct, Dict), returns a serialization of the object in JSON format. |
01-05-2018 | Turley: |
Added | fileaccess.cfg Directory entry Can be definied multiple times in package syntax. ::config means config rootfolder, :mypkg:test means subfolder test of mypkg. Has only a meaning if AllowRemote is given. Limits the access to given folder and its subfolders. |
Added | New type Boolean == != ! operators are implemented use new basic.em function Boolean(1/0) to create such type. see testsuite/escript/boolean in the sources for detailed scripts of what is possible. |
01-04-2018 | Kevin: |
Added | os::HTTPRequest(url, method := "GET", options := struct{}) Creates an HTTP request, and returns the returned data as a string. |
12-23-2017 | Turley: |
Added | os:PerformanceMeasure(delta_seconds, max_scripts) Monitors for given number of seconds the instructions of all scripts. Returns: struct with the following members: total_number_observed - number of scripts alive in the timespan total_instructions - sum of all instructions of the observed scripts scripts - array of structs (max number is given max_scripts param) sorted by instructions amount each scripts entry has the following members: name - script name, if attached with name/npctemplate instructions - number of executed instructions pid - PID of the script percent - percent of the total instruction amount |
12-20-2017 | Turley: |
Changed | Doubled the speed of custom method resolution. |
10-20-2017 | DevGIB: |
Changed | Added assume_string flag to OS::OpenConnection() to allow you to force the connection script to run as AUXSVC_ASSUME_STRING script option before the script loads in case of fast responding connections. |
10-11-2017 | DevGIB: |
Changed | Added params to OS::OpenConnection() to allow you to pass parameters to the script that is run for the connection. |
09-23-2017 | Turley: |
Added | array.sort(int sub_index:=0) the optional parameter specifies the index used for sorting in the case of an array of arrays |
09-10-2017 | Turley: |
Added | poltool uncompressgump unpacks and prints content of a compressed gump only parameter is a filename, which needs to contain a single 0xDD packetlog |
Added | item member no_drop 1/0 r/w (itemdesc NoDrop) if set no drop of this item is allowed container/npc member no_drop_exception 1/0 r/w (itemdesc/npctemplate NoDropException) if set this container/npc is a valid target even if no_drop is set for the item |
08-03-2017 | Nando: |
Fixed | Shutdown crash when using character method scripts. |
07-31-2017 | Nando: |
Fixed | Interactive commands could cause a crash when used inside a run-to-completion script (e.g., syshooks, scripts ran via OS::run_script_to_completion() and method scripts). The interactive commands will now return an error if the script can't be blocked. (Note: this does not apply to critical scripts, which *can* block). Affected commands: UO::Target(), UO::TargetCoordinates(), UO::TargetMultiPlacement(), UO::SelectMenuItem(), UO::SendDialogGump(), UO::SendGumpMenu(), UO::SendTextEntryGump(), UO::SendInstaResDialog(), UO::SelectColor(), UO::SendPopupMenu(), UO::RequestInput(), Unicode::RequestInputUC() |
07-23-2017 | DevGIB: |
Added | _DEFAULT_TEXT_REQUIREDCMD := 0 to uo.em which allows to set a minimum cmd level that broadcasts will be sent to. |
Changed | Broadcast( text, font := _DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT, color := _DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR, requiredcmdlevel := _DEFAULT_TEXT_REQUIREDCMD ) adding requiredcmdlevel argument which allows you to set a minimum cmd level that the broadcast will be sent to. |
Changed | No longer require a PID for GetProcess( pid := "" ), not selecting a PID will use the PID of the parent script. |
07-17-2017 | Kevin: |
Fixed | PrintTextAbove*CL() now behaves similarly to PrintTextAbove*() functions, displaying the object's description instead of "System". |
05-28-2017 | Turley: |
Removed | pol.cfg entry to disable assertions. A crash will anyway happen, thus it makes no sense and only hides the real reason. |
05-28-2017 | Nando: |
Fixed | Crash when using SplitWords() in a script that was compiled with outdated .em files. |
05-01-2017 | Turley: |
Fixed | property gets now reset on component remove |
11-29-2016 | Boberski: |
Added | Support for TOL (Time of Legends) expantion. |
10-23-2016 | Nando: |
Added | Member character.carrying_capacity (read only) Returns the current carrying capacity of a character, defined as: (40 + 3.5*STR + chr.carrying_capacity_mod)*ssopt.carrying_capacity_mod |
Note | Characters can go above their carrying_capacity, but they will spend much more stamina to move according to movecost.cfg. Don't treat this as max_weight. |
08-28-2016 | Turley: |
Fixed | Calculation of NPC AOS resistance/damage values |
Added | Member object.specific_name returns 1 if a custom name is set. if its still the original (eg itemdesc) returns 0 |
03-27-2016 | Nando: |
Added | Option "ThreadStacktracesWhenStuck" to pol.cfg. Useful to debug the core when no clock movement occurs for more than 30 seconds. Defaults to false. |
03-25-2016 | Nando: |
Fixed | Crashes when receiving very big packets. |
03-24-2016 | Nando: |
Fixed | Crashes after deleting a component (hold, tillerman, plank) of a boat |
03-23-2016 | Nando: |
Fixed | Possible crashes when a script teminates while executing a SQL command. |
03-21-2016 | Nando: |
Fixed | Possible crashes when handling a client's response to menus created with CreateMenu() |
03-02-2016 | Nando: |
Changed | POL will default to use multithreading (Multithread = 1 in pol.cfg). |
Note | Multithread=0 is deprecated and likely buggy. It's possible that it doesn't even work at the moment. Because every OS should support threading by now, we see no reason to maintain two separate systems. Singlethread support will be removed in the next version. |
03-02-2016 | Nando & Turley: |
Fixed | Possible crashes when sending events to npcs whose event queues were full. |
02-29-2016 | Nando & Turley: |
Fixed | Data races when dealing with clients. Some other not-reproducible crashes should also go away now. |
02-15-2016 | Nando: |
Changed | UO::SendQuestArrow(x := -1, y := -1, target := "") This function will now work for HSA clients (version > 7.0.9), which require a larger packet. Target is ignored for older clients, but is required (and must be a valid Item or Character reference) for HSA clients. |
Added | UO::SingleClick(who, what) This function will emulate a single-click from the client, sending the character name, guild and tags or the item description. Note that the client may display the item description wherever it had clicked before. "what" can be either a serial, item or character. |
01-31-2016 | Bodom: |
Added | CProp profiler: helps detecting unused CProps. It can be enabled by using the new pol.cfg option "ProfileCProps". For better results, should be enabled before startup. Impacts on performance very slightly, but consumes an average of 300 bytes of extra RAM for every CProp used. New polsys.em function LogCPropProfile() can be called to dump the profiling information into cpprofile.log. |
01-30-2016 | Bodom & Nando: |
Fixed | Spoofing prevention on packet 0xD7 (custom housing) |
01-22-2016 | Bodom: |
Fixed | Minor bug in ecompile allowing Double literals in the form "2d4". These were incorrectly interpreted as "2e4", meaning 20000 and leading to confusion with dice rolls. The compiler now issues an error instead. |
01-20-2016 | Bodom: |
Added | New property, returns a reference to the house if the item is a component of it (listed in House.components()). This is the intended replacement for the previously removed CProp "house_serial": use instead of GetObjProperty(item, "house_serial"). |
12-27-2015 | Bodom & Nando: |
Fixed | Linux crash on shutdown |
12-26-2015 | Bodom: |
Fixed | Bug in String.format() String tags were not correctly processed. "{name} you hit level {level}".format(struct{name:="Jane Doe", level:=4}) now correctly formats as "Jane Doe you hit level 4" instead of "Jane Doe you hit level <invalid index: #2>" |
12-18-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | New eScript escape sequence in strings "\xAA". Allows to specify a single character by its binary value (\x01 to \xFF). The value must always be 2 digits long, in hex, case insensitive (eg. \xA is not valid). |
12-05-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | Buff Bar support New Character's addBuff(), delBuff() and clearBuffs() methods, please see docs for details and explanation. 0xDF packets are automatically sent when needed (eg. at relogin). Buff Bar status is not saved, maybe it will be in future. |
11-28-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | New Client object properties last_packet_at and last_activity_at |
11-01-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | mysql_query() now supports a third "parameters" (array) argument. It can be used to safely replace "?" placeholders inside the query with corresponding array entries. |
10-27-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | New pol.cfg option AllowMultiClientsPerAccount (default: false) When true, allows multiple characters from the same account to be logged in at the same time |
Fixed | Items' CProps were loaded again from itemdesc.cfg at startup when deleted |
10-18-2015 | Bodom: |
Fixed | MoveItemToContainer could stack non-stackable items in some circumstances |
10-07-2015 | Bodom: |
Removed | "house_serial" CProp is no longer set by core for house components |
Fixed | Exception when editing a custom house with components outside of the house |
10-06-2015 | Bodom: |
Fixed | Fixed crash condition (stack overflow) when unequipping last armor piece weared by an NPC and then receiving an hit. |
Changed | Intrinsic armor now takes precedence over equipped armor (is was the opposite before). Anyway, using both of them could lead to unexpected behavior so it is not a good pratice. |
10-02-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | Intrinsic Shield support, works just like intrinsic weapons New extobj.cfg entry "Shield" (defaults to 0x1F022) New item must be defined in itemdesc.cfg // Intrinsic Shield template - special pseudo Shield for NPCs Armor 0x1F022 { Name intrinsicshield Graphic 1 MaxHP 1 SaveOnExit 0 } |
09-30-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | MoveItemToContainer parameter add_to_existing_stack can now be 2 for "auto" behavior The function will try to add the item to an existing stack and just try move the item inside the container if no stack is found |
09-29-2015 | Bodom: |
Fixed | When a robe is already equipped before resurrect, no longer destroy it to equip the death robe |
Fixed | When HonorUnequipScriptOnDeath is on, item's unequip and unequiptest scripts were called twice on death and in the wrong order |
09-27-2015 | Bodom: |
Fixed | Armor were not calculated correctly for NPCs wearing equip |
Fixed | Allow changing graphic of equipped items again if the new graphic has the same layer |
09-25-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | New uo.em function SendPopUpMenu( to, above, menu ). |
Added | On pop-up menu request (single click) "misc/popupmenu.ecl" is called. |
Fixed | When using MapDiff, tiles could disappear in some circumstances |
09-24-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | New keyword AttackCProp on npcdesc.cfg allows defining CProps for intrinsic weapons. |
Fixed | Hp/MaxHp updates to nearby clients were still using the real value instead of the 1000-based ratio when sending the 0xa1 packet. |
Fixed | Hp/MaxHp updates were sent twice to the originating character. |
09-12-2015 | Bodom: |
Fixed | Bug in loading POL098 and older data files: boats were rotated leaving dynamic elements like plank and tillerman on the old position. |
09-08-2015 | Bodom: |
Fixed | Bug in LAN IP address identification (some IPs in were skipped) |
09-06-2015 | Nando: |
Added | Data integrity check will test if the item serial is valid (serial >= 0x40000000) when loading items. |
Fixed | Items could be created with character serials if the wrong values were saved in data/pol.txt. |
Note | Character serials must be in the range 1 to 0x3FFFFFF (inclusive), while item serials must be between 0x40000000 and 0x7FFFFFFF (inclusive). |
09-06-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | New Item.process property Returns reference to the controlscript, if any running |
Changed | Script.attached_to now returns a reference to the Item when called on a ControlScript |
Added | New servspecopt.cfg option DefaultCharacterHeight (1-32) This will be the default (and never changed so far) height of Characters and NPCs. Default value is 15. Back in the POL095 days is was 9, so consider 9-15 as your "safe" play range. Anything outside that range could cause weird movement behavior. Even small changes will have a great impact on LOS calculations and, more in general, on the combat system. It is also used to calculate wether a Character can fit under a low passage (e.g. dungeon stairs). Keep in mind a Titan and a Slime will have the same height. |
09-05-2015 | Bodom: |
Changed | Process ids (pid) no longer start from 1 but from 0x01000000. This should have no practical effect. |
Added | Allow specifying an arbitrary Gump id in SendDialogGump() Custom gump ids must be in the range 1-0xFFFFFF. If no gumpid is given, the old behavior of using the pid will still be used (so that this does not break backward compatibility). It is now possible to organize the gumpids in a constants file and have the same gump to always be sent with the same id. This way the client will recognize it and, if the player moved it last time, it will reposition it where the player liked it: this should be a nice interface improvement. It is now possible to implement the Virtues gump, since it needs a pre-defined gumpid of 0x01CD to work. |
Changed | CloseGump() now accepts a gumpid instead of a pid. For scripts not using custom gump ids, its behavior is the same as before. |
09-03-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | Item insurance support, new Item.insured property (0/1) An insured item behaves on death like a newbie item, except that the insured flag gets reset back to 0 after every death. If the item for some reason (e.g. when backpack is full) will get dropped instead, the insured flag will be reset anyway. Insured items are not stackable with normal items but they can still be sold to vendors. |
Hint | this feature can also be used in conjunction with CanDie sys hook to determine via script which items a player will drop on death; since the CanDie hook is called exactly one moment before death you can use it to insure the items that you don't want to fall on the corpse. |
Added | RepSys NameColor and HighLightColor hooks can now return -1 to let the core run the builtin code. |
08-27-2015 | Bodom: |
Added | New eScript keyword: unused This keyword can now be added before a variable name in function or program block declarations. It has no effect on the resulting compiled code, but instructs the compiler not to issue a warning if the following variable will not be used. The compiler will instead fire a warning if the interested variable will then be used later in the code. Examples: program onremovescript( character, container, unused item, unused item_amount, movetype ) // Here the variables item and item_amount are needed in the program declaration but will not be used, // the unused keyword prevents warnings to be triggered endprogram function myfunc( parameter1, unused parameter_for_future_use ) // Same as above: parameter_for_future_use is not used and unused prevents the warning message endfunction |
07-27-2015 | Turley: |
Added | array.cycle([count]) will move array backwards or forwards in-place as it were a conveyor belt. {1, 2, 3}.cycle() Will make it: {3, 1, 2} Accepts a negative value as a shift to move different direction |
Changed | string.format() Now actually faster than string concatenation in eScript Fixes a bug where {:d} formating could cause an arbitrary number shown instead of a real value tag errors are slightly more intuitive and compact. |
Note | Patches submitted by andenixa |
02-08-2015 | Turley: |
Added | PolCore().memory_usage member, returns current process usage in KB |
Changed | 0xF1 Freeshard list pkt is now allowed during login state, thus its possible to create eg a UOGateway pkthook for this pkt |
01-31-2015 | Turley: |
Added | uo::ListMobilesInBox( x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ) like ListObjectsInBox but returns only mobiles. |
Changed | uo::List*InBox functions accept as z parameters LIST_IGNORE_Z Thx @ andenixa |
Added | uo::GetMidpointCircleCoords( xcenter, ycenter, radius ) based on given center coordinates and radius returns array of x,y structs which represent a circle Thx @ andenixa The array of coordinates is sorted, which means that its easily possible to only use every second point |
09-12-2014 | Nando: |
Fixed | Client crash with clients older than but newer than, because of wrong size in boat movement packets. |
07-12-2014 | Nando: |
Fixed | Items were not disappearing from the character's backpack after being moved to the corpse. |
Fixed | Items were disappearing from the corpse when an equippable item was moved/inserted into it. |
11-13-2014 | Nando: |
Added | EnforceMountObjtype property in pol.cfg. Will enforce that only items with the mount objtype (as defined in extobj.cfg, default 0x1F021) can be mounted. |
Fixed | Inconsistency when handling mount objects that would trigger an assertion for equipping items with the mount objtype but a bad graphic. |
Note | To be equipped as a mount, the item must be in the mount tiles list of uoconvert.cfg. This ensures that the item has layer 25 and the equippable flag, otherwise it won't be considered equippable. |
11-05-2014 | Nando: |
Added | polsys::Realms() will now report how many offline mobiles and multis there are. |
Added | "ShowRealmInfo" option in pol.cfg (default to false). Will report every once in a while the number of items, mobiles and multis per realm. |
Added | uo::ListOfflineMobilesInRealm(realm) method to return the list of offline mobiles in a specific realm. Useful for moving the offline mobiles out of a shadow realm before deleting it. |
Fixed | Crash bug when deleting shadow realms while an offline mobile or a multi were still in it. |
Fixed | Top-level items were not properly counted when moved between realms. |
10-29-2014 | Nando: |
Fixed | Crash bug when deleting item directly from a corpse. |
10-19-2014 | Turley: |
Added | AnimXlate.cfg for newer clients |
Added | example animxlate.cfg: defines which graphics support mount translation and per graphic type how to translate animation from older clients to newer ( see cfg for description of possible entries. |
09-23-2014 | Nando: |
Changed | Corpses will no longer send the full list of contents before being open. Only the equipped items will be shown. This should decrease slowdowns in areas with many corpses. |
09-21-2014 | Nando: |
Fixed | Corpses will now equip items that are placed on them, even if they don't have an OnInsert script. |
Fixed | Possible crash when items having layers larger than 25 were placed/removed from corpses. |
06-07-2014 | Tomi: |
Fixed | using DestroyItem or SubtractAmount on an item 'gotten' it will now first release the item and then destroy it |
Fixed | NPCs looks for players for enter/leftarea events when, these were only looking for npcs - moved with MoveObjectToLocation function - on every move - unhide - npc creation |
Fixed | Destroying an equipped item now calls unequip scripts |
Fixed | Changing cmdlevel with chr.cmdlevel := or chr.SetCmdLevel() sends updates correctly to see concealed characters Old Commits: |
Changed | pol.cfg MinCmdLevel checked already during the first accountlogin, so now it doesnt let those connections go all the way to char creation anymore. |
Fixed | Crash during character creation where equipment realm was not updated and pol crashed when unequipping/equipping. |
Fixed | Setting Enter/Left area event listening for npcs on range 32 did never send the left area on distance 33 |
05-26-2014 | Turley: |
Added | character.last_textcolor readonly member returns last textcolor of the character. Values are between 2 and 1001. Returns 0 if not yet spoken. (will not be saved inside of the datafile) |
05-06-2014 | Tomi: |
Added | Realm entry to startlocs.cfg, The earlier MapID still needed for the client to show the map correctly, but realm is needed for the server to put the character during creation in the correct realm, default value "britannia" |
04-05-2014 | Turley: |
Fixed | multi.items returns now all toplevel items inside of the multi |
03-15-2014 | Turley: |
Changed | sql functions connect, select and query perform the communication part in background while script itself is stopped (like eg Target()). Which means that these time consuming functions do not block the complete shard. Removed sql module from runecl, since it no more compatible. |
03-01-2014 | Nando: |
Added | Character.temporally_criminal is true when a criminal timer is running on the character. |
Note | The old property chr.criminal stays the same: it is true when the character is temporally criminal or a murderer. |
02-27-2014 | Tomi: |
Fixed | changing cmdlevel now updates correctly which concealed characters you see |
Fixed | crashes when parent script is killed before child script returns |
Fixed | crashes when reporting error in an armordesc entry defined in config\itemdesc.cfg |
02-25-2014 | Tomi: |
Added | Boat Smooth move for clients which support it ( HSA+ ) |
Added | boat.em flags ( These flags are ignored for boat movements sent to old than HSA clients ) const BOAT_SPEED_ONE_TILE := 1; const BOAT_SPEED_SLOW := 2; const BOAT_SPEED_MEDIUM := 3; const BOAT_SPEED_FAST := 4; |
Changed | boat.em functions MoveBoat( boat, facing ) to MoveBoat( boat, facing, speed := BOAT_SPEED_ONE_TILE ) MoveBoatRelative( boat, direction ) to MoveBoatRelative( boat, direction, speed := BOAT_SPEED_ONE_TILE ) |
Note | The same functions are used to move boats for older and never clients, older clients ignore the speed parameter, but the speed paramter is required for smooth move. The clientversions are checked in core to determine what type of boat movement will be sent |
02-01-2014 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Customhousing exterior stairs delete is now working, commiting does not readd them anymore |
Fixed | Customhousing changing floor is now sending a full msg instead of short msg, so no more synch needed after changing floors until you can start working on it |
01-20-2014 | Nando: |
Added | DisableNagle option in pol.cfg to disable Nagle's algorithm, default to 0. In theory, latency should improve if DisableNagle=1. |
01-20-2014 | Turley: |
Fixed | Made the sql module atleast a bit script friendly. Removed the mysql_free_result function since the result objects automatically get destroyed on scope exit. Passing the sql objects as function parameters is now also possible. mysql_close is now also senseless, but kept it for anyone who wants to directly close the connection. Boolean check for the connection object performs now a ping and returns false if the connection is lost (eg. timeout) |
12-31-2013 | Turley: |
Added | Print small backtrace on crash/passert failure, should help a bit without the need of the dump. Works only under Windows 64bit |
Changed | optimized world object storage and usage. Should improve eg pkt sends and scales better. |
11-03-2013 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Container Max Weight works now like it did earlier before _mod changes, all values <= 0 sets it as 0xFFFF max weight |
10-25-2013 | Turley: |
Fixed | newbie flagged backpack caused endless loop on death |
10-21-2013 | Tomi: |
Added | polsys::FormatItemDescription( desc, amount := 1, suffix := "" ) This formats the desc using Pols built in Singular/Plular formatter |
10-04-2013 | Turley: |
Fixed | \= operation |
10-01-2013 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Container.locked works again |
09-25-2013 | Tomi: |
Added | character.DisableSkillsFor( duration ) method to disable skills that are started with start_skill_script or by scritps defined in attributes.cfg for duration ( seconds ) This method overrides the default Delay setting in attributes.cfg if used ( for example if on failing a skill you want no delay just set it to 0 ) This can also be used to disable skills for example during an event or pvp |
Added | item.name_suffix for adding crafter marks or such item.desc returns the formatted name and suffix added to it without formatting if it exists does not include this suffix, so that can be used to get the item name without formatting and without suffix |
09-21-2013 | Tomi: |
Changed | Pol doesnt send "I am frozen" messages anymore when paralyzed, now it sends in all those cases "I am paralyzed" messages |
09-20-2013 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Invul changes now sends the healthbar color correctly for UOKR and later clients |
Fixed | All repsys changes now send the update correctly to yourself and all client around you |
Removed | support for murderer healthbars for UOKR clients. |
09-18-2013 | Tomi: |
Added | cfgfile::GetConfigIntArray, works the same way as GetConfigStringArray but returns an array of ints instead of strings |
Changed | now returns itemdesc.Desc without singluar/plural formatting if no name is set and name from tiledata if no itemdesc entry found |
09-17-2013 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Item.SplitStackInto and Item.SplitStackAt methods for non stackable items ( now also works splitting non stackable items 1 by 1 from a stack force created ) |
Fixed | Mountpieces will not be copied into corpses during character death anymore even if they are non movable |
09-03-2013 | Tomi: |
Changed | Equipment members .maxhp_mod .hp .maxhp and .quality moved to Item only Weapons and Armors need to have the MaxHP defined in itemdesc because core combat is using it, for all other items there is a default value 1 |
Added | Weapon RW member .speed_mod ( -32,768 to 32,767 ) as an optional way to delay if you want to use the default speed math and just add to that |
Fixed | upper limits using the container members .max_items_mod .max_weight_mod and .max_slots_mod if max_items >= 3200 it will be set to 3200 if max_weight >= 65535 it will be set to 65535 if max_slots >= 255 it will be set to 255 |
Note | None of these members can go below zero |
09-02-2013 | Tomi: |
Added | Container RW members .max_items_mod( −32,768 to 32,767 ) .max_weight_mod( −32,768 to 32,767 ) and .max_slots_mod( −128 to 127 ) ( default values 0 ) |
08-31-2013 | Turley |
Fixed | EScript memoryleak (eg myvar[blubb]:=othervar) |
08-28-2013 | Tomi ( based on andenixas patch ) |
Added | ssopt.MobilesBlockNpcMovement ( default true ) to determine if mobiles block the movement of npcs |
Note | Tamed npcs with same master ( npc.master ) still blocks each others movement even with the flag false to not allow them run on top of each others when following the master |
08-27-2013 | Nando (patch by andenixa, text adapted from forum post): |
Added | string.format( args ) - formats a string using the data from args Accepts the following format: {:x} for hex representation {:o} for octal {:b} for binary Add a # to get notation prefix: E.g. "{:x}".format(10) -> "a" "{:#x}".format(10) -> "0xa" Parameters can be simple: "You have {} gold coins".format(120) -> "You have 120 gold coins" and are unpacked implicitly by their order: "{} hits {} for {} of damage".format("John", "Bob", 120) -> "John hits Bob for 120 of damage" However you can specify parameters explicitly (first argument is at 1): "You hit {2} for {1} damage".format(120, "John Doe") -> "You hit John Doe for 120 damage" Format allows accessing object members: "Spell {1.spell_name} requires reagents: {1.reagents}".format(struct{spell_name:="Fire Wrath", "Ba, Bm, Ga"}) -> "Spell Fire Wrath requires reagents: Ba, Bm, Ga" Implicit members also work: "{name} you hit level {level}".format(struct{name:="Jane Doe", level:=4}) -> "Jane Doe you hit level 4" Character or item members are accessed the same way: "{}, your shield {2.desc} has {2.hp} hp".format(who, who.shield)" -> "Admin, your shield Buckler of Death has 150 hp" |
07-27-2013 | Tomi: |
Changed | UO::TargetMultiPlacement( character, objtype, flags := 0, xoffset := 0, yoffset := 0, hue := 0 ); New optional hue parameter to show hued multis which are supprted by clients >= 7.0.9 ( HSA ) Older clients ignores this option |
06-17-2013 | Kevin: |
Fixed | adding missing mysql_close() entry to sql.em |
Fixed | OpenSellWindow() "Buyable" container wasn't actually restricting what entries showed. Pass flag VENDOR_BUYABLE_CONTAINER_FILTER to enable this filter. |
05-25-2013 | Kevin: |
Fixed | bug in mysql_select_db() returning error on successful calls |
Fixed | adding missing mysql_free_result() entry to sql.em |
02-26-2013 | Kevin: |
Fixed | item.SplitStackInto(container,amount,add_to_existing_stack := 1) no longer requires three parameters and will default the add_to_existing_stack to 1/true if not present |
Fixed | item.SplitStackInto() with add_to_existing_stack == 1 will re-add the removed-portion of stack back to original item if it cannot add to the existing stack (ie, container's caninsert script returns false) |
Changed | item.SplitStackInto() with add_to_existing_stack == 1 will first attempt to add to an existing stack if found, and otherwise will create a new stack if no existing stack found. This is similar to how the existing CreateItemInContainer() works |
02-20-2013 | Tomi: |
Fixed | When changing graphic of a lightsource item, it now changes correctly the facing too. |
Fixed | Status bar now shows for weapon mindamage ( id.mindamage + dmg_mod ) and for maxdamage ( id.maxdamage + dmg_mod ) |
02-17-2013 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Changing invul status now updates it for the character itself too, not just all mobiles around |
02-15-2013 | Tomi: |
Fixed | item.SplitStackInto method |
01-04-2013 | Tomi: |
Added | Syshook CanTrade parameters ( character, drop_on_chr, item ) |
Note | This syshook runs when dropping an item on a character or when trying to add an item to a tradewindow |
12-15-2012 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Items now get their facing from tiledata flag if no itemdesc entry is found This fixes wrong lightsources for items such as lampposts |
12-08-2012 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Typo in uo.em with new LISTEX flags |
Added | const REALM_BRITANNIA_ALT to uo.em |
12-05-2012 | Tomi: |
Added | Pol now send on invul/murderer status changed for >= KR Clients packet 0x17 to get Yellow or Red color health bars |
Changed | UO:ListMobilesNearLocationEx added 2 new flags LISTEX_FLAG_PLAYERS_ONLY and LISTEX_FLAG_NPC_ONLY |
Changed | combat.cfg option "SendAttackmsg" to "SendAttackMsg" to match cases of other options |
Fixed | UO:MoveItemToContainer doesnt crash anymore when using add_to_exisitng stack parameter |
Fixed | item methods .SplitStackAt and .SplitStackInto doesnt crash Pol anymore when using add_to_existing_stack parameter |
11-16-2012 | Turley: |
Added | string methods: str.length() : returns like len(str) the length of the string str.upper() : returns like upper(str) the uppercase version and also modifies the str str.lower() : returns like lower(str) the lowercase version and also modifies the str str.find(Search,[Start]) : returns like Find(string, search, start) the index of the first occurance of 'search' after 'start' within str but unlike the basic.em function the Start parameter is optional if not given it searches the whole string str.join(array) : returns a string which is the concatenation of the array elements, seperated by str |
11-14-2012 | Turley: |
Changed | SplitWords( str, delimiter := " ", max_split := -1 ) it has now an additional parameter max_split, if given it limits the number of times that a string will be split |
default | -1 no limit (Patch submitted by andenixa) |
Added | ecompile its now possible to override through the cmdline GenerateDependencyInfo entry with "-D-" GenerateDebugInfo entry with "-x-" |
11-10-2012 | Turley: |
Added | uoclient.cfg Listener property "KeepClients" 1/0 default 0 if set to 1 clients keep this listener port even after different gameserver select |
Note | actually 1 is the old behaviour and 0 the old behaviour of pol.cfg ListenPort |
Added | pol.cfg "UseSingleThreadLogin" 1/0 default 0 if set all prelogin clients are handled inside the listener thread and not inside an extra thread this will reduce the amount of thread creates and destroys |
10-14-2012 | Tomi: |
Added | SystemHook "WarmodeChange" called when a character changes warmode status either by member .warmode or by clicking the warmode button on the paperdoll Params CharRef and new_warmode_status Return value is ignored |
10-09-2012 | Tomi: |
Fixed | packet 0x17 ( poison health bar packet ) was sending 2 bytes with wrong endian when sending to nearby clients |
10-08-2012 | Turley: |
Fixed | secured Shadowrealm delete, it will now iterate through all StorageArea Items and check if old shadowrealm property exists |
10-06-2012 | Tomi: |
Changed | setting an equipped item on NPC to movable 0 will make it visible on the corpse but invisible in the corpse, same as hair and beard have worked until now. |
10-05-2012 | Turley: |
Added | ecompile parameter -wP |
Added | ecompile.cfg entry ParanoiaWarnings |
Note | since "{}" is valid syntax, only complain about it if ParanoiaWarnings is enabled |
09-29-2012 | Turley: |
Added | ecompile parameter -T |
Added | ecompile.cfg entry ThreadedCompilation |
Note | if set will use openmp for parallel compilation |
09-25-2012 | Kevin: |
Fixed | Guild and alliance messages no longer send as regular speech messages. They are sent to all guild or alliance members online. |
Added | servspecopt.cfg CoreGuildMessages=0/1 default 1 to determine if core should handle guild and alliance messages. |
08-29-2012 | Turley: |
Fixed | Crash if a attached script kills the attached npc |
08-27-2012 | Tomi: |
Changed | MoveItemToContainer( item, container, x := -1, y := -1 ); to MoveItemToContainer( item, container, x := -1, y := -1, add_to_existing_stack := 0 ); |
Changed | item.SplitStackInto( container, amount ) to item.SplitStackInto( container, amount, add_to_existing_stack := 0 ) |
Note | The optional add_to_existing_stack parameter defines if the items moved to the container will look for an existing stack and add to it or just add as a new item ( old behaviour ) If add_to_existing_stack == 1 and there is no stack in the container, it will return Error "There is no existing stack", so its up to scripts to check this. |
Added | item.HasExistingStack( container ) to allow scripts to check if there is an existing stack in a container or not, returns the ItemRef of the stack if it exists. |
08-26-2012 | Nando: |
Removed | Support for ListenPort in pol.cfg when Multithread is activated. Everyone should be using uoclients.cfg by now! |
08-01-2012 | Kevin: |
Added | R/W member carrying_capacity_mod for mobiles to modify carrying capacity on a mobile-per-mobile basis. Is taken into account prior to global ssopt modifier. |
08-01-2012 | Kevin: |
Added | osmod::Debugger() to put current script in debug state to be attached by external debugging application |
Added | stacktrace debug command to print stacktrace. Displays: <size of stack> foreach stack element: <program counter> <file number> <line number> <number of local variables> foreach local variable: <variable name> <packed value> |
07-12-2012 | Tomi: |
Added | combat.cfg entry "SendAttackMsg" values 0/1 defaults to 1 setting this to 0 stops the core repsys system sending "is attacking you" messages. |
06-03-2012 | Tomi: |
Added | Readonly members .active_skill and .casting_spell for characters return values 0/1 if character has an active attached skill or spell script |
05-01-2012 | Tomi: |
Fixed | On equipped items .resist_*_mod members did not update character status window when changed Patch submitted by Agata |
04-15-2012 | Tomi: |
Added | R/W member editable 0/1 for maps |
04-14-2012 | Tomi: |
Added | Support for new map message packet 0xF5 for clients 7.0.13+ This packet supports the new facetXX.mul files and now can use every different realm for cartography maps and sea charts. |
Added | r/w member .facetid for Maps This has actually nothing to do with realms, the value is the same as in FacetXX.mul file |
04-06-2012 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Roof problem at 4th floor on a custom house. Patch submitted by Agata |
Added | Packet 0xD6 to be ignored for activity ( fixes inactivity logout for ML+ ) Patch submitted by OWHorus |
04-05-2012 | Kevin: |
Added | ecompile.cfg directive "ErrorOnWarning" and ecompile switch -y to treat warnings on errors during ecompile. Default is 'false' |
Fixed | various locations were showing warnings even without the -w switch provided. |
03-26-2012 | Tomi: |
Added | character readonly member .lastcoord returns struct{.lastx, .lasty, .lastz} |
03-09-2012 | Tomi: |
Fixed | uo::SendInstaResDialog() was sending wrong packet |
03-07-2012 | Tomi: |
Added | scripts/misc/dblclickitem.ecl to run a script on every double click on items. params are (mobile, item) usefull for removing meditation stuff and such in 1 place instead of every script. |
Note | this script will not be attached to the mobile and will run before any usescript. |
02-08-2012 | Tomi: |
Added | character readonly member .tradewindow return ContainerRef if the char has an active trade and error if no active trade |
02-06-2012 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Added orphan checks in Character::get_from_ground for both passed serial and items it itr through. Proper logging, returns, and continue used to keep from attempting movement of orphaned items after log report. |
02-05-2012 | Tomi: |
Changed | AR not required in ArmorDescs for Pol to start anymore, so now if Physical Resist used only no need to define AR 0 in the ArmorDesc. |
Changed | AR in ArmorDescs defaults to 0. |
02-02-2012 | Tomi: |
Added | Readonly member .multiid for boats and houses |
Fixed | Old boats didnt read the components correctly on server restart |
01-21-2012 | Tomi: |
Removed | Graphic from multis, no graphic entry needed for multis in itemdescs anymore, uoconvert doesnt add a graphic value to multis anymore. |
Added | MultiID entry to boats.cfg instead of the ObjType. |
Changed | Multi itemdescs now require MultiID to be defined for each multi. |
Note | Multi objtypes still need to be > MaxTileID from pol.cfg Example of a multi entry in itemdesc Boat 0x10000 { Name SmallBoatN MultiID 0x0 } |
Added | boats.cfg is now shipped with the core too with boats up to date with HSA so just remove what you dont use. |
Note | Reconvert of multis.cfg with UOConvert needed Make sure you have a itemdesc entry for every boat direction |
01-21-2012 | Turley: |
Fixed | RequestInputUC() for eg russian chars |
01-16-2012 | Turley: |
Changed | SpeedUp for uoconvert |
01-14-2012 | Turley: |
Changed | UnicodespeechEvent additional Member "tokens" if speech has (speech.mul) Tokens, gives array of spoken TokenIDs |
Added | servspecopt.cfg SeperateSpeechTokens=1/0 default 0 when set RegisterForSpeechEvents() and EnableEvents/DisableEvents behave different |
Added | uo:RegisterForSpeechEvents Flags LISTENPT_HEAR_TOKENS,LISTENPT_NO_SPEECH |
Added | SYSEVENT_TOKEN_SPEECH:=0x4000 and SYSEVENT_TOKEN_GHOST_SPEECH:=0x8000 for uo:EnableEvents/DisableEvents |
Note | if SeperateSpeechTokens is set you can control which events you get, for NPCs you only get speech with tokens if you set SYSEVENT_TOKEN_SPEECH/SYSEVENT_TOKEN_GHOST_SPEECH and non Token speech with SYSEVENT_SPEECH,SYSEVENT_GHOST_SPEECH for RegisterForSpeechEvents() you get speech with and without Tokens when setting LISTENPT_HEAR_TOKENS and no speech without Tokens setting LISTENPT_NO_SPEECH |
Note | Token and nonToken Eventtype is still the same (SYSEVENT_SPEECH) |
01-03-2012 | Turley: |
Changed | major rewrite of primitive operators +,-,*,/,... major speedup of +=,-=,... |
Added | finally support for +=,-=,*=,/=,%= with objectmembers, like who.resist_fire_mod+=1 |
Note | if member would return UnInit or Error it does nothing so its like (only faster and atomic): var temp:=who.resist_fire_mod; if (!(TypeOfInt(temp) in {OT_UNINIT,OT_ERROR})) temp+=1; who.resist_fire_mod:=temp; endif |
01-02-2012 | Turley: |
Added | XMLFile/XMLNode.removexmlnode(int value) removes node of given index XMLFile/XMLNode.removexmlnode(XmlNode node) removes given node XmlNode.clonenode() since all NodeObjects get destroyed when the corresponding XmlFileObject is destroyed, use this method to store a node for later use. |
12-18-2011 | Nando: |
Changed | internal handling of intrinsic weapons' unload. |
Removed | INTRINSIC property from Weapon template in itemdesc.cfg. An error occurs if it's set. Some shards might have forgot to set it, which would cause damage to intrinsic wrestling weapon. This is now handled automatically. |
12-17-2011 | Nando: |
Changed | boats.cfg entries are now "Name Graphic X Y <Z>", where Z is optional and defaults to zero. |
12-17-2011 | Tomi: |
Added | Support for hued boats, use the normal .color r/w member to change the hue Patch Submitted by Agata |
12-14-2011 | Tomi: |
Changed | objtype vectors changed to maps to only reserve as much memory as there are itemdesc entries, not reserving memory for up to 4 billions of objtypes. |
Changed | boats.cfg entries changed from "Name Graphic X Y" to "Name Graphic X Y Z" because some of the new boat components requires different Z levels than the boat itself. |
12-13-2011 | Austin: |
Added | Support for destroy scripts on multis. |
12-13-2011 | Tomi: |
Added | Support for HSA boats ( no smooth move yet, but now all boats are usable ) |
Changed | boat.cfg to support new entries "Rope", "Wheel", "Hull", "Tiller", "Rudder", "Sails", "Storage", "Weaponslot" there can be more than 1 of each entry the old entries "Tillerman", "Hold", "PortGangplankExtended", "PortGangplankRetracted", "StarboarGangplankExtended", "StarboardGangplankRetracted" support just 1 entry each or the boat members get broken |
Added | ReadOnly members for boats .components returns an array of ItemRefs of all the components on the boat .hull returns an array of ItemRefs of all the hull components on the boat, or empty array if none. .rope returns an array of ItemRefs of all the rope components on the boat, or empty array if none. .wheel returns an array of ItemRefs of all the wheel components on the boat, or empty array if none. .rudder returns an array of ItemRefs of all the rudder components on the boat, or empty array if none. .tiller returns an array of ItemRefs of all the tiller components on the boat, or empty array if none. .sails returns an array of ItemRefs of all the sails components on the boat, or empty array if none. .storage returns an array of ItemRefs of all the storage components on the boat, or empty array if none. .weaponslot returns an array of ItemRefs of all the weaponslot components on the boat, or empty array if none. Changed extobj.cfg to support new entries for all the new boat component types and changed the default value of all entries. extobj.cfg entries with default values: Tillerman=0x1F010 Port_Plank=0x1F011 Starboard_Plank=0x1F012 Hold=0x1F013 Rope=0x1F014 Wheel=0x1F015 Hull=0x1F016 Tiller=0x1F017 Rudder=0x1F018 Sails=0x1F019 Storage=0x1F01A Weaponslot=0x1F01B Wrestling=0x1F020 Mount=0x1F021 Secure_Trade_Container=0x1FF01 Wornitems_Container=0x1FF02 |
Note | extobj entries just let you define the objtypes, all of these still have to be defined in itemdescs for boats to work correctly. extobj.cfg is now shipped with the core. |
12-05-2011 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Door methods .open() and .close() were working opposite what they should. |
12-04-2011 | Tomi: |
Fixed | EA broke the prof.txt with the latest clients adding "Evaluating Intelligence" and "Spirit Speak" with spaces that resulted into skillnumber 0xFF and skillvalue 0 |
Added | UO::UpdateItem( item ); updates the item to every client in range, good to use for example after returning 1 in some packethook and the item get invisible. |
12-01-2011 | Nando: |
Fixed | Client hanging after having his connection refused on login. I recommend testing different ways of having a client disconnected, like acct.disable(), .ban() and others. |
12-01-2011 | MuadDib: |
Changed | UoClientGeneral.maxskills changed to unsigned short. Few places in loops with it changed to use same for the loop counter. |
11-30-2011 | Tomi: |
Fixed | Old style spellbooks. |
11-29-2011 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Fixed a script breaker caused by inserting new TypeOfInt() constants in the middle of the Enum. Moved SQL Types to end of list. |
Added | Added SQL entries to the Basic.EM since were missing. |
11-29-2011 | Tomi: |
Added | Opengraphic itemdesc entry for Doors ( optional parameter, no need to define if you dont want to use the built in methods ) |
Changed | how built in .open() .close() and .toggle() methods works. The now read the graphic what to open to from itemdesc instead of just checking with & 0x1. this makes those methods works for new doors too and not only T2A era doors. |
Changed | basic::CChrz( intarray ) to basic::CChrz( intarray, break_at_first_null := 0 ); if the break_at_first_null parameter is 0 it uses the old behaviour to just skip the nulls and still convert everything if the break_at_first_null parameter is set to 1 it stops the conversion to string at the first null it finds. |
Changed | All Write(ctBeu16( calls for graphics and colors to use WriteFlipped, this seems to have fixed the assertion errors that occured with removal of the color_ext and graphic_ext |
11-28-2011 | MuadDib: |
Removed | UObject->Color_Ext : Removed, and when used is replaced with ctBEu16() calls. This includes read/write of /data files. |
Removed | Last of any UOX references for imports. Most was all commented, a few empty refences was also left. All now removed completely. |
11-27-2011 | MuadDib: |
Removed | UObject->Graphic_Ext : Removed, and when used is replaced with ctBEu16() calls. This includes read/write of /data files. |
Note | UObject->Serial_Ext will not be removed as previously considered, due to the orphan system making primary use of this. |
11-27-2011 | Nando: |
Fixed | corrected memory leak in cfgfile::GetConfigStringDictionary(...) |
11-26-2011 | Tomi: |
Changed | CascZ( str ) to CascZ( str, nullterm := 0 ) if nullterm 1 it adds the terminating 0 in the end of array. |
Note | Recompile of scripts needed. |
11-24-2011 | Tomi: |
Added | Support for Mysticism and BardMasteries spell books Mysticism Spell ID's 678 -> 693 and BardMasteries spell ID's 701+ |
11-23-2011 | Tomi: |
Added | can_insert and on_insert scripts for Tradewindows |
11-22-2011 | Kevin: |
Added | pol/sqlscrobj.cpp pol/sqlscrobj.h |
Changed | pol/module/sqlmod.cpp pol/module/sqlmod.h Add preliminary MySQL database support. New eScript objects: BSQLConnection, BSQLResultSet, BSQLRow Added several new sql module functions: mysql_connect(host,username,password); mysql_query(connection,query); mysql_fetch_row(result); mysql_affected_rows(result); mysql_num_fields(result); mysql_num_rows(result); mysql_select_db(connection,database); mysql_field_name(result,column_index); mysql_free_result(result); mysql_close(connection); In order to build with MySQL support, define the HAVE_MYSQL preprocessor directive in your build configuration. You must have the MySQL headers and libraries installed. Only really tested with dynamically linking mysql libraries on Linux. |
Added | pol/network/auxclient.h |
Changed | pol/network/auxclient.cpp pol/module/osmod.cpp pol/module/osmod.h clib/socketsvc.cpp clib/socketsvc.h Moved AuxClient-related classes to its own header file (shared between auxclient.cpp and osmod.cpp) Implemented os::OpenConnection() to create outgoing TCP/IP connections. |
Changed | runecl/runecl.cpp Added the sql module to runecl to allow quick testing |
Changed | pol/uoscrobj.cpp pol/mobile/charactr.cpp pol/mobile/character.h bscript/parser.cpp bscript/objmembers.h Added read/write property "mountedsteps" for mobiles. Represents number of steps taken while character was mounted. |
Changed | bscript/parser.cpp Declaring an array only using "{}" will show a compiler warning; please explicitly state 'array', 'struct', or 'dictionary' |
Changed | pol/pol.cpp If using Linux, remove on shutdown of pol. |
Changed | pol/uoexec.h pol/scrsched.cpp Added script option "AUXSVC_ASSUME_STRING" which will allow aux service connections to send and receive non-packed strings. |
Changed | ecompile/ecompile.cpp If using Linux, a slash ("/") cannot be used to define ecompile options to allow support for absolute filenames. |
Changed | bscript/object.cpp bscript/bobject.h Implemented array operation MultiSubscript. Will return a splice of an array, eg: array{"a","b","c","d","e"}[2,4] will return array{"b","c","d"} |
11-12-2011 | Tomi: |
Added | Pol/config/extobj.cfg Values it accept now and default values are Tillerman=0xF010 Port_Plank=0xF011 Starboard_Plank=0xF012 Hold=0xF013 Wrestling=0xF020 Mount=0xF021 Secure_Trade_Container=0xFF01 Wornitems_Container=0xFF02 |
Note | These values HAVE TO BE > pol.cfg max_tile_id and the same as objtype for them in itemdescs |
Added | UOExpansion HSA server sends now 0x387DF |
11-11-2011 | Tomi: |
Changed | Objtypes are now from 2 up to max_objtype from pol.cfg |
Note | if objtypes <= pol.cfg max_tile_id and no graphic defined in itemdesc Pol uses objtype as graphic. Multis and custom items should all be moved to > pol.cfg max_tile_id |
Added | support for new 0xA9 packet for clients >= |
Changed | startlocs.cfg default values for MapID ( 0 ) and Cliloc ( 1075072 which is the Yew town information ) Example: StartingLocation Yew { City Yew Description Town Center Coordinate 535,992,0 MapID 0 Cliloc 1075072 } |
Note | MapID is the same number as in mapX.mul files Cliloc values are the description of the start locations Newest clients has max stats during char creation 90 |
11-06-2011 | Tomi: |
Added | pol.cfg setting MaxObjtype <default 0x20000> |
Note | can be any value between 0x20000 and 0xFFFFFFFF |
10-26-2011 | Tomi: |
Added | support for clients >= ( 2D ) char create packet 0xF8 Enchanced clients still use packet 0x8D |
10-15-2011 | Austin: |
Added | .doubleclickrange for items (read only). |
09-03-2011 | Turley: |
Added | DestroyMulti(house) returns error "House currently being customized." |
Added | house.cancelediting(chr, drop_changes) will stop editing mode. drop_changes 1/0 if true drops all non committed changes |
Errors | "House is not custom","House is currently not been edited","Character is not editing this house" |
Added | Syshook CloseCustomHouse(mobile, house) called after client quits editing, or when house.cancelediting() is called return value is ignored |
Added | servspecopt.cfg "SpeedHack_MountRunDelay" default 80 ms "SpeedHack_MountWalkDelay" default 180 ms "SpeedHack_FootRunDelay" default 180 ms "SpeedHack_FootWalkDelay" default 380 ms Change them on your own risk |
08-08-2011 | Austin: |
Added | servspecopt.cfg flag "ScriptedMerchantHandlers" default is 0 which results in no change in behavior. If enabled, the below change will come into effect: |
Changed | When a player buys something from a merchant the core will not longer handle taking gold from the player, and moving items to the players pack. When the event for EVID_MERCHANT_SOLD and EVID_MERCHANT_BOUGHT is sent it will be a struct containing the following struct: struct.type = EVID_MERCHANT_SOLD or EVID_MERCHANT_BOUGHT struct.source = player buying struct.shoppinglist = array( struct.item, struct.amount ) The shopping list items will still be items in the merchant's container. It is up to the script to split the items from the stacks there and move them to the player's pack. It is also up to the script to handle gold checks and consumption. |
Added | item.SplitStackInto(container, amount) Will split the item into 2 stacks. Returns a reference to the new stack made from item. Places new stack into the container. |
Added | item.SplitStackAt(x, y, z, realm, amount) Will split the item into 2 stacks. Returns a reference to the new stack made from item. Places new stack at the coordinates. |
05-19-2011 | Turley: |
Added | CustomHousing Support (beta) officially added uo::SendHousingTool( who, house ); |
Added | script call of "scripts/misc/customhousecommit.ecl" on commit (noncritical) |
params | ( who, house, houseelemarray ) houseelem = struct{graphic,xoffset,yoffset,z} to get the real coords from an elem add house.x/y called after client presses the commit button to accept the changes call new method house.acceptcommit(chr,1) or house.acceptcommit(chr,0) to drop the commit main purpose should be calculation of cost (with delta support for later changes), link establishing of houseteleporters (0x181D - 0x1828) and adding a signhanger/sign if you didnt added it during multifoundation buildup Doors and Teleporters are added to house components as normal items without any special treatment so dont forget to add scripts/itemdesc entries |
Added | member multi.house_parts returns array of structs{graphic,xoffset,yoffset,z} or error if not a custom house, or currently been edited to get the real coords from an elem add house.x/y |
Added | method multi.addhousepart(graphic,xoffset,yoffset,z) returns true or error |
Added | method multi.erasehousepart(graphic,xoffset,yoffset,z) returns true or error |
Added | members multi.house_editing / who.house_editing returns true if house is currently been edited / who is currently editing |
Note | house.setcustom(1) is needed before SendHousingTool() works |
Note | during editing chr is only allowed to walk inside the house all components which are not invisible get removed from component list during edit and added to design (not invisible to give the chance to eg protect a house sign from been removed from the editing char) any item inside the house will be invisible for the chr any other mobiles get moved outside the house |
Note | param houseelemarray in script call is the current list of houseparts, multi.house_parts gives you the last stored list |
Note | until no house.acceptcommit() is called and start of commitscript no new SendHousingTool() for this house is allowed |
05-04-2011 | Turley: |
Fixed | Questarrow packet |
04-30-2011 | Turley: |
Fixed | enter/leave-events for NPCs (OWHorus) |
Fixed | diagonal moves in npc::CanMove() and uo::FindPath() (OWHorus) |
04-03-2011 | Turley: |
Added | uotool param checkmultis prints infos about used center item |
03-12-2011 | Turley: |
Fixed | npc:SayUC() sends SpeechEvent for do_event==SAY_DOEVENT_ENABLE |
Changed | removed warning "No handler for skill.." and changed sysmsg to "That skill cannot be used directly." since most of the time the behaviour is wanted |
Added | basic::TypeOfInt( expr ) + basic.em constants returns like TypeOf() the type of given parameter, but returns instead of a string an integer (see basic.em constants) since integer comparison are way faster then string comparison this function should always be used for comparisons |
03-10-2011 | Turley: |
Added | pol.cfg AccountDataSave (default -1) Values: -1 : old behaviour, saves accounts.txt immediately after an account change 0 : saves only during worldsave (if needed) >0 : saves every X seconds and during worldsave (if needed) |
02-15-2011 | Turley: |
Changed | "in" keyword now returns the arrayindex or 0 if no match was found |
02-05-2011 | Turley: |
Fixed | no exception will be thrown if region enter/leavescript doesnt exist |
Fixed | windows trayicon |
10-22-2010 | Turley: |
Fixed | UOHSA packet changes |
Added | mobile.clienttype / client.clienttype HSA flag 0x200 |
09-06-2010 | Turley: |
Added | TinyXML based xml reading/writing |
Added | file::OpenXMLFile(filename) opens given filename and returns XMLFile object fileaccess.cfg is checked file::CreateXMLFile() creates an empty XMLFile object XMLFile.setxmldeclaration(string version, string encoding, string standalone) sets xmldeclaration eg <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> XMLFile.appendxmlnode(string value, struct{attributes}) appends Node with name value and given attributes (key=name, value=value) XMLFile.appendxmlcomment(string value) appends Comment XMLFile.removexmlnode(string value) removes first node of given value XMLFile.savexml(string filename) saves to filename fileaccess.cfg is checked XMLFile.xmltostring([string indent]) returns the xml file as String with given indent string {default "\t"} XMLFile[string] returns first node of given name XMLFile[integer] returns node of given index (1-based) |
Added | XMLNode object XMLNode.attributes returns XMLAttributes object XMLNode.type returns type string (XMLComment, XMLDeclaration, XMLDocument, XMLElement, XMLText, XMLTypeCount, XMLUnknown) XMLNode.firstxmlchild([string value]) returns first child or first child of given name XMLNode.nextxmlsibling([string value]) returns next sibling, or next sibling of given name XMLNode.appendxmlnode(string value, struct{attributes}) appends Node with name value and given attributes (key=name, value=value) XMLNode.appendxmlcomment(string value) appends Comment XMLNode.setxmlattribute(struct{attributes}) sets attributes for node XMLNode.removexmlattribute(string key) removes attribute of given key XMLNode.removexmlnode(string value) removes first node of given value XMLNode.appendxmltext(string text) appends text to node XMLNode[string] returns first node of given name XMLNode[integer] returns node of given index (1-based) |
Added | XMLAttributes object XMLAttributes.propnames() returns Array of all attribute names XMLAttributes[string] returns value of given attribute name |
Added | foreach loop support: XMLFile, XMLNode: iterates over all child Nodes iterator is XMLNode object, "_iterator_iter" is integer index |
XMlAttributes | iterates over all attributes iterator is a struct with key=attributename, value=attributevalue "_iterator_iter" is integer index |
Note | small examples: one way to read an xml file: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <root> <Hello>World</Hello> <!--Comment--> <nodetwo i="1" /> </root> var file:=OpenXMLFile("helloworld.xml"); parsenode(file,""); function parsenode(node,i) foreach blubb in node syslog(i+cstr(blubb)+" ["+blubb.type+"] ("+cstr(_blubb_iter)+")"); parseattrib(blubb,i+"-"); parsenode(blubb,i+" "); endforeach endfunction function parseattrib(node,i) foreach ele in (node.attributes) syslog(i+cstr(ele)+" ("+_ele_iter+")"); endforeach endfunction one way how to create such an file: var file:=CreateXMLFile(); file.setxmldeclaration("1.0","",""); file.appendxmlnode("root"); file["root"].appendxmlnode("Hello"); file["root"]["Hello"].appendxmltext("World"); file["root"].appendxmlcomment("Comment"); file["root"].appendxmlnode("nodetwo",struct{i:=1}); file.savexml("helloworld.xml"); |
08-20-2010 | Turley: |
Fixed | util:StrFormatTime() checks if format string is correct and if not returns "Invalid Format String." error instead of server crash |
08-09-2010 | Turley: |
Fixed | exported function calls a different exported function stops execution (eg repsys functions in same script) |
06-22-2010 | Turley: |
Fixed | uo::RestartScript() wakes up old script so it stops immediately |
06-19-2010 | Turley: |
Fixed | uo::SendDialogGump SENDDIALOGMENU_FORCE_OLD for 2d 7.x clients (UOKR & UOSA clients ignore the flag) |
03-27-2010 | Turley: |
Added | os::Start_Skill_Script( chr, attr_name, script_name := "", param := 0 ) starts for given chr and attr_name definied script (overrideable with param script_name) param is any UObject given to skill script as second param (first is chr) performs the same checks like normal skillusage (death,frozen,skilldelay,...) (Tomi) |
03-26-2010 | Turley: |
Changed | uo::DisconnectClient() now accepts client or character object (Tomi) |
03-24-2010 | Turley: |
Added | ClientRef object pkt.sendpacket() & SendPacket() now accepts client or character r/o members: ip, acctname, clientversion, clientinfo, clienttype, clientver_detail, uo_expansion_client methods: compareversion() used as prelogin param for packethooks instead of old struct (so you can send packets) |
Added | character.client returns ClientRef object or error |
Note | This or next release duplicate members/methods get deleted from chr (except acctname) |
03-17-2010 | Turley: |
Fixed | Trim: left&right doesnt return empty string if complete string has to be trimmed |
03-12-2010 | Turley: |
Fixed | uoconvert - default value of MaxTileID (0x3FFF) |
Added | uoconvert param {maxtileid=0x3FFF/0x7FFF} (if uodata= param is given pol.cfg never gets read) |
02-20-2010 | Turley: |
Changed | ListStaticsInBox,ListObjectsInBox,ListMultisInBox now swap x,y,z values if in wrong order |
Added | uo::DistanceEuclidean(obj1, obj2) & uo::CoordinateDistanceEuclidean(x1, y1, x2, y2) returns the Euclidean distance as double ( sqrt(pow(x1-x2,2)+pow(y1-y2,2)) ) |
02-18-2010 | Turley: |
Added | (Tomi) Syshook UnHide(mobile) return values 0 stops the char from unhiding and 1 let the core process it. |
Added | (Tomi) "DisableCoreChecks" 0/1 (default 0) to each attribute entry in attribute.cfg if true the core will not check during skill_use ( from skillwindow ) for active skills, active spells, frozen, paralyzed or delay if false core will check everything as it does now. |
Changed | Increased Maximum UO SkillID to 57 (default value of uoclient::MaxSkillID) |
02-17-2010 | Turley: |
Fixed | direct usage of struct/dictionary initializer in array/dictionary/struct definition |
eg | var dict:=dictionary; dict["blubb"]:=struct{a:=1}; |
02-16-2010 | Turley: |
Fixed | StrReplace,SubStrReplace return "Invalid parameter type" instead of crashing if non string object is given as to_replace, replace_with |
Fixed | Several small memoryleaks |
02-04-2010 | Turley: |
Added | polcfg:DiscardOldEvents 1/0 {default 0} if set instead of discarding new event if queue is full it discards oldest event and adds the new event |
Changed | "Event queue is full.." only prints if polcfg.LogLevel >= 11 |
02-03-2010 | Turley: |
Added | MethodScript support for mobiles |
NPC | npcdesc.cfg MethodScript entry |
Character | uoclient.cfg section "General" MethodScript entry |
02-01-2010 | Turley: |
Added | multi create additionally checks for valid realm coord of the corners |
Changed | uotool staticdefrag [britannia] (removed "realm=") |
Added | uotool formatdesc [desc] little helper prints singular & plural form of given desc |
01-22-2010 | Turley: |
Added | Speedhack Prevention System |
Added | ssopt::SpeedhackPrevention 0/1 (default 0) |
Added | chr priv "speedhack" disables Speedhack Prevention for chr |
01-15-2010 | Turley: |
Added | (Tomi) chr priv "runwhilestealth" you can run while you are in stealth for as many stealthsteps you have |
Added | (Tomi) new npcdesc entry "SaveOnExit" 0/1 ( defaults to 1 ) |
Note | this also means that SaveOnExit can be definied in the override_properties struct |
Changed | vitals::ApplyDamage( mobile, damage, userepsys := DAMAGE_USE_REPSYS, send_damage := DAMAGE_USE_DEFAULT ) vitals::ApplyRawDamage( character, hits, userepsys := DAMAGE_USE_REPSYS, send_damage := DAMAGE_USE_DEFAULT ) const DAMAGE_NO_SHOW := 0; const DAMAGE_SHOW := 1; const DAMAGE_USE_DEFAULT := 2; DAMAGE_USE_DEFAULT uses the SendDamagePacket setting from combat.cfg (Tomi) |
Added | uo::SendOverallSeason( season_id, playsound := 1 ) Used to send the Season packet 0xBC to all clients logged on. This function doesnt resend the lightlevel or weather after it sends season, that has to be done by scripts. chr.setseason( season_id, playsound ) Used to send the Season packet 0xBC to a single character. This method doesnt resend the lightlevel or weather after it sends season, that has to be done by scripts. (Tomi) |
Changed | (Tomi) uo::SpeakPowerWords( who, spellid, font := _DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT, color := _DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR) font, color like every speech function |
01-14-2010 | Turley: |
Fixed | (Arkham) ip byteorder for gameserverlist if hostname is given |
Changed | (Tomi) gargoyle char create equips 0x1F03 robe |
Added | (Tomi) ssopt.NewbieStartingEquipment 1/0 (default 1) to determine if equipped items created during the character creation should be newbied or not. |
Changed | misc/oncreate.src added third param profession some clients doesnt send skillvalues if profession is given now core doesnt stop char creation, based on third param you can set the skillvalues in oncreate |
Added | more errorchecks to char create, it now checks if hair/beard/face can be equipped (fixes crash with latest OSI tiledata where facial horn has the same layer as "normal" horn) |
Added | Combatcfg:AttackWhileFrozen 1/0 (default 1) if set to false attack checks if chr is frozen or paralyzed |
01-12-2010 | Turley: |
Added | on Profile opening and update request "scripts/misc/charprofile.ecl" is called params are character, of_who, mode,uctext if mode==0 (request) uctext is 0 if mode==1 (update) uctext is new unicode array both modes ignore the return value - Tomi |
Added | uo::SendCharProfile( character, of_who, title, uneditable_text := CHARPROFILE_NO_UNEDITABLE_TEXT, editable_text := CHARPROFILE_NO_EDITABLE_TEXT ) will send the serverside charprofile packet back to client and display it for the player. uneditable_text & editable_text are unicode arrays constants are: const CHARPROFILE_NO_UNEDITABLE_TEXT := array; const CHARPROFILE_NO_EDITABLE_TEXT := array; - Tomi |
Note | Only a script interface for making a fully working CharProfile without packethooks. Not a fully working charprofile system controlled by the core, ALL text strings still have to be stored somewhere by scripts. |
01-01-2010 | Nando: |
Added | (Tomi) New itemdesc property "StackLimit", defines the maximum stack of that item (lower than 60k). If not defined, will default to 60000. |
Note | Happy new year. :) |
12-21-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | call of built-in method with ._methodname if overridden |
Added | Multis now support method script |
12-18-2009 | Turley: |
Added | file::CreateDirectory( dirname ) returns 1 on success else error ("Error in dirname descriptor","No parent path traversal please.", "Directory already exists.","Could not create directory.") |
Added | file::ListDirectory( dirname, extension := LISTDIR_ALL_FILES, listdirs := LISTDIR_DONT_LIST_DIRS ) extension param can be extension without "." or file.em constant file.em constants: const LISTDIR_LIST_DIRS := 0x1; const LISTDIR_DONT_LIST_DIRS := 0x0; const LISTDIR_NO_FILES := ""; const LISTDIR_ALL_FILES := "*"; returns array of strings or error ("Error in dirname descriptor","No parent path traversal please.","Directory not found.") |
Note | Both functions doesnt check file access rights |
12-17-2009 | Turley: |
Added | uo::CloseWindow( character, type, object ) - Tomi possible values for type const CLOSE_PAPERDOLL := 1; const CLOSE_STATUS := 2; const CLOSE_PROFILE := 8; const CLOSE_CONTAINER := 12; |
Note | if ( type == CLOSE_CONTAINER ) object has to be a ContainerRef, to close the open container gump. else object has to be a MobRef to close paperdoll, status or profile of the chosen mob. |
12-16-2009 | Turley: |
Added | Encrypted Client support - Tomi |
Changed | uoclient.cfg Listener::Encryption and pol.cfg ClientEncryptionVersion now support ignition = uorice = none, 2.0.0x and due to autocalculation (no patch) e.g. 7.0.4 for latest client default for both is "none" |
Note | Till OSI changes the encryption type pol now supports every encrypted client without updating the core (last change was 2.0.4) |
12-04-2009 | Turley: |
Removed | deprecated pol.cfg entries "MasterKey1","MasterKey2","ClientVersion","KeyFile" - Tomi |
Added | Gargoyles count as mounted while flying |
12-03-2009 | Turley: |
Added | basic gargoyle flying support (new movemode "F") |
Fixed | poison status for newer clients |
Note | gargoyles can "fly" on tiles with tiledata flag HOVEROVER (MAPDATA_FLAG_OVERFLIGHT) rebuilding of all realms is required currently flymode can only be activated clientside (0xBF:0x32) and if race=RACE_GARGOYLE renamed uo:TILEDATA_FLAG_NODIAGONAL to uo:TILEDATA_FLAG_HOVEROVER |
12-02-2009 | Turley: |
Added | 0xF3 packet is send instead of 0x1A for clients >= 7 or UO:SA clients - Tomi |
Added | polcfg MaxTileID 0x3FFF / 0x7FFF (default 0x3FFF) since client item graphic can be definied up to 0x7FFF - Tomi |
Added | "SA" for expansion type. This includes sending 0x187DF with packet 0xB9. - Tomi |
Added | support of new map TerMur - Tomi |
Note | uoconvert param: realm=termur mapid=5 width=1280 height=4096 uoconvert.cfg new stairs since SA: 0x1de0 0x1de1 0x1de2 0x1de3 0x1de4 0x1de5 0x1de6 0x1de7 0x1de8 0x1de9 0x1dea 0x1deb |
Added | Gargoyle support (race = uo:RACE_GARGOYLE) |
Added | support of UO:KR/SA char create packet 0x8D |
Added | new gargoyle hair & beard 0x4258-0x425F & 0x42AD-0x42B0 |
Added | UO:KR/SA face support |
Added | ssopt.SupportFaces 0/1/2 (default 0) set it to 1 to support basic faces set it to 2 to support roleplay faces (sets 0x2000 flag in 0xB9 packet) |
Note | Faces are normal items (like hair/beard) with layer 15, objtype 0x3B44-0x3B57 roleplay faces 0x3B4E-0x3B57 |
11-30-2009 | Turley: |
Added | polsys::MD5Encrypt(str) returns MD5 hash string. |
Fixed | RecalcVitals function for vital changes doesnt check if maximum value changed |
11-26-2009 | Turley: |
Added | Syshook CanDie(mobile) Called when the mobile is about to die, return 0 to stop death. |
11-24-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | missing realm check for ListenPoints |
11-23-2009 | Turley: |
Added | uotool param staticdefrag [realm=britannia] to defrag/remove duplicate statics (like fiddler does) |
11-20-2009 | Turley: |
Changed | RecalcVitals( character, calc_attribute := RECALC_INTRINSIC_MOD, calc_vital := RECALC_VITALS ) const RECALC_INTRINSIC_MOD := 1; const RECALC_NO_INTRINSIC_MOD := 0; const RECALC_VITALS := 1; const RECALC_NO_VITALS := 0; possible values for calc_attribute: RECALC_INTRINSIC_MOD - calls for every attribute the GetIntrinsicModFunction (old behaviour) RECALC_NO_INTRINSIC_MOD - skips the GetIntrinsicModFunction calls attribute name string - only calls the GetIntrinsicModFunction for given attribute possible values for calc_vital: RECALC_VITALS - calls for every vital the RegenRateFunction & MaximumFunction (old behaviour) RECALC_NO_VITALS - skips the RegenRateFunction & MaximumFunction calls vital name string - only calls the RegenRateFunction & MaximumFunction for given vital - based on Tomi |
11-19-2009 | Turley: |
Changed | chr.setlightlevel() now supports endless duration (-1) return is the new gameclock value - Tomi |
Added | [paralyzed] & [deafened] @ singleclick packet - Tomi |
Added | ServSpecOpt CoreSendsSeason 1/0 (default 1) Determines if the core should send season packet on char creation/logon/reconnect and realm change based on the season entry in realm.cfg. - Tomi |
Removed | "You cannot insert that item into the container." sysmsg after container CanInsert script returns 0 - Tomi |
Changed | uo::UpdateMobile(who, flags:=UPDATEMOBILE_UPDATE) const UPDATEMOBILE_RECREATE := 1; const UPDATEMOBILE_UPDATE := 0; if flags is UPDATEMOBILE_UPDATE old behaviour it sends update Mobile packet 0x77, if set to UPDATEMOBILE_RECREATE it sends recreate packet 0x78 - Tomi |
Added | ServSpecOpt CoreHandledTags (default 0xffff) bitfield to determine which tags are displayed on singleclick, current used bits are: 0x1 [title_guild] 0x2 [frozen] 0x4 [paralyzed] 0x8 [squelched] 0x10 [deafened] |
11-17-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | possible hang in party system remove object packet send when container is on a character several movement code bugs |
11-16-2009 | Turley: |
Added | NPCs receive EnteredArea event on char resurrect |
11-11-2009 | Turley: |
Changed | intern container MaxItems too highest possible value (packet size) its now 3200 |
Changed | container "can add"-functions to only check weight recursive |
10-22-2009 | Turley: |
Added | Syshook Ouch(mobile,lastx,lasty,lastz) Called if mobile falls atleast 22 down (fixed Clientside value) |
Added | uo::CanWalk(movemode, x1, y1, z1, x2_or_dir, y2 := CANWALK_DIR, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM) const CANWALK_DIR := -1; movemode is mobile.movemode string if y2 is CANWALK_DIR x2 is considered as direction (0-7) if x2 and y2 is given it calculates the needed direction returns new z value or error |
10-17-2009 | Turley: |
Added | PrivUpdater for "invul","seeghosts","seehidden" and "seeinvisitems" updates/sends/removes objects in visual range on enable/disable - Tomi |
Changed | .startlog/.stoplog checks now if priv "plogany" is enabled instead of only given - Tomi |
Fixed | priv "all" now works as expected if enabled every other priv is also enabled |
10-14-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | Methods Char.Squelch() and Char.Deaf() return the gameclock value they are in effect until. |
10-14-2009 | Turley: |
Added | char privilege "canbeheardasghost" With this privilege everybody can hear you even as a ghost (no 'oO' replacement) - Tomi |
Added | pol.cfg TimestampEveryLine 1/0 (default 0) if set every line in pol.log gets timestamp |
Added | char.deaf(duration) - duration in seconds. -1=forever, 0=off |
Added | char.deafened r/o |
10-12-2009 | Turley: |
Changed | Method/Syshook definitions now supports :pkg: format - Tomi |
Added | ServSpecOpt SpeechRange default 12 ServSpecOpt WhisperRange default 2 ServSpecOpt YellRange default 25 - Tomi |
10-10-2009 | Turley: |
Added | new Spellbook methods book.removespell(id) removes given spellid returns 1/0 book.addspell(id) adds given spellid returns 1/0 |
10-09-2009 | Turley: |
Added | new Spellbook methods book.spells() returns Array of SpellIDs book.hasspell(id) checks if SpellID is inside the spellbook returns 1/0 |
10-07-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | DestroyItem call inside CanInsert scripts |
10-03-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | SysHook::CanDecay(item). Return 0, core decay will ignore item and continue on the cycler. If it returns 1, core decay will handle the item as normal. - Patch submitted by Tomi |
Fixed | Useage of plural forms for more than 1 word in the itemdesc desc entry. - Patch by Tomi |
09-22-2009 | Turley: |
Added | Combatcfg:SendDamagePacket 1/0 default 0 if set sends packet 0xB (0xBF sub 0x22 for clients<4.0.7a) to attacker(ScriptController) and defender on ApplyDamage and ApplyRawDamage |
Added | new param to ApplyDamage & ApplyDamage they are now: ApplyDamage( mobile, damage, userepsys := DAMAGE_USE_REPSYS ); ApplyRawDamage( character, hits, userepsys := DAMAGE_USE_REPSYS ); const DAMAGE_USE_REPSYS := 1; const DAMAGE_NO_REPSYS := 0; If userepsys is set to DAMAGE_NO_REPSYS repsys system isnt called (on_attack & on_damage) |
09-22-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | NPC/Char ar/ar_mod internal handling rewrote. |
Fixed | NPC Elemental Resist/Damage storage issues. |
Fixed | Lightlevel resetting in client during Login. |
09-20-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | Spell casting no longer unhides. Be sure to update your scripts to unhide. |
Changed | SpeakPowerWords() will now check if mob is hidden. If so, it uses Private Say Above. |
09-18-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Multi Walk On Script support. Works for player and npc. Just add Walkon itemdesc entry to the house. |
Note | This is in early stages. While it is working, not all cases may register and deregister where a mob gets put onto or removed from a house. If you find cases that do, report to bugtracker. |
Removed | Storing scrolls inside spellbooks. Destroyed after insert is complete. |
Changed | Pre-AOS Clients still get the same packet they always did when opening a spellbook, built entirely off the bitflag system for newer spellbooks. So no more keeping scrolls inside of books. :D |
Note | As spellbooks are loaded for the first time with newer cores and as added to books, scrolls are marked SaveOnExit 0. Newly inserted scrolls from then on, are destroyed during insertion after spell contents are updated on the book. |
09-16-2009 | Turley: |
Removed | char.isUOKR |
Added | char.ClientType r/o bitfield |
Note | current Flags are: CLIENTTYPE_4000 = 0x1, // 4.0.0a (new spellbookcontent packet 0xbf:0x1b) CLIENTTYPE_4070 = 0x2, // 4.0.7a (new damage packet 0x0b instead of 0xbf:0x22) CLIENTTYPE_5000 = 0x4, // 5.0.0a (compressed gumps) CLIENTTYPE_5020 = 0x8, // 5.0.2a (Buff/Debuff 0xdf) CLIENTTYPE_6017 = 0x10, // (Grid locs) CLIENTTYPE_60142 = 0x20, // (feature enable 0xb9 size change) CLIENTTYPE_UOKR = 0x40, CLIENTTYPE_7000 = 0x80, // (Gargoyle race) CLIENTTYPE_UOSA = 0x100 |
Note | Pol will be now compiled with flag /LARGEADDRESSAWARE (win only flag) pol should now be able to consume more memory |
09-14-2009 | MuadDib: |
Removed | All import abilities built in to core for UOX data files. O_O |
Note | The file "import.txt" will be loaded each time POL loads, when found in the world data directory. This file's format is the same as, for example, the ITEMS.TXT file POL saves. You can use this for example, to store all your doors, decorations, etc, to ensure they are reloaded after a wipe, or loaded every time POL starts. These items are added to the real world, and saved to items.txt. However, if on load the same objtype is found at the same x y z as the item in IMPORT.TXT, it destroys that item, and loads the import one. |
09-10-2009 | Turley: |
Added | CompressedGump support packet 0xdd |
Added | flag param to SendDialogGump() SENDDIALOGMENU_FORCE_OLD/0 default 0 |
Note | SendDialogGump sends compressed gump if (client.isUOKR || (!SENDDIALOGMENU_FORCE_OLD && clientversion >=5.0.0a)) else old uncompressed |
Note | Patch submitted by Grin |
09-09-2009 | Turley: |
Added | ServSpecOpt CarryingCapacityMod (double default 1.0) as * modifier for mobile max_weight |
Note | Formula is (40 + strength * 7 / 2) * ssopt.CarryingCapacityMod |
Note | Since ML max weight is send for statusgump |
Note | Patch submitted by Tomi |
09-05-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | POL Linux builds will now create a PID file when loading. Patch submitted by Crazyman |
09-05-2009 | Turley: |
Added | struct .? and .- as shortcut for .exists() and .erase() |
09-03-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | CoreHitSounds, ScriptedAttackChecks, ResetSwingOnTurn, SendSwingPacket all moved from SSOPT to Combat CFG. |
08-19-2009 | Turley: |
Added | r/o member character.uo_expansion_client client sends this flag at packet 0x5D charselect and 0x00 createchar |
Note | values are: FLAG_T2A = 0x00, FLAG_RENAISSANCE = 0x01, FLAG_THIRD_DAWN = 0x02, FLAG_LBR = 0x04, FLAG_AOS = 0x08, FLAG_SE = 0x10, FLAG_SA = 0x20, FLAG_UO3D = 0x40, // ? FLAG_RESERVED = 0x80, FLAG_3DCLIENT = 0x100 // 3d Client |
08-14-2009 | Turley: |
Changed | Stopped spam of unknown packet for 0xBF.5 & 0xBF.C |
08-09-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Better handling of sending poison updated to UO:KR Clients. |
Changed | UpdateCharacterWeight() now sends correct packets instead of calling on RefreshAR() to notify client of new weight. Reduces overhead. |
08-07-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | New system in core for handling layers on items and corpses. On mobile death, only items equipped will be given the Layer prop in the corpse. |
Changed | New system for corpses also is affected by insert/remove of items to the corpse by script and drop into by player. Dropping new items into a corpse will cause it to set the layer accordingly long as nothing else is already using that layer on the corpse. |
Changed | Very small optimization to equip item code for handling the setting of layer. |
08-06-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | PasswordOnlyHash removed from core. Now only ClearText and Hashed Passwords will be used. Default is now PasswordHash instead of ClearText. |
Note | Using ClearText is not recommended as it leaves all your account's passwords wide open if the accounts.txt file is comprimised. You have been warned. |
Removed | Account.PasswordHash - This was for the PasswordOnlyHash. |
Added | Item.getgottenby Member. Returns CharRef of Player holding item, Error if not being held. |
08-06-2009 | Turley: |
Added | new Methods Character.setAggressorTo(chr) Character.setLawfullydamagedTo(chr) sets aggressor/lawfullydamaged for repsys.cfg:AggressorFlagTimeout seconds for given chr Character.clearAggressorTo(chr) Character.clearLawfullydamagedTo(chr) clears aggressor/lawfullydamaged entry for given chr |
08-04-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | RecalcVitals() and other internal parts of core that share recalc_vital_stuff() will now check to see if each vital has changed, before resending it to client. Reduces overhead. |
08-03-2009 | MuadDib: |
Removed | uopacket.cfg::is6017 has been removed. |
Added | uopacket.cfg::Version (1 or 2) Default 1 uopacket.cfg::Client (client version string) Default Read packethooks.txt for details. |
07-31-2009 | Turley: |
Added | ServSpecOpts::ResetSwingOnTurn=true/false default false Should SwingTimer be reset with projectile weapon on facing change |
Added | ServSpecOpts::SendSwingPacket=true/false default true Should packet 0x2F be send on swing. Client sends automatically move packet to face the opponent |
07-25-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Bug blocking equipping when intrinsic weapon was marked as two handed. |
07-17-2009 | Turley: |
Added | "ShadowRealms" polsys::AddRealm(realm_name,base_realm); returns 1 or error ("BaseRealm not found.","BaseRealm is a ShadowRealm.","Realmname already defined.") Creates a new Realm based on an other realm, uses same map and regions polsys::DeleteRealm(realm); returns 1 or error ("Realm not found.","Realm is not a ShadowRealm.","Mobiles in Realm.","Items in Realm.") Deletes a ShadowRealm, only if the realm is "clean" |
Note | ShadowRealms get saved/loaded in pol.txt |
Note | if ServerSpecOpt is set AddRealm/startup creates a Decaythread |
Changed | On realm change client gets RemovePacket for all objects inrange |
07-16-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Removal of Grid Index to items when Container::remove is called within the core. |
Added | ItemDesc::Container::MaxSlots = 1-255, default ServSpecOpts::MaxSlots |
Added | ServSpecOpts::UseContainerSlots=true/false, default false. |
Added | UseContainerSlots check to can add bulk code to ensure not going over max slot capacity of 255 and a container's max slot capacity. |
Changed | DropItem packets now redone for Slot support. Better handling internally, and core will move an item to next available slot if one sent is not available. Before code is used, it checks if UseContainerSlots is true. Note*: UseContainerSlots is not yet fully implemented. Will cause core to ignore all grid setting for core moved items. The purpose of this, is since Legacy 2D clients ignore this setting anyway, you can use this to ignore Max Slots and allow core to move items into a container regardless of MaxSlots settings (which is kinda like a secondary Max Items). With this enabled, it will enfore MaxSlots when core and player moves items to containers. If Max Items is not reached, it will check MaxSlots. If MaxSlots is not reached, allows moving the item into container. This is being added to allow to turn grid support on and off based on the client versions (and types) that you will be supporting on your shard. |
07-04-2009 | Turley: |
Added | new Object Class BinaryFile File::OpenBinaryFile( filename, mode := OPENMODE_IN, endian := LITTLE_ENDIAN ); like the other file functions it checks file access rights (fileaccess.cfg) (Read and/or Write) mode constants: const OPENMODE_IN := 0x01; // (input) Allow input operations on the stream const OPENMODE_OUT := 0x02; // (output) Allow output operations on the stream const OPENMODE_ATE := 0x04; // (at end) Set the stream's position indicator to the end of the stream on opening const OPENMODE_APP := 0x08; // (append) Set the stream's position indicator to the end of the stream before each output operation const OPENMODE_TRUNC := 0x10; // (truncate) Any current content is discarded, assuming a length of zero on opening endian constants: const LITTLE_ENDIAN := 0x00; const BIG_ENDIAN := 0x01; returns BinaryFile Object or error |
Note | implemented BinaryFile comparisons are true/false (!) checks if filestream is open == checks if filename is the same |
Added | BinaryFile methods: .close() closes the underlying stream returns 1 .size() returns the filesize or error .seek(int offset, int seekdir) sets position returns 1/0 or error seekdir constants: const SEEKDIR_BEG := 0x00; // beginning of sequence const SEEKDIR_CUR := 0x01; // current position within sequence const SEEKDIR_END := 0x02; // end of sequence .tell() gets current position returns int .peek() Reads and returns the next byte without extracting it (-1 if eof is reached) .flush() writes all unwritten chars from buffer to file .getInt32() gets unsigned 32-bit (4 byte) 1 or error .getInt16() gets unsigned 16-bit (2 byte) 1 or error .getInt8() gets unsigned 8-bit (1 byte) 1 or error .getSInt32() gets signed 32-bit (4 byte) 1 or error .getSInt16() gets signed 16-bit (2 byte) 1 or error .getSInt8() gets signed 8-bit (1 byte) 1 or error .getString(length) gets a string (1-byte characters) string or error .setInt32() sets unsigned 32-bit (4 byte) 1 or error .setInt16() sets unsigned 16-bit (2 byte) 1 or error .setInt8() sets unsigned 8-bit (1 byte) 1 or error .setSInt32() sets signed 32-bit (4 byte) 1 or error .setSInt16() sets signed 16-bit (2 byte) 1 or error .setSInt8() sets signed 8-bit (1 byte) 1 or error .setString(string string, int nullterminate) sets a string set nullterminate to 1 to append a 0 terminator 1 or error |
07-01-2009 | Turley: |
Changed | UoConvert now also saves the color of static tiles |
Added | ListStatics* return struct member "hue" |
Note | Rebuild of all realms is required |
06-29-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Additional check in internal grid checks on containers, to speed up handling for full containers. |
Added | ServSpecOpt.cfg::MaxContainerSlots=unsigned integer. This will allow setting the internal overall allowed item count for containers. This is introduced for future KR support. KR client is only 125, but we are making this here so custom clients later can support more slots. If you have containers with max item count over 125 and use ONLY 2D, and not KR, set this to your highest amount used! |
06-27-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | Item creation with ItemDescriptor can now override .Desc |
06-25-2009 | Turley: |
Added | new r/o Members (Array{Struct{"serial","ref","seconds"}}) Mobile.aggressorto Mobile.lawfullydamaged as interface for core repsyssystem |
06-20-2009 | Turley: |
Added | new r/w Members (Double) default 1.0 Mobile.movecost_walk_mod Mobile.movecost_run_mod Mobile.movecost_walk_mounted_mod Mobile.movecost_run_mounted_mod used as multiplier see movecost.cfg doc for exact calculation |
06-17-2009 | Turley: |
Added | Method Array.randomentry() shortcut for var entry:=array[RandomInt(array.size())+1]; |
Added | uo::GetRegionLightLevelAtLocation(x,y,realm) returns the current region lightlevel |
05-02-2009 | Turley: |
Added | new TargetCoordinates return member "multi" with multiref if coords are inside a multi |
04-17-2009 | Turley: |
Changed | SpeechMul SysHook has now an additional parameter with the complete message as string |
Added | party hooks: OnLeaveParty(who,fromwho) OnAddToParty(who) OnPartyCreate(party) OnDecline(who) OnLootPermChange(who) |
Note | OnLeaveParty fromwho==who if who removes himself |
Added | party General options: RemoveMemberOnLogoff 1/0 (default 0) RejoinPartyOnLogon 1/0 (default 0) |
Note | RejoinPartyOnLogon is only used if RemoveMemberOnLogoff is true, if partyleader logoffs the next member becomes the leader |
08-21-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | Regions where limited to 128 due to intern (char)id, changed to ushort |
07-31-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Cleanup crash in shutdown involving characters and combat. Now all clients and characters are disconnected by the core before any cleanup is intiated. This will begin the cleanup for client and character alike. |
07-20-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Item::Facing updates were no longer updating surrounding clients. |
Fixed | Bug with stackables where graphic and crops may be different, still allowing to combine stack (of same objtype) |
07-15-2009 | Turley: |
Added | Support for client and latest UOKR (this change breaks every older UOKR) packet 0xB9 has now a length of 5 |
06-28-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Graphic/Layer bug when changing graphic and item is equipped. Now core will block this, returning a Error Struct to the script when attempting to change the graphic of an item with layer set. |
06-27-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Layer bug with updating/sending equipped items |
06-20-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Reset now occurs for tile_layer internal property when graphic is changed on item class. |
Fixed | SetOpponent() for npcs will now once again correctly set the warmode. |
05-20-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | TypeOf() return of Error |
05-14-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | some Memoryleaks |
04-29-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | Exception on mobile.kill() if death/chrdeath.ecl does not exist |
04-28-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Removal of items from containers not sending destroy object to nearby clients when object removed. This affects containers when was owned by a character. |
04-21-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Crash at shutdown during character cleanup involving players that was in combat. |
04-20-2009 | Turley: |
Added | Comparison check == for Boat,Multi,GuildRef |
04-19-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Endian format for SendPartyMsg(). |
04-06-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | When adding ally/enemy guilds, removing ally/enemy guilds, adding/removing members, core now updates online members and those around them correctly. |
Added | If LogLevel in pol.cfg is higher than 1, new report added to console. If an account has AOS Expansion and uses a Spellbook, console now reports this if UOFeatureEnable does not contain 0x20 bitflag for new spellbook system in client. This is due to client issues with books using old methods when still recieving the AOS flag for an account. |
04-05-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | Keys/Seeds for packets 0x8C sent by LoginServer. to, I don't recommend using at all. 0xFEFEFEFC = UOKR Client 0XFEFEFEFD = 6050+ 2D Client 0xFEFEFEFE = Normal 2D client (pre- client) |
Note | Change to keys is for passing these details from Loginserver to Gameserver during loginprocess. Clients disconnect from LoginServer and Connect to Gameserver. This is the easiest method for identifying the client type connecting to your game server since versions are handled to decide this on the loginserver connection. |
04-04-2009 | Nando: |
Fixed | Removing an offline member from party was causing POL to crash. |
04-04-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Issue with resistances and damages from npcdesc.cfg. |
Note | NPC's eScript changing/quipping with Resistances/Damages will be rewritten in 099. We are putting this into 099 due to a Class Rewrite to NPCs that will resolve this issue and allow better expansions of the NPC class in the core. |
04-02-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Crash in cleanup of character objects during Shutdown and deletion. |
Fixed | Crash involving sending warmode information during disconnect/shutdown. |
04-01-2009 | Nando: |
Fixed | When creating a new char, attributes' caps weren't being set to the default value and were just set to a random value. |
03-30-2009 | Nando: |
Fixed | Sometimes when casting a spell, a race-condition would make POL end with a passert( !start_attached || (script_ex == NULL) ) error in chrituse.cpp. |
Fixed | Bug in Packet::GetString(offset, len) where it would return a string of 'len' ascii chars, regardless of having a null-byte in there. Will now limit to len or the first null-byte found, whichever comes first. |
03-30-2009 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Equipment.quality will now convert plain integers to Double/Float for it when using item.quality:=2; instead of item.quality:=2.0; |
03-28-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | Resend party list if remove hooks dont allow it |
03-27-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | Crash in party speechhandler |
03-27-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Crash in Basic::Trim(). Now checks explicitly for String as param 1. Errors out if not. |
Fixed | Event LeftArea and EnteredArea both being able to be triggered when 1 is actually disabled. |
03-25-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | StrReplace() and SubStrReplace() will now accept Dict/Struct/Array/Error as param 1 and converts them to string format (like when using print() or syslog()) before comparing/converting. |
03-24-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Crash with StrReplace() allowing to go past end of a string. |
Changed | StrReplace() will now allow the replace_with string to be empty, to remove the to_replace param from the string completely. |
Fixed | Crash in onRemove system for removing objects on npc/offline mobiles. |
03-22-2009 | Nando: |
Added | New servspectopt::SendStatLocks (default false) to send the stat locks message. Beware that this message will only be sent to clients which have major version > 3 (to avoid breaking older ones). |
Changed | Canceling of trade window will no longer trigger refreshing of AR/Resistances/Damages. It will only send the status bar packet to the client for weight updates. |
Changed | Updates so refreshing of AR/Resistances/Damages is not called when dropping items unless to equip them etc as should be. |
03-22-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Bug with items that use the Resource entry in ItemDesc.Cfg causing crashes on shutdown. |
03-20-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Storage system will now ignore all root containers with SaveOnExit set to 0. |
03-19-2009 | Nando: |
Added | UO::PlayMusic( chr, music_id := 0 ), plays the music with music_id on client. You can find the music id's this uses at your UO FOLDER/Music/Digital/Config.txt |
03-19-2009 | Turley: |
Added | on Chatbutton pressing "scripts/misc/chatbutton.ecl" is called |
Note | only simple implementation no Chatsystem! |
03-18-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Basic::Compare(str1, str2, pos1_start:=0, pos1_end:=0, pos2_start:=0, pos2_end:=0); Can be used in 3 overloaded ways. Returns 1 on compare success. Compare(string1, string2) Compare(string1, string2, string1_index, string1_length) Compare(string1, string2, string1_index, string1_length, string2_index, string2_length) Index is a starting position to begin the compare in the string, and length is the length to compare from the index. When using the 3rd method, you can compare substrings in both strings instead of just the substring of string1 to entire string2. |
Fixed | Bug with Player Color and their magic underwear in the Race Changer packet handling. |
03-18-2009 | Nando: |
Added | New ssopt option: CoreSendsCaps 0/1 (default 0), makes POL send attribute cap information in the Send Skills (0x3A) packet. |
03-17-2009 | Nando: |
Added | New ssopt option: DefaultAttributeCap (default 1000), defines which value POL should use as cap for attributes. |
Added | New attributes.cfg option: DefaultCap (default DefaultAttributeCap), to set the default for each attribute. |
Added | GetAttributeCap(who, attr), SetAttributeCap(who, attr, capvalue) and GetAttributeDefaultCap(attr). The names should explain it all. |
Note | Caps are defined in tenths (100.0 -> 1000, 55.2 -> 552), same as base values. |
03-17-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Concealed Updater now also run when changing command levels. |
Added | Basic::Trim(string, type, set). Trims whitespaces from strings String = String to trim from. Type = TRIM_LEFT, TRIM_RIGHT, TRIM_BOTH. Directions to trim the whitespace from. Default is BOTH. Set = Character set to trim as whitespace. Default is " ". |
Added | Basic::StrReplace(string, to_replace, replace_with). Replace all instances of to_replace in the string with replace_with. |
Added | Basic::SubStrReplace(string, replace_with, start, length:=0). Replace portion of string using replace_with, beginning at start for length. If length passed is 0 or lower, it replaces from start to end of string. Error Returns: "Index must not be negative", "Index out of range", "Length out of range", "Length must not be negative" |
03-12-2009 | Turley: |
Added | repsys.cfg General section "PartyHelpFullCountsAsCriminal 1/0" default 0 if 0 OnHelp does not set mobile to criminal if helped char is criminal/murderer when they are in the same party |
03-11-2009 | Turley: |
Added | new systemhook script 'OnCast' function OnCast(who, spellid) is called if who casts a spell (including macros) before all checks |
Return | 0 if you wish POL to perform the checks and casting, 1 if you want to handle it fully scriptside |
Note | The two partystatusgump buttons send spellid 11(green) and 29(red) with clientside reserved next target answer |
Added | on Paperdoll Guildbutton pressing "scripts/misc/guildbutton.ecl" is called |
Added | on Paperdoll Questbutton pressing "scripts/misc/questbutton.ecl" is called |
Added | on Paperdoll Virtuebutton (pentagram doubleclick) pressing "scripts/misc/virtuebutton.ecl" is called |
Removed | "Client tried to drop item to X,Y,Z but server is putting it at Z=" logmsg |
03-09-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | Console will no longer spam about invalid speech color. Instead it adjusts the color back to the default 1001 color and goes on. |
03-08-2009 | Turley: |
Added | Partysystem new savefile parties.txt new em Module party.em new cfg file config/party.cfg new Object Class Party savefile parties: saves Leader,Members and Cprops new Char members: r/o returns PartyRef or Error who.candidate_of_party r/o returns PartyRef or Error who.partycanloot 1/0 r/o PartyRef members: party.members r/o returns Array of OfflineCharRefs party.candidates r/o returns Array of OfflineCharRefs party.leader r/o returns OfflineCharRef PartyRef methods: party.setleader(CharRef) sets new Leader returns 1/Error party.addmember(CharRef) adds new Member returns 1/Error party.addcandidate(CharRef) adds new Candidate returns 1/Error party.removemember(CharRef) removes Member returns 1/Error party.removecandidate(CharRef) removes Candidate returns 1/Error party.setprop/getprop/eraseprop/propnames for cprops Party.em: CreateParty( leader, firstmember ); Creates a Party returns 1 or Error DisbandParty( partyref ); Disbands a Party returns 1 or Error SendPartyMsg( party, character, uctext ); Sends PartyMsg with Sender=character returns 1/Error SendPrivatePartyMsg( party, character, tocharacter, uctext ); Sends PrivateMsg with Sender=character returns 1/Error party.cfg: General { //How many chars are allowed in a Party (normal clients only have 10 slots) [MaxPartyMembers int (default 10)] //Newer Clients (>=3.0.6e) does not automatically change "/# " to private msg (they use "/t #") //set to true any public msg will be checked for "# " (0-9 0=slot 10) [TreatNoAsPrivate (1/0) (default 0)] //How long is an invite valid befor automatic decline //set to 0 disables the timeout [DeclineTimeout int seconds (default 10)] //Prefix for a private Msg (e.g. P:) [PrivateMsgPrefix string (default "")] } HookList { // CanAddToParty(leader,member) return check true/false // called when a leader invites someone CanAddToParty // CanRemoveMember(leader,member) return check true/false // called when leader wants to remove member CanRemoveMember // CanLeaveParty (member) return check true/false // called when member wants to leafe the party CanLeaveParty // OnPublicChat(member,uctext) return check none // called when a member sends a PartyMsg e.g. for logging OnPublicChat // OnPrivateChat(member,tomember,uctext) return check none // called when a member sends a PrivateMsg e.g. for logging OnPrivateChat // OnDisband(partyref) return check none // called when a Party is about to be disbanded OnDisband // ChangePublicChat(member,uctext) return new uctext/true/false // called when a member sends a PartyMsg return value is the new uctextarray, // or true for no change, or false to block the msg ChangePublicChat // ChangePrivateChat(member,tomember,uctext) return new uctext/true/false // called when a member sends a PrivateMsg return value is the new uctextarray, // or true for no change, or false to block the msg ChangePrivateChat } |
Note | implemented PartyRef comparisons are ! and == |
Note | Candidates are not saved A party with (candidates+members)<=1 gets disbanded |
Note | All msgs send are cliloc's used cliloc numbers are: 1005437, 1005439, 1005440, 1005441, 1005442, 1005444, 1005445, 1005446, 1005447, 1005448, 1005449, 1005450, 1005451, 1005452, 1005453, 1005455, 1008087, 1008089, 1008090, 1008091, 1008092, 1008094, 1008095, 3000211, 3000222, 3000223 |
03-08-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Spacing for all titles and name for mobs in Tooltips and Paperdoll. Also added the mob.title_guild in the Tooltips string for names of mobiles. |
03-08-2009 | Nando: |
Added | New privilege "moveanydist", will allow moving items regardless of distance (by now, the only limit to this priv is the client.) |
03-07-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | Setting of title_prefix, title_suffix, title_race, title_guild will no trigger an obj cache to be sent to tooltip enabled clients for updates of tooltips client side. This does not affect paperdolls. Paperdolls not being updated until Double Clicking again is an issue client-side. |
Added | AOS Extended Statbar members such as followers, followers_max, tithing, and luck will now cuase the Update packet to be sent to AOS enabled accounts when changed. |
Changed | Handling of packet 0x07 (Pick Up Item Request). On success, core now checks for if the item was equipped on yourself, and refreshes ar and sends stats. If was in a container not on your character, only refreshes stats. If item was on the ground, only stats. If on a mobile other than yourself, only stats. If item was inside your own worn items, it does nothing (since not worn, and no additional weight to send to client). The big Difference here, was client use to ALWAYS refresh the ar of character and statmsg. This will eliminate at the least, over 50 loops per pickup when it's not needed, and packets not being sent, when not needed. |
03-06-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Elemental Damage properties added for items and mobiles. These follow the same rules as all the AOS Resistances. Same details for itemdesc, GetItemDescriptor(), etc. Mobile.damage_fire, damage_cold, damage_energy, damage_poison, damage_physical R/O Mobile.damage_fire_mod, etc. R/W Item.damage_fire, etc. R/O Item.damage_fire_mod, etc R/W Itemdesc.cfg: FireDamage, ColdDamage, EnergyDamage, PoisonDamage, PhysicalDamage ItemDesc entries accept Dice Strings just like resistances. NPCDesc.Cfg: FireDamage, etc just like ItemDesc.cfg |
03-05-2009 | Nando: |
Changed | Core will no longer spam "out-of-sequence gump command" when closing. |
Changed | CloseGump(who, pid, response := 0) will now accept any object to be returned, and will send '0' as the buttonid in close gump packet. |
Added | Statlock change (Extended Stats, 0xBF sub 0x1A) will be handled if CoreHandledLocks is enabled. It will now send statlock (Extended Stats, 0xBF sub 0x19) on every status update. |
03-04-2009 | Nando: |
Added | UO::CloseGump(who, pid, response := 0), closes gump by sending 0xBF's CLOSE_GUMP, and returns 'response' for the gump script. 'response' is a LONG. 'pid' is from the script that issued the SendGumpDialog() command. |
03-03-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | Item and Character members for AOS Resistances now report the total of resist and resist_mod. |
03-02-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | eScript's Internal "move" command causing items to get misplaced in wrong realms on move failed MoveItem* Commands in eScript. |
03-02-2009 | Nando: |
Fixed | When running out of memory, the creation of new threads is not possible. Core will now check if the thread was properly created to (probably) solve the symptom of zombie threads. The problem of not having enought memory to create thread is not solved, though. There will still be logs of this error. |
03-01-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Issue with Mount Objtype 0xF021 and EquipItem() ignoring setting it's Layer. |
Added | Complete packethook support with Clients and higher. This is handled via the earlier added Is6017 uopacket.cfg entry. This will allow you to specify a packethook to be triggered ONLY if the client involved is and higher. It does not have to be a different packet size for this to work, only the client. |
Added | "KR" for expansion type. This includes sending the 0x86DB with packet 0xB9. |
02-28-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | UO::DestroyItem(). Now sends a Destroy Item packet to the script controller for the item destroyed. This is in addition to sending in range of the item. Reason for this, is for Storage Containers across realms. |
Added | New flag for uopacket.cfg of "Is6017 0/1". This is show the defined packet entry is explicity for a and higher packet type. Will let you define packethooks for the same packet, that is different based on client version. |
Added | Character.followers = int. This is for storage for the Followers byte in statmsg packet. |
Added | ML Expansion statmsg packet support. If Expansion for account is ML or higher, and client version is 5.0 or higher (or is KR), sends ML Info Flag and data. |
Added | Special Verbose messages (with POL.CFG::Verbose=1) for crypt seed packets and the UOKR 0xFF Seed Packet. |
02-27-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Clothing on corpses. COMPLETELY! This age old bug is now 100% fixed. If it was equipped at time of death, it will be on the corpse until the on remove script check for the corpse is triggered for taking the item out (on remove, not can) |
Added | Base and up Incoming Packet Handling ability to core. |
Changed | Packets 0x3C updated for supporting clients and newer. |
Changed | Grid index support (KR and for Drop item Packet and sending. Grid Index is still not set on Container Add by scripts and core yet (since this is only truly needed for KR support for slotted bags). |
Changed | Updated Secure Trade Drop Item packet to support and newer clients. |
Changed | Updated sending of packet 0x25 to support and newer clients. |
02-26-2009 | Nando: |
Fixed | Bug where a player / npc moving in a diagonal direction 'd' wasn't blocked by items on direction 'd+1' and 'd-1'. (For example, moving in direction NE while having items blocking on N and E was allowed by core, while disallowed by client) |
02-26-2009 | Turley: |
Added | uo::CheckLosBetween( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ) Same like uo::CheckLosAt and uo::CheckLineOfSight |
02-25-2009 | Nando: |
Added | New attributes.em functions: SetAttributeLock(who, attrname, lockstate) and GetAttributeLock(who, attrname). With new constants: ATTRIBUTE_LOCK_UP, ATTRIBUTE_LOCK_DOWN, ATTRIBUTE_LOCK_LOCKED. This works for any attribute. |
02-25-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Support for UOKR Poisoned Status bar updates. Core will now update UOKR clients correctly when poisoned set to true or false for a character. |
02-24-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | SendPacket() now returns an error if packet string passed is not valid size (Divisible by 2). |
Added | SendPacket() buffer size now allows max packet size. No more need to worry bout length. |
Fixed | Issue where equipped spellbooks would not open to the correct bookmarked page when opened. |
Added | Support of 0x25 Packet (Send item in container) with Client version >= |
Added | Support for Grid Index with Trade Container Packet sending. |
02-22-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | Updating of worn items will be handled by sending Delete Item packet to those in range, then sending the worn item packets. This is to address an issue with client not updating worn items on other players when graphics.color.etc are changed. |
Removed | Saving of base AOS Resistances to pcs.txt. This is not truly needed, as core will handle updating these live based on the armor etc. resist mods only thing needing saved now at this point. Just like AR. Same with Items. |
02-22-2009 | Nando: |
Added | New servspecopt.cfg option: CoreHandledLocks, default to false. If enabled, core will handle the change of skill locks and stat locks from the client (setting the attribute locks). |
Added | Every Attribute now have a lock state. Later, this lock state will be read/changed via eScripts methods. |
02-21-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Ability to use Dice strings for AOS Resistances in itemdesc.cfg entries. |
Fixed | Bug allowing two players to open trade window, walk away, and continue trading. If players get more than 4 tiles away, it will now cancel the trade upon walking to 5th tile away. |
Added | ServSpecOpt::AllowMovingTrade=0/1(default 0). 0 = Disable moving more than 4 tiles with an open trade window. If you move more than 4 tiles from who trading with, cancels trade. |
Removed | UOClient::Listener::Statcap |
Added | Character.statcap = Replaces the Listener::Statcap. Default 225 r/w Character.skillcap = This is for storage, of overall skillcap. Default 700 r/w Character.followers_max = Max followers for statmsg packet. Default 0 r/w Character.luck = Luck for statmsg packet. Default 0 r/w Character.tithing = Tithing for statmsg packet. Default 0 r/w |
Added | Min/Max Damage added as per OSI Standards to Statmsg packet. This is done by the min and max of the dice roll for a weapon before any mods etc. |
Fixed | Now cannot request stats for chars not visible to you, concealed from you, and over 20 tiles away. |
02-20-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Priv "plogany". Used with new startlog and stoplog commands to activate target cursor. |
Changed | Built-in textcommand .startlog and .stoplog for packet logging. If character has the plogany priv they get a target cursor to select who to set packet logging for. |
02-18-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Fixed Physical Resist not showing correctly with AOS Resistances in Statbar in place of AR. |
02-18-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | ..Boat Fix Drunken Coder syndrome? |
02-17-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Instances where core uses UO::ClearGottenItem() type code caused ghosted item on client cursor. Will require more feedback from users after publish for remaining instances where this still occurs (outside of ClearGottenItem()). |
02-16-2009 | Turley: |
Fixed | Hold again part of boat multi |
02-07-2009 | Turley: |
Removed | SystemFindObjectBySerial() flag SYSFIND_SEARCH_STORAGE_AREAS (was obsolete since years) |
02-05-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | UOClient::Listener::AOSResistances 0/1. This flag aids in deciding which version of Armor to send in the StatMsg packets. With this enabled, a client who uses an account with AOS Expansion enabled will see their Physical Resist instead of AR member. |
02-03-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Character.resist_fire_mod/resist_cold_mod/resist_energy_mod/resist_poison_mod /resist_physical_mod as R/W. |
Added | Item.resist_fire_mod/resist_cold_mod/resist_energy_mod/resist_poison_mod /resist_physical_mod as R/W. |
Changed | GetItemDescriptor() Handles new AOS Resistance Entries. |
Added | POL Debug Port has access to Mobile/Item resist members. |
02-02-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Anytime AR will get refreshed (armor damaged, equip/unequip, etc), Resistances for Character will also get updated based on the items worn. |
Note | UO::EquipItem() and UO::EquipItemFromTemplate() trigger the same Equip Code in core as dropping it on your paperdoll. So should be up to date with new resistance code in equipping also. |
Note | AOS Physical Resist is NOT the same as AR. Keep that in mind, when writing syshooks for combat, equip scripts, spells, etc. Eventually Core Combat will differentiate between these based on Expansion (on which to use for a client or npc). But as of right now, they will always use AR for combat, etc. |
02-01-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | Character.resist_fire/resist_cold/resist_energy/resist_poison/resist_physical members as R/O. All these are for is storage. No core implementation for resists is present. These ARE sent with the Full Stat Msg packet also, based on Expansion. These are also stored to pcs.txt. |
Added | Item.resist_fire/resist_cold/resist_energy/resist_poison/resist_physical members as R/O. This was added at item level, to cover armor, weapons, clothing, containers, etc for broad spectrum use on any item class that could be equipped. Such as Quivers and Totems in AOS. |
Added | NPC.resist_fire/resist_cold/resist_energy/resist_poison/resist_physical members as R/O. |
Added | NPCTemplate::FireResist/ColdResist/EnergyResist/PoisonResist/PhysicalResist. These work just like NPCTemplate::AR. You CAN use diceroll strings for these just like AR, or a set number for it's amount. |
Note | These are only written to file if the amount is != 0. |
Added | Itemdesc FireResist/ColdResist/EnergyResist/PoisonResist/PhysicalResist. |
01-29-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | NPC.saveonexit 0/1. Same as for Items. When set to 0 (1 default), the NPC and all items contained within it's wornitems container are IGNORED during save. |
Fixed | Parry will now only refresh the AR if a shield is equipped, as was intended. |
Removed | Some ... Drunken Coder syndromes. :) |
01-28-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | Rewrote ObjCache Building. Now constructs the packet for uokr/aos once when sending to a group (send to in range). Previous method built this packet per client requiring it. Should improve handling in populated areas. |
Fixed | Client bug where AOS Expansion accounts could not see normal magery books without UOFeatureEnable 0x20 bit set. Although this IS a client bug, found a way to fix this VERY common bug server-side. As a feature of this fix, you can now have the AOS features that do NOT require 0x20 (tooltips etc), AND the magery books work without packet hooks. |
01-28-2009 | Turley: |
Changed | Optional parameter flags:=FACE_NORMAL/FACE_FORCE added to TurnToward(),TurnAwayFrom(), TurnTowardLocation(), TurnAwayFromLocation() |
Fixed | servspecopt option HiddenTurnsCount check readded in facing change |
Fixed | Privilege "freemove" can now also be used for NPCs |
01-27-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | uoclient.cfg::General::Statcap is deprecated now. Please change to now use uoclient.cfg::Listener::Statcap. This is for the new upcoming Listener Seperate settings. This new step in POL will allow custom settings for clients based on the Listener (uoclient.cfg) they are connecting through. Upcoming changes (but not yet done) will include such things as UOFeatureEnable, TotalStatsAtCreation, ItemColorMask, and so on. This is to make it so you can configure different ports for different client configurations and expansions. One use of this, is to allow both 2.0.0 clients on your shard, AOS Clients with Tooltips, ML Clients without tooltips, and so on. The possibilities will be good, and really expand the support you can give with your scripts. |
Fixed | Magery Books will now be viewable for AOS enabled accounts on servers that do NOT have the UOFeatureEnable 0x20 bitflag to enable AOS style books. This was implemented to fix a CLIENT BUG. But, since so many people do not seem to realize you MUST have 0x20 on for AOS style book handling on AOS activated accounts, we must do this. Boo to you :( |
01-27-2009 | Turley: |
Changed | math::Min/Max now accepts Array as first parameter, if given returns the biggest/lowest Integer/Double entry (second parameter is ignored). |
Errors | "Array empty"&"No Integer/Double elements" Second parameter has now default value of 0 |
01-25-2009 | MuadDib: |
Changed | Rewrote entire core handling of config/bannedips.cfg This should address a small memory leak caused by the cfg system (leak still exists I just changed how it is done with this file). It also will increase POL speed for login/account verification. Remember, the larger your bannedips.cfg, the longer it takes for the loginserver to verify the client IP is not banned. |
Added | ReloadConfiguration() will cause the bannedips.cfg to get reloaded. YAY. |
Added | Item.saveonexit member. Does what it says. All items default to 1. If you set this to 0 the item and (if container, it's contents) will NOT be saved to datafile. |
01-23 | Nando: |
Changed | polcore().bytes_sent and polcore().bytes_received are now Doubles. This will fix some problems with negative values after some time... (internally they are now 64 bit integers). |
Note | Lots of small leaks fixed, and more to come. Too much to list here, but you will feel the difference. |
01-16 | Turley |
Fixed | Filled PolCore().iostats.received with sense |
01-16 | Nando |
Fixed | UOConvert was always reading map0.mul when uomapid is 1. It will now try to read map1.mul, and if not found read map0.mul. (The same for staidx1 and statics1) |
01-07 | MuadDib |
Added | Due to Ecompile always breaking for single file and right click compile useage when no absolute path is given in the ecompile.cfg, added redundant code to verify drive letter path in Windows environments. (aka, if you use "scripts" for include directory instead of "c:\pol\scripts"). This should help in most cases. (Win32 Cores only right now) |
Note | This works by checking if the core simply looked for "ecompile.cfg" or if it used the -C <path to config> and handled accordingly. If you pass -C <path> it uses that to append to the beginning of the dir structure in the config. Otherwise it appens the structure based on the location of ecompile.exe being executed (since it's looking there for the cfg). |
Note | In case people never realized. If you set the Evironment Variable called ECOMPILE_CFG_PATH to point directly to the path where ecompile.cfg is kept, Ecompile.exe will use this to locate your config file (Read core-changes people :D ) |
Added | ECompile.exe Flag "-E<path to ecompile cfg>". Correct, no space between them just like the -Ppath Option. This is for Windows machines. It sets/changes the ECOMPILE_CFG_PATH Environment Variable via the commandline so no need to add/edit it via the System Properties of the machine. Remember, you must be logged in with Admin rights to change Environment Variables and this won't show in the System Properties until Reboot. But it IS accessible WITHOUT rebooting. |
01-03 | MuadDib |
Added | Ability to send two commands to the POL Service via SCM (Service Control Manager). Command 1200 is a Beep (just for Nando), and 1201 will initial POL Shutdown just like via Script or clicking on Stop on the POL System Tray Icon. More to come later. |
Fixed | Drunken coder syndrome in the AOS Tooltip handling and oldschool Tooltip code too. |
Removed | Logging/Reporting of empty Attack Request Packets. Useless information that is unreliable. |
Removed | References to unused portions of POL.cfg (things no longer supported that was still being checked for). |
01-02 | Turley |
Changed | Scriptname & PC info in .setprop log entry "wtf, setprop w/ an error" |
12-26 | MuadDib |
Added | Ecompile.exe flag -xt defined in /? output. |
Added | Ecompile.exe flag -Au added. This is same as -A but to only compile Updated Src. |
Added | Ecompile.exe flag -s to Display Summary if -q is not set. |
Added | Ecompile.exe flag -D to create .dep files (Dependency information). |
12-20 | Turley: |
Added | new char member .clientver_detail returns struct of ints {major;minor;rev;patch} new char method .compareversion(string) returns 1 if clientversion is >= then given version string else 0 or error "Not enough parameters"/"Invalid parameter type"/"No client attached" |
Added | new ssopt "ForceNewObjCachePackets" default false |
Added | support for new ObjectCacheInfos introduced in 5.0.0 old behavior: Server sends 0xBF Sub 0x10 per object ->Client response also with 0xBF Sub 0x10 per item new behavior: Server sends 0xDC per object -> Client response with 0xD6 (there can be more then one serial up to ~16) intern check is if ((ssopt.ForceNewObjCachePackets) || (isUOKR) || (clientversion.major>=5)) since the client sends his clientversion not instantly the first few ObjCacheInfos are sent the old way (thats why the new ssopt is added) |
Note | since client the clientversion is instantly known (new seed packet) |
Added | support of new seed packet (>= |
Note | right now no new packet is implementend (some packetsizes have changed) |
12-19 | Turley: |
Changed | Extended PerformAction() it is now: PerformAction(character,action,framecount:=5,repeatcount:=1, backward:=ACTION_DIR_FORWARD,repeatflag:=ACTION_NOREPEAT,delay:=1); |
12-18 | MuadDib: |
Changed | Aux Client now sends "Connection closed" to a client that attempts to connect from an invalid IP according to IPMATCH settings before closing the socket. |
12-18 | Turley: |
Added | Setting for servspecopt.cfg 'PrivacyPaperdoll' Default is disabled. If enabled, Paperdoll gives only char name for others (See Luth 09-28) |
12-17 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Item.layer gets reset to 0 when unequipped. |
Fixed | When loading Realms, POL will shutdown if it cannot find any realms and say so. |
Added | Item.tile_layer returns the Layer setting in the Tiles.cfg/Tiledata. This was added to always give the layer it uses, while leaving the internal handling both of Core and Scripts that utilize the fact of "if layer is set, it's equipped". This is ALWAYS set from the tile info at server load. So changing your tiledata, re-creating tiles.cfg will auto update your items. |
Note | Item.layer gets internally reset on server load if it is equipped, via tiles.cfg entry as well. |
12-16 | MuadDib: |
Added | AuxSvc Configs now accept an IPMATCH entry identical to /config/servers.cfg. This is only an additional security feature, and not required to be in the .CFG :) The illegal ip will be treated by immediately closing the connection. |
12-14 | Nando: |
Fixed | Characters/Starting Location packet wasn't sending the correct characters number. This was causing problems when enabling the 6th & 7th slot (or limiting to 1 slot). Characters number will now be set to Max(CharacterSlot, 5). The number of CharacterSlots shown will depend on the acct expansion. (If it´s more than AOS, it'll send > 6, else 5). |
Added | Flags in the Characters/Starting Location packet and the Enable Features (0xB9) are now being set according to the CharacterSlots option in pol.cfg. It only works now with 1, 5, 6 and 7 slots, as this is a client limitation. You can hook the 0xB9 packet to change this in the future. |
12-10 | Nando: |
Removed | POL's Windows-systray-icon beep when right-clicking is now gone. |
Changed | Region's internal tile zone is now 4x4 (was 32x32). |
12-05 | Luth: |
Fixed | A bug in Run_Script caused when a Parent script ended before the child script. |
10-29 | Luth: |
Changed | PrintTextAbove*() now takes one more optional parameter, journal_print, with acceptible values: |
JOURNAL_[UC_]PRINT_NAME | In the journal, it prints the item's description / npc's name, colon, the message (POL standard) |
JOURNAL_[UC_]PRINT_YOU_SEE | In the journal, it prints "You see: " followed by the message (UO standard) This does not affect the text that is printed above the item, ONLY what is shown in the Journal. |
Fixed | OnRemoveScript and OnInsertScript now called with all appropriate parameters program onremovescript(character, container, item, item_amount, movetype) program oninsertscript(character, container, movetype, inserttype, adding_item, existing_stack, amount_to_add) |
10-28 | Luth: |
Changed | Set_Script_Option() now returns the previous value that was set for that option |
09-28 | Luth: |
Added | npc::Face( direction ); |
Added | mobile.SetFacing( direction, flags := FACE_NORMAL ); |
Note | mobile.facing := [0-7]; is the same as calling: mobile.SetFacing( [0-7], FACE_NORMAL ); |
Added | MOVEITEM_IGNOREMOVABLE flag to move an object regardless of its .movable property |
Fixed | Paperdolls now give all information for self, and less information for others |
09-23 | Turley: |
Added | uo::PlaySoundEffectXYZ( x, y, z, effect, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); |
09-17 | Turley: |
Added | uo::CreateNPCFromTemplate param override_properties can now contain .CProps Dictionary (key=cpropname value=cpropvalue) |
09-08 | Turley: |
Added | uo::UpdateMobile(mob) Sends to mobiles in visual range UpdatePlayer packet of mob, for example to inform of notority changes |
Added | Packet 0xC7 Functions: uo::PlayMovingEffectEx( source, target, effect, speed, duration := 0, hue := 0, render := 0, fixeddirection := 0, explode := 0, effect3d := 0, effect3dexplode := 0, effect3dsound := 0 ); uo::PlayMovingEffectXYZEx( srcx, srcy, srcz, dstx, dsty, dstz, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM, effect, speed, duration := 0, hue := 0, render := 0, fixeddirection := 0, explode := 0, effect3d := 0, effect3dexplode := 0, effect3dsound := 0 ); uo::PlayObjectCenteredEffectEx( center, effect, speed, duration := 0, hue := 0, render := 0, layer := 0, effect3d := 0 ); uo::PlayStationaryEffectEx( x, y, z, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM, effect, speed, duration := 0, hue := 0, render := 0, layer := 0, effect3d := 0 ); layer,effect3d,effect3dexplode,effect3dsound are only interpreted by the 3D client (current known) render values are: 0 no change 1 It becomes dark 2 It becomes bright 3 Bright color is emphasized and dark color is converted transparently 4 The translucency (transparency is high) 5 The translucency (it is close to primary color) 6 Negative positive reversal 7 The background which is transparent negative positive reversal layer values are: 0 Head 1 RightHand 2 LeftHand 3 Waist 4 LeftFoot 5 RightFoot 7 CenterFeet effect3dexplode and effect3dsound are only interpreted if explode is set effect3d and effect3dexplode values can be found in client/particles dir Examples: CastAnimation only seen by 3D clients: PlayObjectCenteredEffectEx( chr, 0, 10, 5, 0, 0, 1, 9041 ); //firesparkle on right hand PerformAction(chr,0xCB); // moves with char Fireball with explosion and sound: PlayMovingEffectEx( chr,tar,0x36d4,7,0,0,0,0,1,9502,4019,0x160); |
Changed | StatRequest 0x34 checks if target is visible to char (e.g. Injection exploit) |
08-29 | Turley: |
Added | uo::GetGlobalPropertyNames() |
Changed | uo::FindSubstance( container, objtype, amount, makeinuse := 0 ); to FindSubstance( container, objtype, amount, makeinuse := 0, flags := 0 ); flags are: |
FINDSUBSTANCE_IGNORE_LOCKED | Find matches in locked containers |
FINDSUBSTANCE_ROOT_ONLY | Do not find matches in sub-containers |
FINDSUBSTANCE_FIND_ALL | Find all matches ignoring given amount |
Added | new Char methods: .attack_once([opp]) attacks once without modifing the swingtimer if no opp is given attacks current attackable opponent, else attacks given opponent (and but checks if opponent is attackable .setswingtimer(time) if opponent is set sets swingtimer to given ms time .kill([killer]) kills character ignoring invul, if killer is set repsys:OnDamage is called |
Added | new Char members: .hitchance_mod +-int in thousandth additive modificator of the hitchance from the attacker .evasionchance_mod +-int in thousandth subtractive modificator of the hitchance from the defender |
Added | new privilages: "firewhilemoving" : swingtimer will not be reset if char is moving with projectile weapon "attackhidden" : char can attack hidden opponents "hiddenattack" : char can attack while hidden |
Added | new systemhook script 'HitMiss' function HitMiss(attacker, defender) is called if hitchance check fails no overriding of corefunctions or resultcheck |
03-19-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Crash in reporting of leftover objects during Shutdown. |
02-28-2009 | VeNdOr: |
Fixed | Crash involving Auxconnection.ip. |
Fixed | NPC events ENTEREDAREA and LEFTAREA were both fired even when one of them was eanbled. |
02-28-2009 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | bug where ar was not reading intrinsic ar correctly when using ar_mod for the NPC. |
02-25-2009 | Nando: |
Fixed | Removed a stray '\n' that was being sent at the end of a binary transfer in browser, causing some images to be corrupted. (This will finally solve the problem with some 'blank' images) |
02-22-2009 | Nando: |
Fixed | Internal webserver will now handle binary files correctly. This was causing sporadic fails when loading a webpage which had images, stylesheets or any other of those fancy things... |
01-31-2009 | MuadDib: |
Added | POL.Cfg::MiniDumpType=variable. This is a new DMP file version. For now, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND USING THIS IF YOU EXPERIENCE A LOT OF CRASHES OR ONES YOU CAN'T FIGURE OUT! The reason for this, is it is a small dump PLUS it stores all variable information from internal core functions in relation to the crash. This is information that could be VERY crucial to us Core Developers when you send the DMP file to the forums. So please, try to start using this one (We know the large option can be horendous. This is an alternative to that). |
Fixed | Null Package fix (Luth did this one a while back in 098) |
01-14 | Nando |
Changed | Highest allowed mobile graphic is now 0x800 (2048). Was 1024 since POL070.. wow... :) |
01-05 | Turley |
Fixed | URL percent decoding (like %2F= '/') |
12-31 | Nando: |
Fixed | Internal webserver's threads weren't being reported in case there were threads hanging when shutting down. This might not solve the "zombie connections" bug, but will at least change it's name to "internal webserver bug", I'm hoping. |
12-30 | MuadDib: |
Added | POL.Cfg::ReportMissingConfigs 0/1 (Default 1). Handles if Missing Config File reports are printed to the Debug.Log file. These are reports for example, when you use :*:npcdesc to open all npcdesc files in a script but not all packages of course will have this file. |
Changed | Weapons now have a Default Speed of 35 if no entry for Speed is in the itemdesc.cfg file if Delay is used. If no Delay, then will still throw an error and fail to load. |
Fixed | Typo on spellbook reports. |
12-17 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Possible memory leak with AOS Tooltips. |
12-16 | MuadDib: |
Fixed | Memory leak in Packet Class using .Setxxxx Methods on Variable Length Packets. |
Added | Error Struct "Offset value out of range on a fixed length packet" when trying to use packet.Setxxxx() whose value is out of range in a fixed length packet. |
09-17 | Turley: |
Changed | To simplify usage util::RandonIntMinMax() now accepts negative Integers and if parameters in wrong order swaps them |
09-12 | Turley: |
Fixed | Memoryleak in PathFind |
Fixed | If only PacketHook SendFunction is defined on receive default handler is called if exists |
09-09-2008 | Austin: |
Fixed | Usernames and passwords will accept all characters except control characters '\t','\f','\v','\n','\r' the characters '{' '}' and spaces. |
08-28 | Turley: |
Fixed | math::Min()/Max() now returns Integer/Double based on params |
08-26 | Turley: |
Fixed | AR recalc if parryskill changes, or if hp,maxhp_mod,ar_mod of equipt armor changes |
08-23 | Turley: |
Fixed | Event queue full error prints now event details |
08-20 | Turley: |
Fixed | server-side check if item is stackable on drop |
08-19 | Turley: |
Fixed | Character.clientversion string |
08-19 | Luth |
Added | Added Run_Script to OS.em. Similar to Run_Script_To_Completion, but the script is not run in critical mode, and the calling script is put on hold until the run script returns. Run_Script returns the value that the run script returned. |
08-16 | Turley: |
Changed | Character.connected startup value is 0 |
Added | Accountname string struct member "account" added to pre-character selection Packets |
08-15 | Austin: |
Added | Setting for servspecopt.cfg 'ScriptedAttackChecks' Default is disabled. If enabled, the combat hook must check distance, line of sight, visibility and if both combatants are alive. |
07-29 | Mehdorn: |
Changed | uo::ReserveItem() will return 1 - Item has been reserved by me. 2 - Item was already reserved by me. Error - Item is in use by someone else, or invalid Parameter. |
07-08 | Turley: |
Changed | Status of other player (e.g. WarMode) will be shown correctly. |
Added | Character.MoveMode member. Returns the MoveMode like given in NPCDesc. |
Added | Item.Stackable member. Returns 0/1 based on stackability of Item. uo::IsStackable(). Returns 0/1 if both Items can be stacked together. |
Changed | Random Number Generator "lagged Fibonacci generator" will be used. |
Added | util::RandomIntMinMax(). Return Random Value between... |
07-26 | VeNdOr: |
Added | ApplyDamage now returns the real damage applied to the mobile. |
05-28 | VeNdOr: |
Fixed | In some conditions, when the AuxScript exited, the AuxConnection didn't close. |
05-23 | Austin: |
Fixed | If MinCmdlevelToLogin was used, characters could not be created. POL will now check the account's default command level. |
Added | servspecopt.cfg CoreHitSounds default: disabled If disabled, scripts will handle sounds when a mobile is damaged. If enabled, will work as it did before - but for npcs will use a DamagedSound property from its config file. |
02-09 | Shinigami: |
Fixed | Bug in Unpack() with zero length Strings. |
02-08 | Austin: |
Added | CharacterSlots setting in pol.cfg. Defaults to 5. This is to set the maximum number of slots an account can hold - to support clients that support 6 slots. |
02-05 | Austin: |
Changed | The freemove privilege will also allow targetting to be done when frozen / paralyzed. |
02-02 | Madman: |
Changed | Trying to move when Paralyzed will no longer spam your screen with "You are frozen and cannot move." |
12-09 | Shinigami: |
Fixed | Bug in Unpack() with Strings in Arrays, Dictionaries etc. in case that the String is not the last element. |
11-05 | MuadDib |
Added | Character.Cursor member. Returns 0/1 based on if character has an active cursor. Character.Gump member. Returns 0/1 based on if character has any active gumps. Character.Prompt member. Returns 0/1 based on if character has any active unicode and/or normal text prompt gumps open. |
10-20 | MuadDib |
Removed | Basic::Left and Basic::Mid. These functions reported not working since 095, and code was set to not use them anyway. Val[int, int] works anyway and does what these functions do. |
Added | Basic::SubStr(string, start, length). Replace for left/right/mid. Works same way as virtual SubStrings in eScript (val[int, int]). This is for those who like the func methods instead. |
Added | Math::Min and Math::Max functions. |
10-11 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Changing realms with Season info would reset light levels until next light update in that realm. Send Season in core now sends light level whenever season info is sent to the client (Client issue). Also fixes an issue with seasons and 1.x clients. |
Added | servspecopt.cfg::DefaultLightLevel=ushort. New default light level setting for regions with no light level defined in regions cfg files. Default is 10. Replaced arbitrary setting in core. |
Fixed | Exploit in Create Character system. |
10-10 | MuadDib |
Fixed | uo::CreateAccount() will no longer accept non-alphanumeric characters for account name, will return error stating such if one is used. Also now passwords can contain all characters except whitespace and control characters. Please test heavily. I tested for the commons via script already. |
10-04 | MuadDib |
Changed | NPC::IsLegalMove() will now explicitly check for a MOVE in the given direction, regardless of NPC's current Facing. Will stop AI's that have NPC's using Bounding Boxes that walk out of the box by checking legal move, turning, then moving 1 step. Please be sure to check your AI's that use bounding boxes, to see if you coded that way! This check is for step movement. Facing should only be blockable if frozen, paralyzed, or stamina affected (if server set to use stam). |
Fixed | Exploit in Unpack() with Arrays and Dictionaries. If an element within the pack returns an error when unpacked, Unpack() halts and returns an error. Still ignores Uninit stuff as before. Same reasoning for fix as with Strings on 10-02. Dictionary will continue on and insert the error returns in key/value entries. |
10-02 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Exploit in unpacking Strings with length definition. Affected manual building of packed versions such as in use by Aux connections etc. New error returns: "Unable to unpack string length. Invalid length!" = 0 or less Length "Unable to unpack string length. Bad format. Colon not found!" = Duh. "Unable to unpack string length. String length excessive." = Said it 3, but length was actually less. "Unable to unpack string length. String length short." = Said it was 3, but length was actually more. |
Note | The following is acceptable in packed data sets. 's' = String data, no length defined. Ex: sHello World! 'S': String With Length defined. Ex: S12:Hello World! 'i': Integer follows. Ex: i12 'r': Double Integer format. Ex: r12.9 'u': Unitialized Object format. 'a': Array follows. Ex: a2:S12:Hello World!S12:Hello World. 'd': Dictionary. 't': Struct 'e': Escript Error 'x': Unitialized Object If you ever question the format for something packed, then just use the Pack() function on your data, to see the end result. |
09-05 | VeNdOr |
Fixed | equipped items become invisible on realms different from britannia |
09-04 | VeNdOr |
Added | auxconnection.ip -- returns remote ip of connection as string |
08-20 | Shinigami |
Fixed | Bug in config/movecost.cfg - "Walking_Mounted" section was ignored |
08-19 | Shinigami |
Fixed | Memory Leak in PacketHook functions |
07-09 | Shinigami |
Added | added UO:KR login process |
Added | player.isUOKR -- returns 1 if player uses an UO:KR client |
06-17 | Shinigami |
Added | Entry to pol.cfg 'WorldDataPath' to set a different path to the data files. Defaults to 'data/' |
05-04 | Shinigami |
Added | uo::GetRegionName( object ) - get name of [justice] region uo::GetRegionNameAtLocation( x, y, realm ) - get name of [justice] region |
04-12 | Austin |
Added | Projectile support for NPC intrinsic weapons. Property keys are AttackProjectile, AttackProjectileAnim, AttackProjectileType and AttackProjectileSound |
04-08 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Crash involving Realms() and passing non-string param or empty param to it. |
Changed | Sending of worn items to inrange pcs has been optimized. Should help reduce load a little bit for fully dressed mobs and full packs. Maybe reduce server load during bashes? Would require testing of course to make that statement :) |
Removed | CreateNPCFromTemplate() will now only accept Struct for override props. Arrays was removed due to core changes in array handling since this function was updated to use arrays. |
04-04 | MuadDib |
Added | WornItms Container checks that look for and handle container class objects like Quivers, etc, will ignore the following layers for the obvious and specific reasons: 11 (hair), 15 (shhhh), 16 (beard), 21 (pack), 25 (mount) |
Changed | WornItems container checks when looking for accessible items. If an item inside the WornItems container is a container itself, it will now check inside that. This affects for example, quivers added in the ML Expansion. Lets you make new equippable containers to hand layers, etc, and be usable fully for adding items into it and removing while equipped. This is in effect for layers 1-25 so be very carefull when creating these items! |
Changed | WornItems container is now checked for legal containers when drag-n-drop attempts to drop an item onto the equipped container class object (quiver). THe above layer ignoring is in place here also. |
Added | Projectile weapons will now check equipped containers for ammo if it cannot find any in the backpack first. |
NOTE | I very strongly recommend making equip scripts and all for these items. Since it IS a container, you need to make sure the layer the client is putting it on, is the correct layer. So just have the equip script make sure the correct layer is empty on the character equipping this. Remember, these are CONTAINERS, not armor/weapons. The client will allow equipping only if the item is set as armor or weapon, and uses layers client side. Never trust the client, thus the need for an equipscript for containers when they can possibly be equipped. |
03-28 | Shinigami |
Changed | Adjustment to increasing the revision state for Equipment loosing HPs while fighting. |
01-15 | MuadDib |
Fixed | PrintTextAboveCL() now checks for object instead of mobile class being passed to it. |
Changed | Default of uc_text in cliloc.em. Just smack me. |
01-03 | MuadDib |
Added | Packets that are pre-character selection will now report a struct to a packethook with the member "ip". So far this is the only member in the struct. Future members might be added, but don't hold me to it. Account references at this time, cannot be added. |
01-02 | MuadDib |
Added | Native handling of 2D and 3D "Allnames" macro that uses CTRL+SHIFT. Added due to the nature of client to spam a lot of these in crowded areas, which would cause server lag due to packet hooks to handle each request individually in critical mode per client using it. |
12-27 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Server IP is now sent in correct order in the 0xA8 packet. |
12-05 | Shinigami |
Fixed | fixed a Bug in Walking-on-Multi-Code. A Multi-Definition Door upstairs could block walking. |
11-02 | Austin |
Changed | POL no longer requires the presence of the following files in pol/config/ in order to start up: combat.cfg, movecost.cfg, watch.cfg, armrzone.cfg, circles.cfg, spells.cfg npcdesc.cfg and pol/regions/resource.cfg |
10-30 | Austin |
Fixed | Error in the internal webserver where it would sometimes only send the first part of a file. |
10-25 | Austin |
Added | Entry to pol.cfg 'RealmDataPath' to set a different path to the data created by uoconvert. Defaults to 'realm/' |
10-20 | Austin |
Fixed | array{array{}} was appending as a single array as a result of a 10-17 change. |
10-17 | Austin |
Fixed | array += array will work properly now by merging the arrays. array += xxx will place 'xxx' at the ending index of the array. |
09-28 | Austin |
Added | account.AddCharacter(index) * If Index is 0 (.AddCharacter(0)), it will find the next available slot on the account. (Otherwise pass 1-5) Will create a naked, uncolored, male character named "new character" at 1, 1, 1 on Britannia. Character setup will need to be done in the script that creates it. Does not start "scripts/misc/oncreate.ecl" |
09-27 | Austin |
Added | File::FileExists( filename ) - returns 1 if a file exists, 0 if not. |
09-26 | Austin |
Fixed | Bug in repsys hook where highlight and name color params were backwards for player-player. |
Fixed | move_offline_mobiles method for boats. |
09-23 | Shinigami |
Changed | Profiling counter Script_Cycle and Sleep_Cycle uses 64bit now |
09-20 | Austin |
Changed | polsys::Realms() to polsys::Realms(realm:="") If a realm name is passed, it will provide a struct for that specific realm, otherwise will work as it did before. |
09-17 | MuadDib |
Added | NPC::SayUC(). Same thing as Say(), cept unicode formatted. |
Changed | NPC::Say() and SayUC() now check distances for different text types. |
Note | DoEvent for SayUC() is currently disabled. |
09-17 | Shinigami |
Changed | uo::SendEvent() and Script.sendevent() will return error "Event queue is full, discarding event" |
09-16 | Shinigami |
Added | some Packet functions, same as original one, but with flipping Byte Order Packet.GetUnicodeStringFlipped(offset, length) Packet.SetUnicodeStringFlipped(offset, unicode character array, nullterminate) |
09-15 | Austin |
Added | ENUMERATE_ROOT_ONLY for EnumerateItemsInContainer(container, flags) Will cause it to only list the contents in the container passed and not the contents of any sub-containers. |
09-05 | MuadDib |
Added | UOConvert now adds "season 1" to the realm.cfg file for each realm during conversion. Season will default to 1, if no season entry is given (aka you was to lazy to run the newest uoconvert for your maps!). Seasons are listed as follows: 0 = Spring 1 = Summer 2 = Fall 3 = Winter 4 = Desolation (Felucca) |
Added | Realms() will now also return .season for each realm. |
Fixed | Core not sending season information correctly when logging in or changing realms if non-encrypted clients was set up in pol.cfg. |
09-03 | MuadDib |
Added | character.shield member. Returns an ObjRef of shield equipped. |
09-02 | MuadDib |
Added | Polsys::IncRevision(object). Used to increase the Revision number of an object (mobile or item). It then also runs a check for resending the tooltip data to client. This can be used in scripts when you change CProps or other items that normaly do not update the tooltips for custom tooltip hooks. |
Changed | Internal handling of UO.EM Function execution. Should not affect scripts. As always, be sure to recompile your scripts when you upgrade to a new core release. |
09-01 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Bug causing Pre-AOS status bars to freeze clients and/or generate core crashes. |
Changed | Adjustments to increasing the revision state for stacks, items, and mobiles. Rule of thumb, if you change a member like newbie, title_race, and so on via script, this is not automatically updated. Names, amounts, and so on that are more critical ARE increased. This is pre to a an upcoming ability to increase via scripts and force tooltips to be resynced with the client for custom tooltip hooks to be fired. |
08-31 | MuadDib |
Removed | All instances, calls, used and unused, code for the permitems.txt data file. This was never fully implemented, and as such, has been removed by decision of several developers. |
08-26 | Austin |
Fixed | POL will check to make sure the corpse and backpack items are setup in an itemdesc.cfg when loading. If EnableSecureTrading is enabled in pol.cfg it will also check to make sure its container is setup. |
08-25 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Padding involving stats. |
08-22 | Austin |
Added | npc.alignment : 0 - Neutral, 1 - Evil, 2 - Good |
08-19 | Austin |
Added | Three more hooks to repsys.cfg's HookList elem. OnAttack Run when a mobile attacks another. - Target with the TGTOPT_HARMFUL flag set. - Mobile goes into warmode and double clicks another. OnDamage Run when a mobile damages another. - ApplyDamage() or ApplyRawDamage() is used. OnHelp Run when a mobile helps another. - Target with TGTOPT_HELPFUL is used. |
08-17 | Austin |
Added | repsys.cfg New elem called 'HookList' which will support syste hook scripts for the reputation system. Currently name (single click) and highlight (health bar) colors are hookable. Example: repsys.cfg HookList HookList { NameColor :repsys:hookScript:NameColor HighLightColor :repsys:hookScript:HighLightColor } :repsys:hookScript.src exported function NameColor(mobile, visible_to) return CInt(GetObjProperty(mobile, "NameColor")); endfunction exported function HighLightColor(mobile, visible_to) return CInt(GetObjProperty(mobile, "HighLightColor")); endfunction HighLightColor note: The client seems to only accept the following numbers 0 - None, 1 - Innocent, 2 - Friend, 3 - Attackable, 4 - Criminal, 5 - Enemy, 6 - Murderer, 7 - Invulnerable 8 - Unknown (blue gump, pure black mobile) |
08-14 | MuadDib |
Added | uo.em command CancelTarget( of_whom). Can be used to kill an existing cursor if one exists, for a client. |
08-12 | Austin |
Changed | pol.cfg IgnoreLoadErrors=1 (enabled) changes Instead of stopping the startup, the following will occur: * If an item belongs in a container or on a character and neither are present, the item will be destroyed. * If an item has an undefined objtype greater than 0x3FFF, it will not be loaded. |
08-11 | Austin |
Added | Datafile::ListDataFiles() Returns an array of structs containing .pkg - name of the package the datafile belongs to .name - name of the file .descriptor - :pkg:name |
07-24 | MuadDib |
Changed | Handling of non-aos expansion accounts and status bars. |
07-20 | Austin |
Fixed | Spelling mistake for the method setcriminal |
Fixed | Guilds were not saving data. |
Changed | NPCs with the template set to 'Good' for alignment will now change highlight color if set to murderer or criminal. |
06-29 | Austin |
Added | Operator support for += -= *= /= and %= i += 5; would be the same as i := i+5; |
06-23 | Austin |
Added | PolSys::ListTextCommands() - Returns a dict of a dict of structs. Dict 1 - Package names Dict 2 - Command levels Struct - .dir .script Example: foreach package in ( commands ) Print("Pkg:"+_package_iter); foreach level in ( package ) Print(" CmdLvl:"+_level_iter); foreach command in ( level ) Print(" "+command); SleepMS(2); endforeach SleepMS(2); endforeach SleepMS(2); endforeach |
06-22 | Austin |
Added | Attributes::GetAttributeName(alias) - Returns the real attribute name from an alias. |
Added | Vitals::GetVitalName(alias) - Returns the real vital name from an alias. |
Added | PolSys::GetCmdLvlName(alias/number) - Returns the real command level name from an alias. |
06-21 | MuadDib |
Added | Cliloc::PrintTextAboveCL() and PrintTextAbovePrivate(). |
Added | Support for Talisman layer (layer 9) in core definitions. |
Hint | Quivers (added in ML) share layer 20 with cloaks. You can however on Origin equip cloaks AND quivers. Ewwww. |
06-20 | MuadDib |
Added | Cliloc.em added to the list of new EM Modules. Included in this is already the command SendSysMessageCL(). The new EM will have the commands commented for instruction of use. If you know about clilocs, you know they can be a pain and have additional arguments. Sending normal clilocs and ones with arguments are both supported in the single commands. Argument flag defaults to 0 in the EM for this. |
06-20 | Austin |
Changed | Moved guild functions to guilds.em |
06-18 | Austin |
Changed | Moved storage area functions to storage.em |
Changed | Moved vital functions, ApplyDamage, ApplyRawDamage and HealDamage from uo.em to vitals.em |
06-17 | Austin |
Changed | Updated handling of object properties and methods. Should provide a slight speed increase. |
Changed | Moved attribute functions from uo.em to a new attributes.em module. |
06-16 | MuadDib |
Changed | AddMenuItem() now has a color option. Default is 0. |
Hint | menus.cfg uses the color of the itemdesc entry of the objtype given, to get color. So if an item has no itemdesc entry, it defaults to 0. |
06-16 | Austin |
Removed | Skills.cfg is no longer used. Instead skill IDs will be read from uoskills.cfg and redirected to attributes.cfg. The attributes.cfg file now has support for the old entries. skills.cfg entries supported now in attributes.cfg are: DELAY, UNHIDES and SCRIPT |
06-15 | Austin |
Added | mobile.Privileges() - Returns a dictionary. The key is the privilege name. The value 0/1 is if it is enabled or not. |
Removed | Built-in text commands (you'll need to script them): .eobjcount, .i_help, .log, .los, .objcount, .priv, .privs, .set, .turn, .t_online, .unload, .unloadall, .wheretest |
06-15 | MuadDib |
Added | Function OpenURL(character, url_string) to OS.EM. Used to send Open Web Browser packet to client. |
06-14 | MuadDib |
Added | AOS style status bar is now generated correctly for AOS+ clients that ALSO have the UOExpansion set to AOS or higher. Only thing populated by core is the statcap entry. Rest can be done via packethooks. |
Added | UOClient.cfg entry "StatCap" in General. This is used with AOS era status bars to send the statcap in the packet. Default is 225. Can use packethooks to override this outgoing to client. |
06-14 | Austin |
Changed | All log files (pol.log, debug.log, start.log, etc.) will now be placed in pol/log/ |
06-13 | Austin |
Changed | Config files in packages can now be in pkgname/config/cfgfile.cfg. If it is not present there, it will look in the package root (pkgname/cfgfile.cfg) pkg.cfg must still be at the root of the package. |
06-13 | MuadDib |
Changed | Handling of target request returns in core. Returns errors more efficiently when client already has an active target cursor. |
06-12 | Austin |
Added | UO::CloseTradeWindow(mobile) - Will close the trade window for the mobile and the person it is trading with. |
06-11 | Austin |
Added | mobile.trading_with - Returns a mobile reference if a secure trade is taking place. |
Added | Util::StrFormatTime(format_string, time_stamp). Takes in the StrFTime() specifiers for the format string. ( If time_stamp is 0, it will use POLCore().systime. |
06-11 | MuadDib |
Changed | When a client already has a target cursor request, instead of core just returning that to the new requesting call, now returns an error code back to the calling cursor script. |
06-10 | MuadDib |
Cleanup | Removed last of stat advancement code. While this was depreciated several versions ago, please remember stat advancement must be done via the scripts. |
06-09 | MuadDib |
Cleanup | Cleaned out some old code. |
Removed | Removed depreciated UO.EM Function MoveCharacterToLocation(). Use MoveObjectToLocation() now. |
Removed | Removed depreciated UO.EM Function MoveItemToLocation(). Use MoveObjectToLocation() now. |
04-23 | MuadDib |
Added | Realm checks in transmitting of packets to clients "in range". |
04-22 | MuadDib |
Added | Changing of Invisible, Movable, and Newbie now reset the respective decay timer. |
03-30 | MuadDib |
Notes | Due to questions involving this, here is a partial list of things passable through the override of CreateNPCFromTemplate that use different names: Common Properties: TRUEOBJTYPE TRUECOLOR TITLEPREFIX TITLESUFFIX TITLEGUILD TITLERACE These should work also from the override you usually use. Noting these due to being named differently than what you usually use and see. |
03-29 | MuadDib |
Added | 0x3e98 (Swamp Dragon) added to uoconvert.cfg. |
01-09 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Status Flag checks totally rewritten. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION! They are now dependant on the UOExpansion Setting for accounts! Older (2.x) clients did not use the CanAlterPaperdoll flag, and used 0x40 for the warmode, and so on. LBR era, introduced the CanAlterPaperdoll (or around there). AOS+ clients use even more different, using 0x1 for warmode! Paperdolls seem to only use the warmode, unlike all other resources say. |
01-06 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Height checks when walking down items with gradual flag (such as ladders ands steps). |
01-04 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Status flag in paperdoll packet. |
01-02 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Updating of self when notoriety changes in reputation system. |
Fixed | Some orphan checks within reputation system. |
01-01 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Few instances still using older Character Height of 9. |
12-30 | MuadDib |
Fixed | RaceChanger system now also sets TrueColor after a race change. |
12-29 | Shinigami |
Fixed | uo::SplitWords() will not hang server on queue of delimiter |
11-25 | Shinigami |
Fixed | Sometimes uo::GetWorldHeight() has returned error while using same input values. |
10-28 | Shinigami |
Changed | em-files moved to script\modules subfolder. Please remove your old em-files and modify ModuleDirectory in ecompile.cfg ! |
10-27 | Austin |
Fixed | MoveObjectToLocation() will return an error if a multi (other than a boat) is moved. |
10-20 | Austin |
Fixed | Items were being marked as in use permanently once picked up by a client. which prevented them from being destroyed. |
Fixed | DestroyItem() and SubtractAmount() will work on items reserved in the same script. |
10-17 | Austin |
Fixed | gotten items (items on a client's cursor) will save in items.txt at the position it is currently being carried at. |
10-07 | Shinigami |
Added | FreeBSD support |
10-07 | MuadDib |
Changed | Memory handling for FindPath(). |
Changed | Core Decay now checks if item is in use. Also affects Gotten Items that are check for decay by the core while it's being picked up. |
Fixed | Bug that would keep an item marked in use if drop item failed. |
Fixed | Crash involving UO::DestroyItem being called on an item being held by a player. Now returns an error same as if item is in use and not reserved to that character. |
Note | ALWAYS remember, to keep bugs happening in your scripts that involve players picking up/moving items to keep them from being removed from containers or ground by scripts, or from being destroyed, ALWAYS use ReserveItem() to lock that item. If an item is reserved, you cannot pick it up, etc. |
09-16 | Shinigami |
Fixed | Memory Overwrite Bug in Unicode code (e.g. packet.SetUnicodeString()) |
09-07 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Validation issues with xyz of realm coordinates within boat movement commands. |
09-05 | MuadDib |
Changed | PerformAction() value restriction removed to support new animation ids. Be warned. Know what ID you are sending to clients, as an Incorrect id could cause the client to have "issues" |
09-02 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Core now checks for changes in light level for a character whenever the MoveObjectToLocation() is used on a player. |
Fixed | Core now sends the remove object packet correctly for items within containers or equipped, when moved out of view/realm. |
Fixed | Bug where the coordinates for a realm would be checked on an item's current realm, instead of the realm it was being sent to. |
09-01 | MuadDib |
Added | Reduncancy check for node parents in FindPath(). |
08-29 | Austin |
Changed | Gump errors will report client account name to the console when invalid messages and buffer-overflow attempts occur. |
07-26 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Zero height items should no longer disappear under the floors of multis. |
06-28-2006 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Crash issue involved in moving sub-containers from one realm directly to another (like a character's backpack from their realm, to another). |
06-27-2006 | MuadDib |
Added | Realm property to return struct of TargetCoordinates() function. This is based off the targeter's realm. Never trust information returned by the client for stuff like this. |
06-24-2006 | MuadDib |
Changed | Offline mobiles can once again be targeted without problems. |
06-05 | Shinigami |
Added | little bit more logging why Clients get disconnected on Logon by Core |
06-01 | MuadDib |
Hint | The pol.cfg setting "LogLevel" can be used to debug issues at startup of POL and various other places (unloadall for example). By setting this higher than 1, up to 11 (just sounds good), it will force printing of better information to help you find out problems during Loading and such. Setting it for example, above 0, core will start spitting out "Checkpoint" data during startup to say what it is about to load/process. Such as the configuration, load realms, load multis, etc etc. |
05-31 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Issue resolved with standard spellbook and no AOS+ Expansion enabled. |
Hint | Recognized scroll objects now are: Magic: 0x1F2D - 0x1F6C, Necro 0x2260 - 0x226F, Paladin: 0x2270 - 0x227C, Bushido: 0x238D - 0x2392, |
Ninjitsu | 0x23A1 - 0x23A8, SpellWeaving: 0x2D51 - 0x2D60. Remember, this IS hardcoded! >:) For Bushido and Ninjitsu, there was never any scrolls made. So your items for those are the Icons for the moves. Try setting their graphic to a scroll and using it ;) |
05-30 | Shinigami |
Hint | UOConvert will convert Mondain's Legacy extended Britannia Map. Just set width to 7168 (e.g.): uoconvert map realm=britannia mapid=0 usedif=0 width=7168 height=4096 uoconvert statics realm=britannia uoconvert maptile realm=britannia |
Updated | uoconvert.txt (some comments and Mondain's Legacy hint) |
Fixed | Bug with detection of Gump-Cancel in uo::SendCharacterRaceChanger() |
Fixed | ShowRoofAndPlatformWarning has shown everything |
Fixed | smaller mistype in Log created via TextCMD .startlog/stoplog |
Fixed | set correct Time stamp in TextCMD .startlog/stoplog |
05-30 | MuadDib |
Added | Guild and Quest buttons added to the "known" list of subcommands in core. Should fix some crashes when recieving these. Especially when using hooks on packet 0xD7 (their parent packet ID). |
05-29 | MuadDib |
Added | Added "SpellType" entries for "Bushido", "Ninjitsu", & "SpellWeaving" for spellbook types in itemdesc.cfg. The list of spellids for spells.cfg is now as follows: Magery = 1+, Necro = 101+, Paladin = 201+, Bushido = 401+, Ninjitsu = 501+, SpellWeaving = 601+. Hopefully this more completes our addition of the other expansions for 096 where we lack in other areas. |
05-27 | MuadDib |
Update | Just FYI, as previously reported, SingleCombat does NOT use servspecopt.cfg but rather combat.cfg. Sorry about the typo when it was introduced. |
05-26 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Crash on checking targetted players when target is not logged in. |
Fixed | ItemColorMask is now read properly during itemdesc load and during POL startup. |
05-26 | Shinigami |
Fixed | Crash on call of scripts/misc/dblclickother if another script is running. |
Fixed | removed an additional check for UOConvert's option ShowRoofAndPlatformWarning |
05-24 | Shinigami |
Added | uo::SendCharacterRaceChanger( character ) - to change Hair, Beard and Color |
05-23 | Shinigami |
Fixed | Crash inside Packet Hooks with SubCommands and without default Handler. |
05-20 | MuadDib |
Removed | Requiring, and support, for armrdesc.cfg. Armor within this file is to be moved to the itemdesc.cfg as intended. File has been obsolete for a while now. |
05-19 | MuadDib : |
Removed | Requirement for wepndesc.cfg in the /config folder. Any shards still using this obsolete file can use the itemdesc.cfg files for the weapons as intended. Core will no longer require this file to load either. |
05-16 | Shinigami |
Updated | Account.set_uo_expansion(string): recognized values: ML, SE, AOS, LBR, T2A (default), "". This determines what flag is sent with packet 0xB9 during login (Nothing -> 0x0000 / T2A -> 0x0001 / LBR -> 0x0002 / AOS -> 0x801b / SE -> 0x805b / ML -> 0x80db). It's possible to hook 0xB9 but don't forget to set_uo_expansion anyway because core uses this for internal flags (e.g. AoS Tooltips). Packet 0xB9 will be sent earlier (before you choose a character) and after you've used set_uo_expansion. |
Updated | servspecopt.cfg property: UOFeatureEnable, used in the last dword of the 0xA9 login packet, will block Bit 6 (support up to 6 Chars). To enable AoS stuff set Bit 5 (use 0x20), to enable SE stuff set Bit 7 & 5 (use 0xa0) and to enable ML stuff set Bit 8, 7 & 5 (use 0x1a0). |
Added | mobile.race [r/w] - set/get the ML race (new constants in UO.EM: RACE_HUMAN, RACE_ELF) You have to set visual graphic by yourself if you change value. (Human male/female = 0x190/0x191 / Elf male/female = 0x25d/0x25e) You can choose Race at Char creation if your UOExpansion and UOFeature settings fit. |
WARNING | Don't forget to update your server side config/tiles.cfg using UOConvert and Mondain's Legacy tiledata.mul! (Hint: "uoconvert tiles") Race Prop is available inside Interactive Debugger too. |
05-13 | MuadDib |
Added | Targeting will now also check the NoCombat zone for targeted players also, and not just who is doing the targeting. |
05-10 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Targeting should now check to make sure a mobile is visible to the targeter before processing. This checks hidden and concealment both. |
05-10 | Shinigami |
Fixed | small bug inside uo::ListMobilesNearLocationEx() |
05-07 | Shinigami |
Added | flag VENDOR_SEND_AOS_TOOLTIP in uo::SendBuyWindow( character, container, vendor, items, flags := 0 ) uo::SendSellWindow( character, vendor, i1, i2, i3, flags := 0 ) to send Item Description using AoS Tooltips in any case (this will correct problems with Item Descriptions in newer Clients, but maybe freeze ancient Clients...). |
05-04 | Austin |
Added | LISTEX_FLAG_CONCEALED support for ListMobilesNearLocationEX() |
04-11 | MuadDib |
Change | Starting Gold will no longer be newbied (blessed). Can still be set newbied if you choose in the create scripts for new characters. |
04-09 | Shinigami |
Added | uoconvert.cfg element option added, TileOptions, in the following form: TileOptions { ShowRoofAndPlatformWarning 1 } it's a flag and defaults to 1 (shows a Warning if you use both Flags in same Tile). |
04-05 | MuadDib |
Changed | Added combat.cfg flag SingleCombat. This is a 0/1 flag for allowing players to attack themselves. 0 will disable it (default). Per request. |
Fixed | Crash involving invalid serial data sent with Target Cursor from client. |
Fixed | Bug blocking non-harmful targeting of Players in NoCombat zones. |
Fixed | Optimized NoCombat Target check. |
03-19 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Will now correctly send AOS Tooltips if features are combined with 0x20 in the UOFeatureEnable setting in servspecopt.cfg file. |
03-18 | MuadDib |
Added | Servspecopt.cfg entry StartingGold=#. This will default to 100 gold. However, it can be used to override the core's initial starting gold amount to this setting. Enjoy. |
03-15 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Attack Request will be automatically denied if Defender.serial == Attacker.serial. |
Changed | Packet Logs (using .startlog and .stoplog) format has changed. It has been updated for easier reading and to match Packet Loggers format more (Such as UOLog and Spy UO). |
03-07 | MuadDib |
Added | New Justice/Region config entry for Regions. NoCombat is a 0/1 Flag to set a region to be a No Combat region. No Combat regions will not allow the Clicking of a mobile to select as a new opponent if they are in this region. It will also reset opponent data for mob if one enters this region. This is a PvP specific addon. It does NOT check for npcs, this will have to be done via packethooks. When Entering a NoCombat region, while already in combat, if YOU are the attacker, it will reset your fight. If you are the one being attacked, it will reset the fight with the first "opponent" you have listed. |
03-06 | MuadDib |
Changed | Regen after being damaged delay was changed from 10 seconds to 2 seconds. |
Changed | Regen delay after changing warmode was changed from 5 seconds to 2 seconds. |
03-03 | MuadDib |
Changed | Optimized handling of mobile.connected in core. |
03-02 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Handling of 0x22 Move Resync with "Player Noto" handling to send correct information. |
03-01 | MuadDib |
Changed | Handling of item's decayat property when moved. |
Fixed | Stack checking for decayat handling when moving items. |
Fixed | Newly created characters will now have the connected member set correctly. |
01-18 | Shinigami |
Changed | Prop script_process.attached_to will return NPC if it's his AI-Script. (script_process comes from NPC.process or uo::GetProcess(pid)) |
01-09 | MuadDib |
Changed | Added check for No Decay timer on items when resetting decay time. |
Fixed | AOS Tooltips will now correctly show the Reputation of mobiles. In order to see Invul correctly, InvulTag MUST be set to 2 due to the Reputation color being handled fully client-side (No way around this). |
12-10 | MuadDib |
Changed | Various changes involving item dropping and creation and setting of decayat properties to help with instant decay. |
Fixed | Secure Trade Window now correctly updates client when items added. As a side effect, also fixes a small problem involving adding items to normal containers also when using tooltips. |
Note | For now, since Tooltips is an AOS feature, do NOT leave tooltips disabled and use UOExpansion set to AOS or this WILL cause client problems. The client was never designed for this to happen, and I do plan on putting in failsafes in the core to keep these problems from happening. Bear with me on this please. |
12-09 | MuadDib |
Changed | Repsys coloring for Invulnerable names will only occur when InvulTag is set to 2. Will follow OSI standards more, and allow more flexibility to shard admins per request. |
Fixed | ItemGiven Event will now return items if the script handler does nothing with the item. |
Fixed | Items will now move correctly across realms or to same realm again with MoveObjectToLocation(). |
Fixed | Crash bug when deleting items after using MoveObjectToRealm(). |
Added | New read-only member .uclang for players. Reports the Unicode Language string client sends during logon. Usefull for Unicode support based on language of individual clients/characters. |
12-06 | Shinigami |
Fixed | z<0 bug inside uo::MoveCharacterToLocation() and uo::MoveObjectToLocation() |
12-05 | MuadDib |
Added | Decay timer reset when Item is picked up/dragged by client (only on success). Should *help* with instant decay problems when dropping items |
Added | InvulTag=0/1/2 in ServSpecOpt.cfg. 0 Disables invul tags totally. 1 (default) keeps them as they are now, giving [Invul] tag when single clicked. 2 will work only on 3.x+ clients, and makes the mob's highlight color Yellow with no [Invul] tag when single clicked. Only recommend using 2 if your shard requires a 3.x or higher client! |
Added | Invulnerable entry in RepSys.cfg for coloring name of invuls. |
11-29 | MuadDib |
Added | Packet 0x9 will no longer cause POL to treat client as active. |
Fixed | Change to Secure trade window handling. Be sure to test thouroughly with all versions of clients and report back to pol-core-test with results. Hoping this helps with client issues reported. |
11-29 | Shinigami |
Fixed | uo::SplitWords() will now accept each type of to-split-value as same as in the past |
11-26 | MuadDib |
Fixed | Fixed Attack Denied method for client expectations. |
Fixed | Logon issues involving map visibility on >2 mapid. |
Fixed | Issues with weather and seasons on logon. |
11-26 | Austin |
Added | Support for bit shifting integers using << and >> |
11-26 | Shinigami |
Fixed | Compiler will work case insensitive now. |
Added | New Mounts to uoconvert.cfg |
Added | uoconvert.cfg to Linux Files |
Fixed | illegal Attack Requests (Packet 0x05) will not crash Pol |
11-25 | Shinigami |
Changed | Packet 0xBF Subcommand 0x24 will no longer cause POL to treat client as active. |
11-25 | MuadDib |
Fixed | AttackRequest now checks for distance < 20, realm, hidden, concealed higher, and dead characters. |
Fixed | Visibility checks now check for same realm. |
Added | Packet 0xBF Subcommand 0x24 no longer reports in unknown packets. Packet will still cause POL to treat client as active. |
11-24 | Austin |
Added | basic::Bin() - Convert 25 to 11001 |
11-23 | Austin |
Fixed | account.Get_Member(member name) now works. |
Fixed | .Get_Member(member name) for script objects now works. |
11-23 | MuadDib |
Added | Added second optional param to SplitWords() function. Second param now defaults to space. Allows use of "bleh" "+" "," "_," "." etc. as the delimiter instead of just whitespace. |
Added | New combat.cfg setting "WarModeDelay". Setting is in Integer for Seconds delay between ability to toggle war mode status via client. Does not affect using SetWarMode method. |
11-20 | Austin |
Fixed | Attempt # 2 with *InBox() coordinate checks. |
Fixed | Region scripts (EnterScript / LeaveScript) no longer need an EnterText and LeaveText to work. |
11-15 | Austin |
Added | using "::regions/" in a config path will allow a config file from pol/regions/ to be read. Example ReadConfigFile("::regions/justice"); |
Added | regions.cfg / justice.cfg support for EnterScript and LeaveScript. Scripts will be run when a player enters or leaves the region. Parameters passed to it are the mobile that entered/left and the region name. Please note these scripts run critical. Regions.cfg Example: Region Britain { Range 1416 1500 1740 1790 Guarded 1 EnterText You have entered britain LeaveText You have left britain Midi 9 EnterScript :coords:enterScript LeaveScript :coords:leaveScript } Example of enterScript.ecl ------ use uo; program EnterRegionZone(mobile, region_name) ApplyRawDamage(mobile, 10000); SendSysMessage(mobile, "You just died because you entered an area that makes you dead!"); return 1; endprogram ------ |
11-14 | Austin |
Fixed | uo::*InBox(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) functions will check the boundaries of the coordinates. If they are too low or too high, they will be adjusted to fit within the realm. |
Fixed | Using the .realm property on an intrinsic weapon caused a core crash. |
Added | weapon.intrinsic |
11-10 | Austin |
Fixed | Items moved to invalid locations will now go to the player's feet on the correct realm and not just to britannia. |
11-03 | Austin |
Added | uo::CoordinateDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) - Returns the distance between two coordinates. The following two functions were originally scripted by Myrathi: |
Added | uo::GetCoordsInLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) - Returns an array of structs {.x, .y} for every coordinate between the two points. |
Added | uo::GetFacing(from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y) - Returns the facing number an object must have in order to face to_x and to_y from from_x and from_y. |
10-31 | Austin |
Fixed | Core crash with MoveCharacterToLocation() when a character was moved to the same realm. |
10-30 | Austin |
Changed | NPC.connected will now always return 1. Before it was 0. |
10-29 | Austin |
Added | polsys::GetCmdLevelName(number) - Will get a command level's name. |
Added | polsys::GetCmdLevelNumber(name) - Will get the numeric value of a command level. |
Added | polsys::GetPackageByName(name) - Will return a package reference. |
Added | account.SetDefaultCmdLevel(number) - Will set the account's default command level. |
Added | account.defaultcmdlevel - Will return a number for the accounts default command level. |
Changed | If is used and the NPC has no armor equipped, it will give its intrinsic armor value (NPCDESC.CFG AR entry). If it has armor equipped, it will work as it did before. |
Changed | Added some error checking and reporting when "(something in array)" is used in a script. Hopefully this will fix the rare "in" crash or at the least, make it a little easier to find. |
10-17 | Austin |
Added | Added uo::MoveObjectToLocation( object, x, y, z, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM, flags := MOVEOBJECT_NORMAL ); Function will replace MoveCharacterToLocation(), MoveItemToLocation(), and MoveObjectToRealm() Currently moves boats, mobiles, and items. |
10-16 | Shinigami |
Changed | added x- and y-Offset to uo::SendDialogGump( who, layout, textlines, x := 0, y := 0 ); (don't forget to recompile all your Scripts using new uo.em) |
10-13 | Shinigami |
Added | Linux: Core will check libc version and print Warning if libc is to old (< 2.3.2) |
10-07 | Austin |
Added | scripts/misc/dblclickother - Runs when a player double clicks another player or npc. Will not run if the npc has the double click event enabled. Program arguments are (who, mobile_clicked) |
Added | servspecopt.cfg - 'DoubleClickWait'. (Default is 0) Time in seconds that must pass before a player can double click something again. |
Added | mobile.GetCorpse() - Returns an item reference to the most recent corpse made. |
10-03 | Austin |
Added | corpse.ownerserial - Returns the serial of the npc / player that died. |
10-02 | Shinigami |
Added | Prop script_process.attached_to and script_process.controller. (script_process comes from NPC.process or uo::GetProcess(pid)) |
09-30 | Shinigami |
Fixed | added Player Check to uo::SendStatus (crashed on NPCs) |
09-25 | Shinigami |
Fixed | eCompile - FileCheck for multiple include of same File e.g.: inside scripts\textcmd\test\textcmd.src: Include "../../../pkg/std/housing/include/test"; Include ":housing:test"; Include ":housing:include/test"; will be handled as same file now |
09-23 | Shinigami |
Added | uo::SendStatus( character ) - to send full Status Packet to support Extensions like Resistances, if you add'em via Packet Hook. Use SendStatus to update'em. |
09-17 | Shinigami |
Fixed | Crash if Name of Items or Mobiles was to long and you've clicked'em |
09-16 | Shinigami |
Added | pol.log will show last running Script and it's Program Counter (you can use eCompile LST-file (Switch: -l) to get the Source Line) |
Added | Linux: pol.log will show Backtrace (as same as STDERR) |
09-15 | Austin |
Added | mobile.connected - To determine if the character is actively connected to the game. Is set to 1 before logon/reconnect scripts are run and 0 right before logofftest is run. |
09-14 | Shinigami |
Added | vitals.cfg element option "RegenWhileDead" added (0/1 - defaults to 0) |
09-13 | Austin |
Fixed | When a player dies, it will send SYSEVENT_DISENGAGED to the opponent-npc, if one is set. |
09-12 | Shinigami |
Added | some Packet functions, same as original one, but with flipping Byte Order Packet.GetInt16Flipped(offset, value) Packet.GetInt32Flipped(offset, value) Packet.SetInt16Flipped(offset, value) Packet.SetInt32Flipped(offset, value) |
09-11 | Austin |
Added | Member for mobiles ".opponent". Returns a mobile reference if a combat opponent is selected. |
09-10 | Shinigami |
Added | math::Root - returns y Root of x (same as Pow(x,1.0/y)) |
09-08 | Shinigami |
Changed | eCompile - BASIC style for loops (for i:= start to end) will warn again on -v5 (and above) about the iteration variable being unused |
09-08 | Austin |
Added | polsys::Packages() now has a .npcdesc member. Will be 1 if the package has an npcdesc.cfg file. |
09-07 | Folko |
Changed | eCompile - BASIC style for loops (for i:= start to end) will no longer complain about the iteration variable being unused |
Changed | Fixed some endianess issues and improved the conversion performance |
09-03 | Shinigami |
Changed | uo::FindPath will redefine Param mobilesblock as flags (FP_IGNORE_*) |
Added | uo::FindPath can ignore Doors (FP_IGNORE_DOORS) |
09-03 | Austin |
Fixed | cfgfile::GetConfigStringArray() lines that contain a property name but no value will not be placed in the array. |
Added | cfgfile::GetConfigStringDictionary( element, property_name ). Works similarly to GetConfigStringArray() but will take the first word on the line and use it for the key. Elem ElemName { PropLine keyname this will be the text placed in it } |
09-02 | Shinigami |
Fixed | uo::Attach allowed you to attach more than one Script to a Character |
08-29 | Shinigami |
Changed | UseAAnTileFlags in SERVSPECOPT(.LOCAL).CFG renamed to UseTileFlagPrefix (check 03-05) (compatibility with const TILEDATA_FLAG_* inside uo.em) |
Changed | player.spyonclient2 renamed to player.clientinfo (check 01-24) |
08-29 | Folko |
Added | Support for custom MIME types in config/www.cfg. This allows you to add new file types that the web server can handle, for example PNG images, PDF files or favicon.ico. If you don't supply a www.cfg, old defaults are used. |
Hint | Here's an example www.cfg: MIME gif { Extension gif MIME image/gif } MIME jpg { Extension jpg MIME image/jpeg } MIME jpeg { Extension jpeg MIME image/jpeg } |
08-28 | Austin |
Added | Ability to initialize error as you would a struct. Example return error{"errortext" := "This is the error message"}; |
Added | Extended NPC.EM Say() function to allow for two additional parameters. Say( text, text_type:=SAY_TEXTTYPE_DEFAULT, do_event:=SAY_DOEVENT_DISABLE ); Text type is a string "default", "yell", "whisper", constants are: SAY_TEXTTYPE_DEFAULT, SAY_TEXTTYPE_YELL, SAY_TEXTTYPE_WHISPER (added to npc.em) If do_event is enabled with SAY_DOEVENT_ENABLE, it will send a speech event to nearby npcs. |
08-26 | Austin |
Fixed | LEFTAREA event was not being sent to npcs in the old realm when a mobile was moved to a new realm. |
08-25 | Austin |
Fixed | LEFTAREA event was not being sent if a mobile was teleported 33 tiles or more away. |
08-23 | Austin |
Added | Logging out will now send a LEFTAREA event (after logout.ecl has finished). |
Added | New flag for servspecopt.cfg called "EventVisibilityCoreChecks" set to 0 (disabled) by default. Enabled - the core does visibility checks before sending events as it did before. Disabled - requires your scripts do visibility checking. |
08-22 | Shinigami |
Fixed | sometimes the Core crashed while destroying Items (e.g. via Control Scripts) on Boats |
07-28 | Shinigami |
Changed | eCompile - Assignment inside Condition Check will produce Warning on -v5 (and above) only |
07-26 | Shinigami |
Changed | TextCMDs can be specified in Packages; just make a commands/gm (new style) or textcmd/gm (old style) etc directory. These are only scanned at startup, so if the directory doesn't exist then, it won't be searched until restart. |
Changed | Support for packaged Includes - if you use 'Include ":blah:blubb";' eCompile will search for "" and ":blah:include/". It will use first file found. If both files exist eCompile will print a Warning. |
07-25 | Shinigami |
Added | MinDamage and MaxDamage in weapon.GetItemDescriptor() calculated from Damage-Dice |
Changed | usable Msg size of SendDialogGump doubled - now you can use larger Gumps |
07-16 | Shinigami |
Fixed | uoconvert will ignore illegal statics with graphic >= 0x4000 |
Added | uoconvert.cfg element option extended by ShowIllegalGraphicWarning StaticOptions { MaxStaticsPerBlock 1000 WarningStaticsPerBlock 1000 ShowIllegalGraphicWarning 1 } it's a flag and defaults to 1 (for the other entries go to 07-05) |
07-07 | Shinigami |
Hint | uo::ListItems*Location, uo::ListMobile*Location and uo::ListStatics*Location will check for out-of-range coords now uo::ListObjectsInBox, uo::ListMultisInBox and uo::ListStaticsInBox will NOT check for out-of-range coords - a lot of scripter "love" this bug :o/ |
07-06 | Shinigami |
Fixed | u'll get the correct string representation even if a numeric Config File Value will cause an overflow |
07-05 | Shinigami |
Added | Warning if no tiles or landtiles are loaded (maybe files missing...) |
Added | uoconvert.cfg element option added, StaticOptions, in the following form: StaticOptions { MaxStaticsPerBlock 1000 WarningStaticsPerBlock 1000 } max. Amount of Static Items per Block of 8x8x256 (or Warning Level) it is hard limited to 10000. default is 1000. |
07-04 | Shinigami |
Changed | uo::ListStaticItemsAtLocation to uo::ListStaticsAtLocation( x, y, z, flags, realm ) uo::ListStaticItemsNearLocation to uo::ListStaticsNearLocation( x, y, z, range, flags, realm ) IGNORE_* constants to ITEMS_IGNORE_* constants |
Added | Parameter Z in uo::ListStatics*Location |
Added | LIST_IGNORE_Z constant u can use for Z Parameter to list all Items ignoring Z-Value in uo::ListStatics*Location, uo::ListItems*Location and uo::ListMobilesNearLocation* |
Added | uo::ListStaticsInBox( x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2, flags, realm ); creates an array of structures with Static and Multi Items in box. you can specify via flags which Items you want to get. check ITEMS_IGNORE_* constants. |
Added | realm-based coord check inside List*InBox and uo::ListMobilesNearLocation* |
07-01 | Shinigami |
Fixed | low-fragmentation Heap is linked dynamically, so Core will work on Win9x/NT again |
ReAdded | uo::GetAttributeIntrinsicMod( character, attrname ) You set intrinsic Mod via exported GetIntrinsicModFunction in attributes.cfg |
Fixed | Memory leak inside cfgfile::Read-/UnloadConfigFile(...) cfgfile::AppendConfigFile(...) will call cfgfile::UnloadConfigFile(...) immediately |
06-15 | Shinigami |
Added | npc::CanMove( direction ) - checks if an NPC can move in given direction (IsLegalMove works in a different way and is used for bounding boxes only) |
Added | UseWinLFH=0|1 in SERVSPECOPT(.LOCAL).CFG (default = 0) Use Windows XP/2003 low-fragmentation Heap? |
06-06 | Shinigami |
Fixed | FindPath will work again @ Linux-Core without crashing server in some cases. |
06-01 | Shinigami |
Fixed | Cancel of TradeWin will put items in correct Realm on ground if backpack full |
Added | movecost.cfg can have 'Walking_Mounted' and 'Running_Mounted' sections too. You've to declare one global 'MovementCost' section or 2 sections 'Walking' and 'Running'. If you don't declare Mounted sections, Core will use unmounted values. |
Added | uo::Attach( character ) - attach a Script to a Character |
Fixed | moving intrinsic Weapon via MoveItemToLocation crashed Server |
WARNING | You should never touch intrinsic Weapons! |
Added | uo::ListStaticItemsAtLocation( x, y, flags, realm ) |
Added | uo::ListStaticItemsNearLocation( x, y, range, flags, realm ) creates an array of structures with Static and Multi Items at or around location. you can specify via flags which Items you want to get. check IGNORE_* constants. |
[Edit | changed... please check 07-04 above] |
Added | uo::GetStandingLayers( x, y, flags, realm ) get an array of standing layers and blocking solids. check MAPDATA_FLAG_* constants. |
05-31 | Shinigami |
Added | flag LOG_DATETIME in file::LogToFile( filename, line, flags := 0 ) to log Core-Style DateTimeStr in front of log entry |
05-28 | Shinigami |
Added | flag ENUMERATE_IGNORE_LOCKED in uo::EnumerateItemsInContainer( container, flags := 0 ) to list content of locked container too |
Added | uo::SecureTradeWin( character, character2 ) - to init secure trade via script over long distances |
Added | uo::MoveItemToSecureTradeWin( item, character ) - to move item to secure trade window via script |
05-25 | Shinigami |
Added | Account.delete() - delete this empty account |
Added | Account.split( newacctname : string, index : 1..5 ) create a new account and move character to it |
Added | Account.move_char( destacctname : string, index : 1..5 ) move character from this account to destination account. you can use it to flip chars on same account too - it's not a bug, it's a feature ;oP |
04-04 | Shinigami |
Added | player.createdat - returns the PolClock when the character was created |
Added | Before character deletion, scripts/misc/candelete.ecl will be called. program definition is: - program can_delete( who, deleteby ); // return nonzero to allow deletion new constants in UO.EM: - DELETE_BY_PLAYER : Delete-Request by Player - DELETE_BY_SCRIPT : Delete-Request by account.DeleteCharacter( index ) Before character deletion, scripts/misc/ondelete.ecl and anypkg/ondelete.ecl will be called. Their return values are ignored. |
Fixed | Call OnDelete script in account.DeleteCharacter( index ) too. |
Updated | Account.set_uo_expansion(string): recognized values: SE, AOS, LBR, T2A (default), "". This determines what flag is sent with packet 0xB9 during login (Nothing -> 0x0000 / T2A -> 0x0001 / LBR -> 0x0002 / AOS -> 0x801b / SE -> 0x805b). It's possible to hook 0xB9 but don't forget to set_uo_expansion anyway because core uses this for internal flags (e.g. AoS Tooltips). Packet 0xB9 will be sent earlier (before you choose a character) and after you've used set_uo_expansion. |
Updated | servspecopt.cfg property: UOFeatureEnable, used in the last dword of the 0xA9 login packet, will block Bit 6 (support up to 6 Chars). To enable AoS stuff set Bit 5 (use 0x20), to enable SE stuff set Bit 7 & 5 (use 0xa0). |
04-02 | Shinigami |
Added | Additional realm-support CreateItemCopyAtLocation(x, y, z, item, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM); boat.move_offline_mobiles(int x, int y, int z[, string realm]); (If realm is not set, Boat-realm is used.) |
Added | Some realm-constants to uo.em |
03-09 | Shinigami |
Added | WeaponTemplate Prop Delay [ms] |
Added | NPCDesc Prop AttackDelay [ms] |
Added | character.delay_mod [+-ms] for WeaponDelay If (Delay!=0) use Delay(+delay_mod) to calculate next weapon swing. |
03-05 | Shinigami |
Added | UseTileFlagPrefix=0|1 in SERVSPECOPT(.LOCAL).CFG (default = 1) Should Core prepend "a"/"an" according to tiles.cfg flags to formatted item names? (p.s.: in 08-29 renamed from UseAAnTileFlags to UseTileFlagPrefix) |
Fixed | Last but not least, remove Spell Delay usage from core. |
03-03 | Madman |
Fixed | My previous attempt to remove spellcasting from the core was incomplete. It should no longer run a skillcheck before starting the spell script. |
03-02 | Shinigami |
Fixed | MoveObjectToRealm will handle any type of items (equipment etc.) and container with content too. |
Fixed | You can move item from container to different realm without crash. |
03-01 | Shinigami |
Fixed | Pol will support up to 5 Maps now (Britannia, Britannia_alt, Ilshenar, Malas, Tokuno) |
02-23 | Shinigami |
Added | DecayItems=0|1 in SERVSPECOPT(.LOCAL).CFG (default = 1) Disable (e.g. World Design Server) or enable (Live Shard Server) item decay. |
02-14 | Shinigami |
Fixed | AOS Spellbook entries in itemdesc.cfg will not crash linux build anymore. |
Fixed | Wrong handling of double clicking AoS style Spellbooks. |
01-27 | Shinigami |
Fixed | UOConvert will convert Samurai Empire Map Tokuno. Don't forget to use tiledata.mul shipped with SE. Don't forget to build new tiles.cfg and landtiles.cfg too. If not, your Tokuno Realm works and maybe looks funny ;o) |
Fixed | Small bug within UOConvert and Tiledata names with full length. |
01-24 | Shinigami |
Added | player.clientinfo -- returns a struct with a lot of usefull infomation about client PC Example : Function TestClientInfo(who) Var info:=who.clientinfo; If (info.unknown1) // in most/all cases 0x02 SysLog("ClientInfo '""' ["+who.acctname+"]"); SysLog(" Unknown1 = "+Lower(Hex(info.unknown1))); SysLog(" Unique Instance ID of UO = "+Lower(Hex(info.instance))); SysLog(" OS Version = "+info.os_major+"."+info.os_minor+"."+info.os_revision); SysLog(" CPU Manufacturer = "+info.cpu_manufacturer); SysLog(" CPU Family = "+info.cpu_family); SysLog(" CPU Model = "+info.cpu_model); SysLog(" CPU Clock Speed = "+info.cpu_clockspeed+" MHz"); SysLog(" CPU Quantity = "+info.cpu_quantity); SysLog(" Memory = "+info.memory+" MB"); SysLog(" Screen Resolution = "+info.screen_width+" x "+info.screen_height+" x "+info.screen_depth+" Bit"); SysLog(" Direct X Version = "+info.directx_major+"."+info.directx_minor); SysLog(" Video Card Description = "+CChrZ(info.video_description)); SysLog(" Video Card Vendor ID = "+info.video_vendor); SysLog(" Video Card Device ID = "+info.video_device); SysLog(" Video Card Memory = "+info.video_memory+" MB"); SysLog(" Distribution = "+info.distribution); SysLog(" Clients Running = "+info.clients_running); SysLog(" Clients Installed = "+info.clients_installed); SysLog(" Partial Insstalled = "+info.partial_installed); SysLog(" Language Code = "+CChrZ(info.langcode)); SysLog(" Unknown2 = "+info.unknown2); Else SysLog("No ClientInfo '""' ["+who.acctname+"]"); EndIf EndFunction Limitations : The client doesn't send this Packet every time, if available you can use it first time in your misc/logon.src. If your login server differs from play/shard server it doesn't work (Packet will be send before you choose the server only). This will work for Win release only, until now. Win and Linux core handle server-choose- and play-connection in a different way. Not sure why, must be something with OS-Socks implementation :o( Comment : Seems to be very usefull to detect shadow accounts... You love 1984? OSI too ;oP (p.s.: in 08-29 renamed from player.spyonclient2 to player.clientinfo) |
01-24 | Shinigami |
Linux | If you'll get something like this using Gentoo Release: |
pol | ../sysdeps/generic/dl-tls.c:72: _dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result <= _dl_tls_max_dtv_idx' failed. try following to run your Pol: #!/bin/sh export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4 ./pol |
09-18 | Birdy |
Fixed | Moved login complete packet send higher in login process to try to fix problems with logging into a weather region with weather where it would start to rain spell icons instead of rain or snow. |
08-03 | Birdy |
Added | AcctMatch lines in server entries in servers.cfg. Example of format is below. AcctMatch lines have one account name per line, and are those accounts to show the given server to on login to the 'login server'(the server that is in the client's login.cfg). Example : GameServer { Name Test IP Port 5003 AcctMatch admin AcctMatch staff } The above would only display that particular server(Test, located at to someone logging into the login server with accounts admin or staff. IPMatch still works as well, and for an account to see the server it must fulfill both IPMatch and AcctMatch entries, if those exist to match up against. |
08-03 | Birdy |
Fixed | Good Aligned NPCs that attack innocents and go criminal will highlight grey now. Attacking criminal flagged Good NPCs will no longer flag others as criminal. |
08-01 | Birdy |
Fixed | Crash bug related to realm not being set in createitemincontainer soon enough for references to it in create scripts. |
07-27 | Birdy |
Added | New system event : SYSEVENT_GONE_CRIMINAL := 0x2000; You should add this to your file or wherever you keep your system event constants. This event is closely associated with the SYSEVENT_ENTERED_AREA event. It uses the current range setting for the ENTERED_AREA event as it's own range, and this is for good reason. The GONE_CRIMINAL event lets the system tell the NPC when a mobile has become a criminal(from a previously non-criminal state) by firing this event and placing a character reference to the new criminal in the source field of the event. If used in conjunction with the ENTERED_AREA system event, then guards should be able to do their guarding work without needing to do polling scans of the area around them periodically. On ENTERED_AREA events, you check to see if the person entering the area is a criminal or not. On GONE_CRIMINAL events, you know that the person who was already in the area has become a criminal from previously being innocent. This event will only fire if the criminal is visible to the NPC. Though again, if you are using it in conjunction with the ENTERED_AREA event, then when the criminal comes out of hiding, an ENTERED_AREA event will be fired and you can handle the criminal there. This event will also only fire on transitions from innocent status to criminal status. No events will fire on transition to innocent status again, and if the subject was already a criminal to begin with, then doing a criminal act again will not fire the event. This is to keep the system from being overloaded with events since every hit on an innocent is a new criminal act. I will stress one last time, use this WITH the SYSEVENT_ENTERED_AREA system event, NOT on it's own! Or you will be confused and bewildered. You have been warned! |
07-18 | Madman Across the Water |
Changed | Casting from the default spellbook: * It no longer checks if you are dead, says the words of power, performs the animations, checks for free hands, performs a skill check, or checks for or consumes mana or reagents. All these things must now be handled in scripts. This, combined with Myrathi's changes on 5-12, wherein spellid is now passed to the cast spell, should allow greater flexibility and also simplicity in spell systems and scripts. |
06-17 | Birdy |
Changed | Uncommented RandomFloat(...) in util.em to allow it to be used. |
06-13 | Birdy |
Fixed | Items dragged across realms and dropped will update properly. This is necessary to allow storage containers to be able to have their items dragged out of them and dropped on the ground directly, even if the ground is not the default realm that storage containers are all in. |
Fixed | All worn items will now have their realm updated on character realm transfer instead of just the backpack. |
06-09 | Myrathi |
Removed | Deprecated UO.EM functions: * Damage() * GameStat() |
06-08 | Myrathi |
Fixed | CASE statements given a significant overhaul: * Error messages now correctly refer to them as a "CASE statement", not a "SWITCH statement". * They now *require* their test-expression to be within parenthesis. * Empty CASE statements with no option clauses are now caught as invalid. * A warning message will be displayed if the only thing defined is a "default:" clause (i.e. no option clauses) * Missing option values are now caught and less cryptic error messages shown (e.g. when using undefined constants) |
06-06 | Myrathi |
Added | New 'dowhile' keyword (to solve the "do/while()/endwhile/while()" bug). "do..dowhile()" now follows the more usual block syntax style (if..endif, while..endwhile, etc.). Syntax is as follows: do <statements> dowhile ( <expression-is-true> ); |
06-05 | Birdy |
Added | ItemColorMask ServerSpecOpt option. This option defaults to the typical POL mask of 0xFFF. It is a bitmask of what colors should be considered valid. For example, with an ItemColorMask of 0xFFF, any color from 0 to 4095 is considered a valid color. With an ItemColorMask of 0xFF, this would be reduced to a range from 0 to 255. It was left a mask instead of given as a range in order to allow specifying certain bits to be on. So, for instance, with the newer clients, a mask of 0x4FFF will allow the third bit (value 4) of the most significant nibble to be turned on, but no others in that nibble. This allows for newer clients to use the "transparent animation" feature, which allows equipped mounts to be transparent(ie, ethereals). Bear in mind, older clients may well crash if you set colors to be outside of the non-default mask of 0xFFF, so this is strictly at your own risk to use it. But for those of you wishing ethereal beetles and other mount animations to be ethereal, you will have to set the mount piece to be color 0x4001 and then equip it. And in order to do that, you will need an ItemColorMask of 0x4FFF. |
06-03 | Birdy |
Removed | GetAttributeIntrinsicMod(...) function interface in uo.em was removed, since no Set for the function has existed since way back in POL094 test cores and no plans to impliment a set exist. This will require a search of your scripts for this function and removal of it(some distro code has it) and a recompile of those scripts. |
05-24 | Birdy |
Fixed | FindSubstance should now (hopefully) auto-release items reserved by it on script termination. |
Fixed | Packet.SendAreaPacket(x,y,range,realm) now looks for 4 parameters as it should instead of 3. |
05-17 | Birdy |
Changed | concealed property is no longer compared to cmdlevel by core. Any scripts changing concealed should do validation against cmdlevel itself. Doing this now allows NPCs and others to be able to be concealed at higher levels than their cmdlevel. For this added flexibility, all validation must now be done within scripts! |
05-16 | Myrathi |
Removed deprecated operators and tokens (as promised! :P'): - '=' has been removed; use '==' to test for equality. (appropriate suggestions will be made for '==' or ':=') - 'local', 'global' and 'dim' have been removed; use 'var' to declare variables. - 'begin' and 'end' have been removed: do..while() loops now work without them. repeat..until() loops never actually needed them: so no loss. :) ** Scripts containing any of the removed operators or tokens ** ** WILL NOT COMPILE ANY MORE!! Update your scripts!! ** |
05-12 | Myrathi |
Fixed | Mobile 'mob.frozen' flag is now saved properly (NOTE: this includes PCs and will most likely require any existing scripted workarounds to be rewritten!) |
Added | Extra 'spell_id' parameter is now passed to spell scripts which relates to 'SPELLID' in the spell's entry in '::spells.cfg'. Example: use uo; program spellscript( who, spell_id ) SendSysMessage(who, "Casting SPELLID# " + CStr(spell_id)); // "Clumsy" has spell_id = 1, "Create Food" = 2, etc.. endprogram |
05-01 | Birdy |
Fixed | Number of Map/Static patches was reversed in the enable difs packet. |
05-01 | Racalac |
Fixed CProps "GivenBy", "GivenTo", and "GivenTime" set on items dropped on NPCs. |
04-26 | Birdy |
Added | New uo.em function created : FindSubstance( container, objtype, amount, makeinuse := 0 ) This function will search the given container for items of objtype in an amount equal or greater than the amount given(stackables can return greater than #), if makeinuse is set to 1, then the items will be reserved. If sufficient # of items have been found, those found(and possibly reserved) will be returned in an array as the return value. If not enough of the given item were found, then an error with errortext = "Not enough of that substance in container" will be returned. |
04-25 | Racalac |
Added new house methods that allow write access to the house.components array. house.add_component(item ref) house.erase_component(item ref) Added multi member: multi.footprint returns a struct with "xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax" of the world coordinates the house or boat occupies. Added GetMultiDimensions(graphic), returns struct with "xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax" of _relative_ distances from center. xmin and ymin are _negative_. Changed TargetMultiPlacement. new optional parameters: TargetMultiPlacement( character, objtype, flags := 0, xoffset := 0, yoffset := 0 ); xoffset and yoffset change the "ghost" target house. NOTE: the coordinates returned by this are the coordinates of the "target" cursor, not the center of the house! So if you want to have the front steps be under the cursor, you must transform the parameters to CreateMultiAtLocation to include your xoffset and yoffset. ANOTHER |
NOTE | positive offsets move the cursor left/down in relation to the ghost house. When transforming the coordinates for CreateMultiAtLocation, use the negative (i.e if yoffset is 4, subtract 4 from the y coordinate result of TargetMultiPlacement when passing the location to CreateMultiAtLocation. Example, using the front steps to target: var dims := GetMultiDimensions( 0x6071 ); if(!dims) return; endif var loc := TargetMultiPlacement( who, 0x6071, 0, 0, dims.ymax ); if(!loc) return; endif var house := CreateMultiAtLocation( loc.x, loc.y - dims.ymax, loc.z, 0x6071, 0, who.realm ); |
04-24 | Racalac |
Armor Zone 0 errors hae a better message now. Half-created PCs shouldn't get into the world file now. Added house.custom() returns 1/0 (for upcoming custom house support) NPC move functions check the current realm's bounds CreateItemAtLocation correctly checks passed coordinates for validity for the realm Map methods (insertpin, etc) check the current realm's bounds. Not like there's art for the other realms anyway. Packet 0x1B changed to include correct map/server bounds |
04-23 | Birdy |
Changed | Mounts listed in uoconvert.cfg that are not found to have tiledata.mul entries will now be created regardless. Should fix problems related to 0x3ea2 mount(perhaps others too), which has no tiledata.mul entry, yet is a valid mount graphic. |
04-20 | Birdy |
Fixed | FindPath(...) should work again now. |
04-17 | Birdy |
Changed | Speech.mul -- Added in support for UTF-8 -> Unicode decoding in speech.mul packets. Should work now (hopefully) for all languages. |
Fixed | Minor tweaks to movement. Should fix some bounceback problems. |
04-17 | Racalac |
Multimap/Realm Support ---------------------- POL now supports seperate maps, or "Realms", such as britannia, ilshenar, and malas. The uoconvert tool is the starting point for using realms on your shard. Run the updated instructions in the included uoconvert.txt help file. The names of the directories created in pol/realms by uoconvert are the realm names that are used by the core and your scripts. I recommend you keep them the same as what is in the uoconvert.txt file. Realm names are the key to using realms on your shard. The client's *.dif files should be used in the uoconvert process, as the client needs to know how many patches exist. Any time the .dif files change on the client side, re-run uoconvert with the new .dif files to stay in sync. Object Changes: UObject.realm: Read-only string. (This inherits to Item, Character, Multi, etc) Account.uo_expansion: Read-only string Account.set_uo_expansion(string): recognized values: AOS, LBR, T2A (default) This determines what flag is sent with packet 0xB9 during login. The servspecopt.cfg UOFeatureEnable is used with packet 0xA9 and is currently global to all clients. Packet.SendAreaPacket(x,y,range,realm), realm name string parameter added. Escript Module Changes: polsys.em: Added "Realms()": returns a dictionary of structs. example: "realm_name" -> "width" "height" "mapid" "toplevel_item_count" "mobile_count" uo.em (included with zip): The following functions were enhanced with a realm parameter (all realm parameters are a case-sensative string name of the realm). All other functions use some object's context for determining the realm. Tip for upgrading: all your scripts should works normall _in Britannia_. In any other realm they will fail. You must find all occurances of these functions on your shard and fill in the realm parameter with an appropriate value. For example, in the createnpc textcommand, the call to CreateNPCAtLocation should be made with 'who.realm' as the last parameter. Many script changes are easy like this, others are harder, like spawnregion and recall/gate spells. If something doesn't work, you can be fairly sure it's due to an incorrect realm parameter. The pol-distro sourceforge project has been updated with many of these changes if you wish to look. const _DEFAULT_REALM := "britannia"; CreateItemAtLocation( x, y, z, objtype, amount := 1, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); CreateMultiAtLocation( x, y, z, objtype, flags := 0, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); CreateNpcFromTemplate( template, x, y, z, override_properties := 0, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM); FindPath( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM, mobilesblock := 0, searchskirt := 5 ); GetHarvestDifficulty( resource, x, y, tiletype, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); GetMapInfo( x, y, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); GetRegionString( resource, x, y, propertyname, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); GetStandingHeight( x, y, startz, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); GetWorldHeight( x, y, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); HarvestResource( resource, x, y, b, n, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); // returns b*a where 0 <= a <= n ListGhostsNearLocation( x, y, z, range, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); ListItemsAtLocation( x, y, z, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); ListItemsNearLocation( x, y, z, range, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); ListItemsNearLocationOfType( x,y,z, range, objtype, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); ListItemsNearLocationWithFlag( x,y,z, range, flags, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); ListMobilesNearLocation( x, y, z, range, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); ListMobilesNearLocationEx( x,y,z, range, flags, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); ListObjectsInBox( x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); ListMultisInBox( x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); PlayMovingEffectXYZ( srcx, srcy, srcz, dstx, dsty, dstz, effect, speed, loop := 0, explode := 0, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); PlayStationaryEffect( x, y, z, effect, speed, loop := 0, explode := 0, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ); Functions added: MoveObjectToRealm( object, realm, x, y, z, flags := 0 ); --This is the only write interface to an object's realm. If you wish an object to reside on another realm, this is the only function available. Check obj.realm != destination_realm to avoid unnecessary same-realm transfers. flags is the normal MoveItem|CharacterToLocation flags. The passed x,y,z must be a standable location in the specified realm. Most of these functions will return the errors "Realm not found" and "Invalid Coordinates for realm". Regions: Added "Realm realmname" property poltool: added a 5th parameter for the 'mapdump' command, a realm name string as above uoconvert: number of map and static patches (from mapdif and stadif files) saved to /realm/[name]/realm.cfg Recommend to turn on mapdifs for all realms. Other Changes: AOS Spellbook packets are supported. For this, change you spellbook's itemdesc.cfg type from Container to Spellbook. Paladin and Necromancer spellbooks are supported by the new Spellbook itemdesc type property "SpellType" which is one of these strings: "Magic", "Paladin", "Necro". Recognized scroll objects are: Magic: 0x1F2D - 0x1F6C, Necro 0x2260 - 0x226F, |
Paladin | 0x2270 - 0x227C. Sorry this is hardcoded :P Simple support for AOS tooltips - old single click functionality is supported. Custom Houses - not yet sorry, that's next! |
04-01 | Birdy |
Added | MaxPathFindRange servspecopt[.local].cfg option added. This will define the maximum distance between the start and destination points which pathfinding will be performed on. If PathFind is called on points greater than this value, an error result will be returned with "Beyond Max Range." as the errortext. Default value for this is 50. |
Added | HiddenTurnsCount servspecopt[.local].cfg option added. This will define whether or not turns made while hidden will count as a "move". It defaults to 1, which is the way POL has always operated. If set to zero, then if you are hidden and make a turn, it will not count against your stealth steps, nor will it unhide you if you are not stealthing. If set to one, turns while hidden do count against stealthsteps, and will unhide you if you are not stealthing. |
Added | New uo.em function added, UseItem(item, character); This will allow the item specified's use script to be run by the character specified. No checks are done for distance, or check for being a ghost, or anything else. Essentially, the script is just fired off on the character without checks, so the script calling this function should do those checks if desired. This function can also be called with NPC's as the character, but any use script that requires interactivity with it's user that is called on an NPC may have unpredictable results(dependant on the script). |
Added | UOConvert now will report the (x,y,z) of invalid tiles that cause it to abort map conversion instead of just aborting. |
03-29 | Birdy |
Fixed | Caves should now be able to be walked into. Some problems along shores fixed too. Run UOconvert on your files for this fix to work. |
03-24 | Birdy |
Changed | Character height in all other aspects changed to 15 from 9 to better reflect height in game relative to items. |
Changed | Walking related to ladders modified to try to help in their traversal. |
Changed | The map now should block LOS. Run UOconvert on all your files again! (see uoconvert.txt for instructions) |
Fixed | Speech.mul should now display speech with keywords even when on a non-ENU region computer. |
Changed | Boats now check height of blockables in relation to the boat before being blocked by them. This should allow boats to travel under sufficiently high bridges and over statics that may be under the map. |
Added | Pathfinding function FindPath. This is a very experimental function and has a minute chance of returning a "Path Corrupted" error. If you use it and can find a distinct path from point A to point B which generates a "Path Corrupted" error, please send details to the dev team. Function prototype is found in uo.em and takes the form : FindPath( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM, mobilesblock := 0, searchskirt := 5 ); (x1,y1,z1) = start of the path (x2,y2,z2) = destination mobilesblock = Whether or not to consider mobiles in the way as 'blocking' the path. searchskirt = The skirt around the square that is formed around the start of the path to the destination which represents the searchable area. If it finds a path it will return an array of coordinates, representing each step along the path from the next step to take from the start of the path to the actual destination. The coordinates are found in .x, .y, and .z. Ex : myPath := FindPath(startx, starty, startz, endx, endy, endz); The first step to take from a standing position at (startx,starty,startz) would be at (myPath[1].x, myPath[1].y, myPath[1].z), the next at (myPath[2].x, myPath[2].y, myPath[2].z), etc. Keep in mind that if you want you can give as large a search area as you want, and it will try to find the area. But the larger the search area(ie, the larger the distance from start to destination), the more memory and more time it will take to find a path. Trying to search, for instance, for a path from Yew to Britain will almost certainly freeze your shard and gobble up all it's memory. No restrictions were placed in core in order to allow for use of the function with future computers which may indeed one day be able to search for such a path in a split second. But that leaves the responsibility on the scripter using the function to be certain to not try to search for outrageously large paths. My experience is that paths of 20 or less tiles are fairly quick and low impact on the server. Several errors can be returned instead, with the following errortext messages : "Failed to find a path." -- The typical error returned when a path hasn't been found. "Out of memory." -- This will only happen if there isn't sufficient memory to perform the search. "Solution Corrupted!" -- This is an error that rarely seems to happen, but if you can get it to happen repeatedly along a static(non-changing) specific path, please report it to "Pathfind Error." -- A catch-all error for various other circumstances, assume no path could be found. |
03-04 | Birdy |
Changed | Character look height changed to 15 from 9 to better reflect height in game relative to items. |
Added | uoconvert.cfg element option added, LOSOptions, in the following form: LOSOptions { UseNoShoot 1 LOSThroughWindows 1 } UseNoShoot means uoconvert will determine whether or not something blocks LOS by use of the NoShoot tiledata flag instead of the Blocking tiledata flag. A couple of special cases exist for secret door items and blocking items that are walls(in both cases, LOS will be hindered), but otherwise the NoShoot tiledata flag will be used. This should make many blocking, yet not really LOS blocking items no longer block sight, such as candelabras, lamp posts, and such. LOSThroughWindows only matters if UseNoShoot is 1. If LOSThroughWindows is 1, then items marked as windows in tiledata will not impede LOS. Both of these options default to false. When UseNoShoot is false, the old method of determining sight blocking as being equivalent to ability to pass will be used for LOS. |
Added | uoconvert.cfg element option added, Mounts, in the following form: Mounts { Tiles 0x3ea0 0x3ea1 0x3ea2 0x3ea3 0x3ea4 0x3ea5 0x3ea6 0x3ea8 0x3ea9 0x3eb0 0x3eb2 0x3eb3 0x3e9f } If this element exists, and if Tiles exist within it, then those tiles with the graphic IDs listed will be considered to be mounts by uoconvert and will set the layer to be the mount layer and it will set the tile to be equippable. |
Added | New System Hook : SpeechMul -- This hook will be activated when someone using a client with speech.mul in it says a speech.mul keyword(one or more). The person who spoke is passed as the first parameter and an array containing each of the speech tokens they spoke is passed as the second parameter. This is a very experimental hook, so use at your own risk! Though I would like to know if it works, particularly on non-english systems. For ENU players/admins, whether you have a hook or not, these changes should make it such that you no longer "lose text" that has speech.mul tokens in it. If you wish to write a syshook script for speech.mul tokens, you will need a syshook.cfg file with the following in it. This should be in a package of some sort too of course. SystemHookScript speechmulhook.ecl { SpeechMul SpeechMul } The following is an example of a very simple hook called speechmulhook.src. It is, of course, up to you to make something actually useful. : use uo; program SpeechMulHook() return 1; //change to 1 to enable the hook endprogram exported function SpeechMul(who, speechtokens) //note passed ARRAY of speech.mul tokens Print("Tokens : "); foreach token in speechtokens Print(CStr(token)); endforeach endfunction |
12-27 | Racalac |
Fixed invisible corpse clothing Fixed boat member access Fixed (maybe) first non-nodraw tile in multi definition flagged as static by uoconvert Changed core visibility function - characters now can always see themselves. Fix for equipping items while hidden not showing until unhiding. |
12-06 | Racalac |
Fixed | Invisible items in containers caused random items to become temporarily invisible |
Fixed | default doubleclick range for items without an itemdesc entry wasn't reading from servspecopt.cfg |
11-16 | Racalac |
Fixed | member access to account and script objects (and any dicts/structs with the same key names) Recompile your scripts! Keep testing, find my errors! :) |
Changed | logged-off players are now considered not visible for any/all systems that check visibility. |
11-15 | Racalac |
poltool | prints flag descriptions |
Fixed | height 1 "half-height" tiles no longer considered height 0. |
Fixed | crash by passing 0 to SystemFindBoatBySerial |
Fixed | account object method fall-through. d'oh! |
11-10 | Racalac |
Fixed member access to datastore, script, and guild objects. Keep testing! | |
Changed | equipment.container returns an "offline" character reference when equipped. |
11-09 | Racalac |
Changed | invisible items in containers can't be seen by those without the seeinvisitems priv Major Changes: New ecompile version! Changed the way object methods and members are set and get. This should give a moderate to major speed enhancement to script execution. Please report any weirdness you encounter with respect to setting and getting object (and struct/dict) members, calling object methods, and methodscripts (that may or may not override core-defined methods). Temporary new ecompile/ecompile.cfg option: specifiy the -m command-line paramter to compile using the old way, or set "OptimizeObjectMembers" in ecompile.cfg to 0 (1 by default). This option will go away when I'm satisfied this new code works. |
11-01 | Racalac (not in 11-01 test core) |
Fixed | water statics above walkable map no longer blocks movement below |
Fixed | second equipped item in a layer no longer stored as "gotten" (fixes crash on save?) |
10-31 | Racalac |
Items with no defined itemdesc.cfg entry (walls, floors, etc) will use the servspecopt.cfg values for decay time and dblclickrange. Added character.cleargottenitem(). Returns "dragged" item to original location. There's an graphical glitch with the client that makes it look like the item is duplicated. The item that appears to remain on the cursor is not really there. |
uoconvert | changed map structure to allow building dynamic items and walking around on them. RECONVERT YOUR MAP! Allowed movement in places like T2A with dramatic Z changes in the map. |
Fixed | certain script parameters were being flagged wrongly as out-of-range |
Fixed | (maybe) If a layer is already equipped, trying to equip another item on that layer will return the item to its original location (3D client thing). Added Npcdesc.cfg property: AttackAnimation (default 0 (wrestling)), use this change the template's intrinsic weapon animation (i.e. for LBR npcs) |
10-25 | Racalac |
Added uoconvert.cfg for defining what multi IDs are what type (Boat, House, Stairs (AOS)). See included file for 'normal' values. Added for Packet Hooks: SubCommandLength property for 'parent' packets: 1, 2, or 4 byte lengths for subcommand fields. Example: Packet 0x12 //Macro/Spell/Action { Length variable SubCommandOffset 3 SubCommandLength 1 //unlike cmd BF, the subcommand is 1 byte, not 2 } SubPacket 0x12 { SubCommandID 0xC7 //bow or salute ReceiveFunction command_12:HandleC7Action } |
09-27 | Racalac |
Fixed improper cleanup of accounts and player characters on exit, leftovers.txt should be reduced in size now. Maybe fixed a memory leak in the packet hook system. |
09-08 | Racalac |
Fixed a crash condition concerning multis and movement. Added error messages if missing realm files. |
uoconvert | handles a specific poorly formed staidx block |
09-06 | Racalac |
uotool reads pol.cfg from the same dir to find the MUL files. uotool & poltool usage statements updated Example to fix mounts, add en entry like this in tiles.cfg for each of your mount types (i.e. listed in tamed.src) Remember running "uoconvert tiles" will not save your manual changes. tile 0x3ea2 { Desc mount UoFlags 0x04404000 Layer 25 Height 3 Weight 0 Equippable 1 Movable 1 } Changed UOConvert handling of blocking flags, probably fixing NPCs walking through fences, etc. Please re-run UOconvert. Syz changed uoconvert to be more friendly to tool-created map and statics MULs. |
08-21 | Racalac |
Turned off core sends of Packet oxB9 (UO expansion enable) for now, it will return! Fixed bug with CreatePacket with specified cmdtype with fixed-length. |
08-20 | Racalac |
Fixed a bug in multis walking code introduced in the 08-19 testcore. |
08-16 | Syzygy |
The 'Summon Water Elemental' spell must now be in the spellbook to be cast. |
08-14 | Syzygy |
Fixed a LOS issue when doubleclicking an item stored in an NPC's backpack |
08-13 | Syzygy |
corrected an error where a client could be redirected to the wrong server if servers.cfg specified 'IPMatch' directives. corrected an error which would not allow a mob to drop an item to a lower Z. at death, those added to your "reportable" list will no longer be marked aggressor to you. at death, those added to your "reportable" list will no longer be marked as having lawfully damaged you. (this is imperfect - all your aggressors, and lawful damagers, should be cleared at your death) |
08-09 | Syzygy |
pol.exe no longer uses .mul files. See uoconvert.txt for notes (you will use uoconvert to generate pol data files) notable changes: a door will only be ignored if its itemdesc entry says it's a door (previously, used the tiledata.mul "door" flag to tell) I do not recommend editing multis.cfg, tiles.cfg, or landtiles.cfg by hand - as uoconvert is young, it's likely that you'll have to regenerate these files from the .mul files soon. |
08-05 | Syzygy |
Removed 'UseDynamicMapCache' pol.cfg option and related code |
07-27 | Syzygy |
CreateNpcFromTemplate will now accept a struct, or an array (with element names), specifying custom properties |
07-26 | Racalac |
Fixed creating armor items with GetItemDescriptor | |
Added | Packet Hook Scripts. See packethooks.txt. Don't try to hook AOS packets or I'll cry. |
06-20 | Syzygy |
account.GetCharacter(index) will notice if you pass 0, which is bad. account.DeleteCharacter(index) - same |
07-03 | Syzygy |
Added length validation for the 0xBD (client version) packet. |
07-01 | Syzygy |
ecompile looks for ecompile.cfg in the current directory before looking where the binary is. ecompile now flags the following as errors: var s := "1234" + ; var a := +; var a := { 4, +, 6 }; |
06-30 | Racalac |
account.SetName() takes an optional second parameter for new account password. If you have RetainCleartextPasswords=0, then you must pass a new account password, or you will get an error. default WeatherType for a region is now 255 (no weather), not 0 (rain). |
06-30 | Syzygy |
Corrected a crash exception on character creation if a control character was included in the name. Fixed a crash bug when displaying corpses in some circumstances. |
06-25 | Syzygy |
Items which specify "SaveOnExit 0" will have serials allocated from the same range as normal items. This also fixes a bug where duplicate serials could be allocated for nonsaved items. |
06-24 | Racalac |
Changed MD5 hashing flags to work on a broader range of windows installations. Instrinsic NPC weapons now are read-only for: hp, maxhp_mod, quality, dmg_mod. |
06-20 | Syzygy |
account.GetCharacter and account.DeleteCharacter will no longer accept an index of 0 Fixed a problem with character creation that could result in characters being written with 'CharIdx -1' (these were all failed character creations) Character creation will refuse to create a character with control characters in the name (newline, for example) |
06-19 | Racalac |
Added a 2 minute timeout for closing sockets POL has not received any data on. The client normally sends keep-alive messages every 60 seconds. This may fix the "number of connections reported much higher than the number of clients" bug. |
06-19 | Syzygy |
Fixed an access violation if a negative X or negative Y value was passed to various functions canInsert / onInsert script rework, part 3: changing parameter order to make things more consistent: adding an amount to existing stack: canInsert( mob, container, movetype, INSERT_INCREASE_STACK, adding_item, existing_stack, amt_to_add ) onInsert( mob, container, movetype, INSERT_INCREASE_STACK, uninit, existing_stack, amt_to_add ) (NOTE: for canInsert, adding_item can be an uninit, if one of the CreateItem functions is merely adding to an existing stack. By the time onInsert is called, adding_item is gone.) adding new item: canInsert( mob, container, movetype, INSERT_ADD_ITEM, adding_item ) onInsert( mob, container, movetype, INSERT_ADD_ITEM, adding_item ) Fixed a race condition which could cause socket error 10038 |
06-18 | Syzygy |
escript | array + array will return a concatenation of the arrays: { 3,2,6 } + {6,4} returns {3,2,6,6,4} AddMenuItem will once again accept 0 as a valid objtype TargetMultiPlacement will once again accept objtype values between 0x4000 and 0x4fff **** A VERY SPECIAL NOTE **** It would be best if you defined all your your objtypes in the range 0x5000 to 0xEFFF. See notes under POL092-2000-12-11 for how to specify OldObjType in itemdesc.cfg to convert objtypes at load time. *** END VERY SPECIAL NOTE *** |
06-16 | Syzygy |
Fixed typo in RESURRECT_FORCELOCATION flag The main listen thread will no longer be started if ListenPort=0 All intrinsic weapons and storage area root items are now always marked inuse - this way, DestroyItem, EquipItem, dragging etc won't work on these types of items (this was a cause of the dreaded 'itr != wc.items.end()' assertion failures) Fixed a memory leak in GetItemDescriptor() Added sanity checking in GetItemDescriptor use in case you set descriptor.CProps to other than a dictionary, or StackingIgnoresCProps to other than an array, to detect this rather than crash. canInsert / onInsert script rework, part 2: old: can/onInsert( owner, container, item, movetype ) can/onInsert( owner, container, item, movetype, amtadded ) (sometimes) new: adding an amount to existing stack: canInsert( mob, container, movetype, INSERT_INCREASE_STACK, existing_item, amt_to_add, adding_item ) onInsert( mob, container, movetype, INSERT_INCREASE_STACK, existing_item, amt_to_add ) (NOTE: adding_item can be an uninit, if one of the CreateItem functions is merely adding to an existing stack. By the time onInsert is called, adding_item is gone.) adding new item: canInsert( mob, container, movetype, INSERT_ADD_ITEM, new_item ) onInsert( mob, container, movetype, INSERT_ADD_ITEM, new_item ) These are the times when canInsert / onInsert scripts are called: Client drag/drop vendor buy: when moving items to the player's backpack vendor sell: when putting gold in the player's backpack secure trade, when cancelling or confirming a trade MoveItemToContainer CreateItemInContainer CreateItemInInventory CreateItemInBackpack Since I didn't actually test the backtrace-on-assertion functionality under Linux, it didn't work. Now it does. console.cfg is now reloadable (ReloadConfiguration, or SIGHUP) Added file.em module: ReadFile( filename ): read a text file reads a text file returns contents as an array of strings removing newlines WriteFile( filename, contents ): write a text file contents is an array of strings. appends newlines. creates file if it does not exist. renames existing file to filename.bak AppendToFile( filename, morelines ): append to a text file |
morelines | an array of strings appends newlines. creates file if it does not exist. LogToFile( filename, textline ): append a single line to a text file appends newlines. creates file if it does not exist. By default, no package has any file access rights. config/fileaccess.cfg: reloadable config file, grants access. Example: FileAccess { AllowRead 1 AllowRemote 1 Package testfileaccess Extension .cfg Extension .src } FileAccess { AllowWrite 1 AllowRemote 0 Package testfileaccess Extension .txt } FileAccess { AllowAppend 1 Package * Extension .log } |
06-15 | Syzygy |
new pol.cfg option: AssertionFailureAction = abort/continue/shutdown/shutdown-nosave | |
abort | (like old behavior) aborts immediately, without saving data. |
continue | allows execution to continue. |
shutdown | attempts graceful shutdown shutdown-nosave: attempts graceful shutdown, without saving data. If the assertion occurred during execution of a script, either 'shutdown', 'shutdown-nosave', or 'continue' will abort that script, displaying the script name and PC. Added uo.em function: ListMultisInBox(x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2) lists multis that have at least one static within the volume specified. Resurrect takes an optional parameter. If you pass RESURRECT_FORCELOCATION, will not check for blocking objects. Be sure you know what you're doing if you pass this flag. Just a note: if you're using Listener entries in uoclient.cfg, you should set ListenPort=0 in pol.cfg |
ecompile | uses ECOMPILE_CFG_PATH environment variable to find ecompile.cfg, if present. (note that normally it tries to look where the executable is. Some shells don't always pass this, particularly if you're using batch files or shell scripts - try putting the full path to ecompile in your batch file) Added a bewildering number of options to ecompile.cfg: DisplayWarnings = 0/1 (same as -w flag) CompileAspPages = 0/1 (same as -a flag) OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts = 0/1 (same as -u flag) GenerateDependencyInfo = 0/1 Generate .dep files whether or not updating DisplayUpToDateScripts = 0/1 Display the "xxx/script.ecl is up-to-date" message, or not. AutoCompileByDefault = 0/1 If set, and you don't pass any script names or -r or -A, will perform an auto compile. UpdateOnlyOnAutoCompile = 0/1 If set, autocompile will only update modified scripts. DisplaySummary = 0/1 Displays overall totals after compilation, unless compilation aborted due to a compile error. These are the settings I like: GenerateListing 1 GenerateDebugInfo 1 GenerateDebugTextInfo 1 DisplayWarnings 1 CompileAspPages 1 AutoCompileByDefault 1 UpdateOnlyOnAutoCompile 1 OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts 1 DisplaySummary 1 GenerateDependencyInfo 1 DisplayUpToDateScripts 0 This way, if I'm editing scripts, I just type 'ecompile' and it compiles everything that's changed. If I want to compile a particular file, I pass its .src name on the command line. |
06-13 | Syzygy |
mob.backpack.container now returns a mobileref to the owner. | |
bugfix | buyprice was sometimes being incorrectly read as 2147483647, after being gratuitously written as 4294967295. This value is now detected and ignored. Resurrect() will return an error if the mobile's location would be blocked if the mob were alive (ie by a door) LOS to an object is no longer blocked by the parts of other objects that share the same space with it. For example, this means: If two chests sit at the same place, neither blocks LOS to the other. If one chest is at Z=1, and the other at Z=2, LOS to the first can be blocked by the second, if looking from above. If a ghost is standing in a closed doorway, you can still have LOS to it. (but note the change to Resurrect above) |
Fixed | When sending mana level, sometimes the "current value" would be sent in place of the "maximum value", making it look like the mob had 100% mana. ondelete scripts are now passed an offline mobileref. Minor overhaul for onInsert scripts: MoveItemToContainer: now calls onInsert script _after_ putting the item in the container. CreateItemInContainer, CreateItemInInventory, CreateItemInBackpack: now call the onInsert script _after_ putting the item in the container. when adding to an existing stack, passes the "amount added" as noted in the POL092 changelog. (it was passing the size of the existing stack) !! I have just noticed that when any of these adds to an existing stack, the canInsert script is called with these parameters: canInsert( mobile, container, existing_stack_already_within_container, MOVETYPE_PLAYER ) This is no good. More thought required. When purchasing from a vendor: onInsert called _after_ putting the item in the PC's backpack. |
06-12 | Syzygy |
escript changes: Added (yet another) syntax for declaring initialized arrays: var x := array { 4, 3, 2 }; this is more consistent with struct { x, y, z } initializer syntax. array(8,3,2) looks too much like it's creating a multi-dimensional array, so I don't like it anymore. Added syntax for declaring initialized dictionaries: var x := dictionary { "abx" -> 72, "xyz" -> 32 }; // direct var key := 5, value := "x"; var x := dictionary { key -> value }; // indirect var x := dictionary { "abc", "cyz" }; // values start as uninit var pfx := "X"; var v := 7; var x := dictionary { pfx+"abx" -> 72, pfx+"xyz" -> 32+v }; // with expressions These are the preferred forms for declarations (see how they match?) var x := array; var x := dictionary; var x := array { 53, 76, 32 }; var x := struct { x, y, z }; var x := dictionary { "ABC" -> 62 }; Expressions like these will now be flagged as errors by the compiler: var x := { 2, 6, }; var x := array { 2, 6, }; var x := array( 2, 4, }; var x := struct { a, y, }; var x := 4 array; bitwise operations are now optimizable: int & int int | int int ^ int ~ int ecompile changes: new ecompile option: -C <config file path> new ecompile option: -A "Auto compile", I guess - compiles scripts in your PolScriptRoot and all enabled packages under your PackageRoot directories. (like -r, but knows where to go, using ecompile.cfg) Fixed two memory leaks. ecompile is now much more svelte when it runs, especially on directory trees. |
06-11 | Syzygy |
structs will again allow the obj[ keyname ] syntax, but only for strings. if you pass a number, your script will abort. If you pass another kind of object, an error will be returned. This is meant to help you quickly find cases where a script pretends that a struct is an array, which is not the case. fixed a compiler bug where the following would compile: var a, b, c; a := b { c, b }; AppendConfigElem will either accept an array of arrays, as it does now, or an array of struct { name, value } |
06-10 | Syzygy |
linux | SIGUSR2 will now display a stack backtrace to console, and continue execution. |
linux | properly set socket nonblocking options after accept() (learned, first from intense googling, then ironically enough from 'man accept', that linux can't be bothered to adhere to BSD norms in the "BSD sockets" interface, and instead discards socket options on accept()'ed connections) |
Note | there's a hole in the aux client interface obj.transmit() function, where it can still block, but it shouldn't be a problem if you're just using it to feed a local web server. |
06-10 | Syzygy |
It is once again possible to use mobrefs / itemrefs etc as keys to dictionaries. structs are now totally different objects than dictionaries. They can only contain named members, and the [] operator no longer functions on them. Also, struct names are now case-insensitive For structs, you should use operations like this: var a := struct { x, y, z }; a.x := 5; var b := struct; b.+g := 6; For dictionaries, you should use operations like this: var a := dictionary; a[57] := 4; a["XY"] := "Z"; a.erase( "XY" ); |
06-09 | Syzygy |
removed 'SellPrice 4294967295' and 'BuyPrice 4294967295' spam from items.txt etc. revised signal handling for linux. |
06-08 | Syzygy |
Added dirty flag to all mobiles/items. This should be set when anything on the object changes, and cleared on world save. Fixed a crash bug when a container previously send with SendOpenSpecialContainer was deleted. Fixed a crash bug on shutdown having to do with the thread registry. SaveWorldState() now returns a structure on success: struct { CleanObjects, DirtyObjects, ElapsedMilliseconds }; internal change: The following will now return a true 'struct', rather than an array bastardized with element names: (If you access these with obj.elemname you will have no trouble; if you use obj[1] etc you will have to make changes) object methods/properties: mobile.reportables polcore().script_profiles polcore().iostats polcore().queued_iostats uo.em: TargetCoordinates SelectMenuItem GetPosition GetMapInfo GetStandingHeight npc.em: Position() events (all): speech events unicode speech events damaged events engage events disengage events item-given events dictionary object methods now explictly check that key objects are either an integer, a real, or a string. |
06-07 | Racalac |
Major Addition: You may now specify properties for an item during creation. Here are the mechanics: polsys.em: GetItemDescriptor(objtype or name) returns a struct of all the itemdesc.cfg properties for the specified objtype. You can use this to print the contents: var ret := GetItemDescriptor(objtype); foreach thing in ret print(_thing_iter + ": " + thing); endforeach There are a couple special members. "CProps" is a dictionary of string->object pairs (object could be any packable type). "StackingIgnoresCProps" is an array of strings. You may edit the values in this dict but not all are assigned per-item (meaning it will do nothing). The item create functions accept this dictionary in place of the objtype / objtypename parameter. For example, to create a new item that will automatically stack with an existing stack with non-standard color and cprops, it would look like: var ret := GetItemDescriptor(objtype); ret.Color := 0x10; ret.CProps.insert("blah","1"); //assuming the existing stack have this color and cprop ret.StackingIgnoresCProps.append("blingbling"); var item := CreateItemInBackpack(who,ret,10); |
06-07 | Syzygy |
SystemFindObjectBySerial now returns proper multirefs for multis fixed a place that switched cout to hex formatting without switching it back |
06-06 | Syzygy |
Added automatic lockup detection: thread status will automatically be displayed after 30 seconds. Fixed a potential corruption error during queued data mode. |
06-05 | Racalac |
Changed | pol.cfg EncryptPasswords to RetainCleartextPasswords (default 1). NOTE this is logically opposite to the old EncryptPasswords option. We now ALWAYS MD5 hash passwords and ALWAYS store them. Make this option 1 if you want to also retain normal passwords, 0 if you only want the hashed passwords stored. |
Added | PasswordOnlyHash is written to accounts.txt. If the cleartext password is missing, it will be empty until the account successfully logs in. |
Added | account.PasswordHash (password only hashed), and account.UsernamePasswordHash (username + password hashed). account here is an account script object, i.e. character.acct. |
Added | accounts.txt reading info, X elements in Y ms. |
06-05 | Syzygy |
The .NET build now uses STLport 4.5.3 instead of MS's crappy implementation. It seems to be a bit faster now. Some comparison sysload numbers, using Xandros' huge shard data: .NET old: 100(33018), 100(16326), 100(62705), 100(64700), 100(66679), 100(67030), 100(67030), 93(53725), 5(0), idle VC6 05-24: 98(33533), 100(18338), 25(1519), 0(0), idle .NET now: 35(19292), 6(1), idle win32: we now retrieve CPU time used from the OS. This is reported as cputime, when sysload is reported. cputime is read once a minute, and the value displayed is the number of microseconds used. So, if cpuload is 10,000,000 then 10 seconds of CPU time were used. It doesn't look possible to get this on linux without considerable teeth-pulling. pol.cfg: ListenPort is now optional. If you don't set it, or set it to zero, it won't be used. Added to polsys.em: SetSysTrayPopupText( text ) |
06-04 | Syzygy |
performance improvements: ListMobilesNearLocation ListMobilesNearLocationEx ListGhostsNearLocation Speech (sending events to NPCs) |
06-03 | Syzygy |
escript | fixed a bug where the compiler could emit corrupt code if an IF statement was optimized away equipment.quality is now stored as a double-precision float, so equality comparisons should work better now. Added itemdesc.cfg flags. These apply to everything, even your own backpack. CanUseWhileFrozen = 0/1 CanUseWhileParalyzed = 0/1 Removed internal command: .t_setusescript Renamed internal ".props" command to ".t_props". This script should replace it: use uo; program dot_props( who ) var what := Target( who ); if (what) var names := what.propnames(); if (names.size() != 0) foreach propname in names SendSysMessage( who, propname + ": " + what.getprop( propname ) ); endforeach else SendSysMessage( who, "No properties." ); endif endif endprogram |
06-02 | Syzygy |
Modified i/o handling to better deal with unexpected signals (EINTR - socket error 4) | |
escript | equality comparisons for floats will allow for small differences (0.00000001) win32 .NET build: changed some compiler settings to improve performance |
05-31 | Syzygy |
Backed out the 05/26 SetRegionWeatherLevel change which was causing a stack overflow (which then caused pol to exit without any message) Corrected music, justice, and weather zone switch handling. They were broken (would do no processing if you moved either into or out of a location entirely outside the regions) |
Note | set the weather type to 255 to turn weather off. |
05-29 | Syzygy |
Target() will return a proper multiref if a multi is targetted (usable with DestroyMulti etc) This does not apply to floors, etc - only ship masts and so forth. Any function taking an objtype as a parameter will return an error if the objtype is not defined. Note that all objtypes in the 0x0000-0x3fff range are implicitly defined. (previous behavior was to throw an exception reporting that the objtype defined no graphic) |
05-28 | Syzygy |
New console command [threadstatus] will display thread status and checkpoints Thread status is now available on win32 as well as linux. |
05-26 | Racalac |
Fixed | SetRegionWeatherLevel should work now! |
Changed | Removed client 2.0.* weather packet disable. Let us know if there are still weather problems with 2.0.* clients. |
05-24 | Syzygy |
Fixed | a crash when an NPC killed itself in its script |
Masked | crashes at shutdown due to leftover objects. The objects will be leaked rather than attempt destruction. (if we can find out _why_ we have leftovers, we won't get these crashes at all - this crash in particular is a symptom) |
05-23 | Syzygy |
Fixed | NPC weapons will use the hitscript specified, not the wrestling hitscript |
Fixed | Display issue (1.26.4 clients only) when dragging an item to a mob that is too far away. Linux build: Added segfault handler - will dump a stack backtrace to stderr before aborting. please forward these (they'll just be a set of numbers) to PCT, if you're running the latest linux build. |
escript | added more convenient syntax for declaring structures: var t := struct { a, b, c }; // basic var t := struct { a := 4, b := "hey", m := foo(bar(4)) }; // initialized var t := struct { a := 4, b := struct { g,h,i }, c }; // with nested structures |
05-22 | Syzygy |
NPCs will be destroyed immediately when they die, rather than a little later. It should now be impossible to "kill" an NPC twice, ending up with multiple corpses. There may be cases where an NPC will be only partially killed. We don't know why yet, but there will now be log information to help us find out why. If you find an NPC that can't be killed, please check your logs for output containing: "Abnormal end after checkpoint" and post to PCT. NPCs will use their intrinsic weapon templates again. They were using human wrestling. Log additions: character creation, deletion |
05-20 | Racalac |
Fixed | boat planks were not cleaned up correctly For debugging: leftovers.txt is written to the pol directory on shutdown, contains serial and name for objects that survived cleanup somehow. |
05-17 | Syzygy |
pol.log will now roll over every day. Old logfiles will have names of the form: pol-YYYY-MM-DD.log |
05-17 | Racalac |
Added new pol.cfg option: EncryptPasswords=0/1 (default 0), if =1, the server will encrypt all passwords and all plaintext passwords will be lost! YOU CANNOT GO BACK AT THIS POINT WITHOUT RESETTING ALL THE PASSWORDS ON THE SERVER. So be careful about setting this option to 1! Don't make me have to repeat myself! I mean it! |
05-17 | Syzygy |
Fixed a crash caused when a script accessed container.container on something in a mob's backpack. |
05-16 | Syzygy |
item.setcolor( color ) will return an error if the specified color is > 0xFFF (it will still mask off the high bits and use what's left, though) Alt-Tab should no longer show a window called "Dialog" while POL is running. Fixed an assertion failure on load if a mobile or container failed to create completely. |
05-15 | Racalac |
Added | MD5 hashing of passwords. accounts.txt "Password" property is automatically converted, and saved back to "PasswordHash". No passwords are stored in plaintext on disk or in memory anymore, so full memory dumps should be safe from nosy people. MD5 strings cannot be reversed back to the original plaintext password. |
05-15 | Syzygy |
HitScript will be read from itemdesc.cfg entries for weapons, and used. OnHitScript will be read from itemdesc.cfg entries for armor, and used. AttackMinRange and AttackMaxRange will be read from npcdesc.cfg uoclient.cfg can now specify multiple ports to listen for clients on, and the encryption to use with each. Here is an example: Listener { Port 7011 Encryption ignition } Listener { Port 7012 Encryption 1.26.4 } Note that the Port specified overrides the value from servers.cfg. |
05-13 | Syzygy |
Changing an item's graphic will also set its height accordingly. There's now a little system tray icon that will let you stop POL. Maybe later it'll let you look at the console output or logs. We're accepting fan art for the icon :-) You'll need to uninstall and reinstall the service (pol -u, then pol -i) for the tray icon to be able to appear. start.log will now be written properly when POL is run as a service. |
05-11 | Racalac |
Changed | With the CreateItemInContainer/Backpack functions, a new stackable item will not be added to an existing stack unless the existing item stack has color equal to its itemdesc.cfg color property AND has equal CProps as its itemdesc.cfg entry (not counting locally and globally ignored cprops) |
05-11 | Syzygy |
process.kill() will immediately kill sleeping scripts, as well as scripts being debugged. (previously, script process would not die until the script woke up, if it was sleeping.) Mobiles will now break off an attack when an opponent changes from non-Innocent to Innocent. (previously, this happened for PCs, but not for NPCs, particularly pets) |
05-10 | Racalac |
Fixed another 4.0.0e client hang issue. |
05-09 | Syzygy |
Undid my brain-dead repsys timer change which was causing lockups. |
05-08 | Syzygy |
POL can now run as a service: 1. Put the executable in your POL directory (as always...) 2. Run 'pol -i' to install. 'pol -u' will uninstall if needed. 3. Recommended: Use the service manager to change the login from 'LocalSystem' to some account. 4. Start the service |
05-07 | Racalac |
Added new pol.cfg option: "MiniDumpType", determines the type of crash dump created. "small" is the normal minidump (default), "large" is the full memory space for POL (creates large files, but much more useful to the developers). Case-sensative. |
05-07 | Syzygy |
Corrected possible crash bug in repsys handling Corrected repsys timeout logic (would sometimes timeout early, would sometimes never time out) Corrected possible crash bug related to client reconnections and interactive scripts |
04-25 | Racalac |
Fixed | CreateItemCopyAtLocation now copies cprops correctly. |
Fixed | Dead NPC taking damage somehow is now killed. |
Added | servspecopt.cfg property: UOFeatureEnable, used in the last dword of the 0xA9 login packet. Probably has no effect (and possibly ill effects) until client messages like 0xBF 0x13 are handled. |
04-18 | Racalac |
Fixed | Generic Gump textentry should work again for ANSI characters. |
Added | Linux console command support |
04-13 | Racalac |
Fixed | Input is rejected for SendTextEntryGump if the string contains a control character (newline, etc) |
Fixed | Generic Gump 'textentry' will strip out any control characters from user input. |
04-10 | Racalac |
Fixed | Moving a character during logout no longer throws an exception (introduced 3/27) |
04-09 | Racalac |
Fixed | MoveBoatXY did mot move items on deck properly. |
04-06 | Racalac |
Change | Call Attribute Intrinsic Modification exported functions before Vital Maximum and Regen. |
Note | clients 4.0.0e and newer do not like the uoclient.cfg setting EnableControlFlowPackets enabled, and causes login to fail. No way around this it seems. |
03-27 | Racalac |
Added | boat.em: MoveBoatXY(boatref,x,y) |
Fixed | MoveCharacterToLocation with an offline character could cause an exception. |
Fixed | who.multi was not returning a boat ref, when appropriate. |
03-25 | Racalac |
Fixed | 4.0.0e login issue (login tested with 4.0.0e (uorice), 4.0.0c (uorice), 3.0.8q (uorice), 2.0.0b, and 1.26.4b. (2.0.0g still doesn't work, oh well..) |
03-24 | Racalac |
Fixed | Login (A9) packet was the wrong length (might fix 4.0.0e login issue) |
Fixed | Maps didn't work with set/get_member() |
Fixed | Multi.isa wasn't working |
03-20 | Myrathi |
Fixed | ECOMPILE will no longer compile files with .src/.hsr/.asp/.inc *anywhere* in the filename. These extensions must now be at the *end* of the filenames for them to be compiled! (fixes 'file.src.bak' bug) |
Found | Undocumented ECOMPILE option: -ri [dir] Same as '-r' except it recursively compiles .INC files! Useful for testing that your include files compile! |
Fixed | ECOMPILE options bug: -r [dir] / -ri [dir] These options will no longer 'eat up' options that follow them on the command line ("-r -u" would incorrectly 'eat' the "-u" option!). Such an option would be equivalent to "-r . -u" (recurse current folder). |
NOTE | If you need to compile files AS WELL AS recursing the current folder you MUST add the '.' (no quotes) so it doesn't treat the files as a folder (WRONG one would try to recurse the FOLDER 'myscript.src'!) This is WRONG: ECOMPILE.EXE -u -r myscript.src This is RIGHT: ECOMPILE.EXE -u -r . myscript.src <-- note the '.' |
03-19 | Racalac |
Changed the order of calling the Vital Maximum and Regenerate functions via RecalcVitals(). Order is: Maximum function, Regenerate function. Important CFG change: Set Weapon 0xF020 to SaveOnExit 0. This will force the intrinsic NPC wrestling weapon to a non-saved serial number. Fixed 03-18 npctemplate oversight. |
03-19 | Myrathi |
Added | extra 'movetype' parameter to Can/OnInsert and Can/OnRemove scripts. The values returned in this parameter are as follows (new constants in UO.EM) - MOVETYPE_PLAYER : physically moved (dragged) by a player - MOVETYPE_COREMOVE : moved by the core (eg, MoveItemToContainer().) And in the *Insert scripts only... - MOVETYPE_CORECREATE : created by core (eg, CreateItemInBackpack().) Example: use uo; program caninsertscript(character, container, item, movetype) if ( movetype != MOVETYPE_PLAYER ) // allow any movement/creation by core functions return 1; endif // insertion by a player must be validated // ...extra code here... endprogram |
03-18 | Racalac |
Fixed | "npctemplate" was not initialized on start-up when the exported vital functions were called. |
Added | pol.cfg options: ReportRunToCompletionScripts=0/1 (default=1) ReportCriticalScripts=0/1 (default=1) - Set to 0 to remove the "Script X running..." (RTC) and "Critical Script X has run for X instructions..." console messages. |
03-16 | Myrathi |
Fixed RequestInputUC() input-validation issue (control-characters are now correctly identified). Returns: - 0 (zero) if input is cancelled. - a struct: 'uc_text' => Unicode Array, 'lang' => 3-char language code - an error, when appropriate (see .errortext) |
03-16 | Racalac |
Added error message for thread exceptions, AUX service. Fixed annoying garbled "Listening for HTTP requests on port" message. Fixed up RequestInputUC(). |
03-16 | Myrathi |
Added | UNICODE.EM function RequestInputUC(): works the same as UO.EM's RequestInput() function except it takes 'unicode array' and 'language code' parameters in place of the 'prompt' parameter. The 'item' parameter is still simply a placeholder and a client cannot act upon one of these functions if the other has already been called (you'll get the "Another script has an active prompt" error). |
03-15 | Racalac |
Added uoclient.cfg property: MaxSkillID ("General" section,default 51 if not found). Use this depending on what client versions connect to your server. Newer clients can handle more skill IDs and older clients (which often crash being sent skillids above 48). You must have skills.cfg entires for each skillid up to MaxSkillID. |
03-14 | Racalac |
Added ClientEncryptionVersion "none" and "uorice" to help newbies. These are identical to "ignition". Linux Build: This is Rac's first linux build, and hopefully it's improved. Previously, linux builds were made using STLport and NO compiler optimizations. This build was made with libstdc++ 5.0.2, glibc 2.3.2 (with linuxthreads 2.3.2), gcc 3.2.2, and kernel 2.4.20. Consider using the same version libs as these. Also, optimizations are turned on in this build (they were turned off because of inexplicable segfaults. Hopefully, new build lib versions help this). |
03-13 | Racalac |
Fixed linux ".unload" crash. Fixed exception with Character serial 0x1. |
03-12 | Myrathi |
Fixed | RadToDeg() and DegToRad() in MATH.EM. They now work the right way around. :) |
03-10 | Racalac |
Save character and item serial counter to pol.txt. Increased Maximum UO SkillID to 51 (skills.cfg requires an update). Fixed 03-08 bug: new multis not found with SFOBS. |
03-08 | Racalac |
Implimented Serial Recycling: When POL reaches the maximum serial for characters (0x3FFFFFFF) and items (0x7FFFFFFF), it will then search from the minimum serial (1 for characters, 0x40000000 for items) for an unused serial to give. Note, nothing is done about CProps which store serials referring to destroyed objects. Hopefully with this system of reusing the "oldest" unused serial will avoid most of these problems. Very Significant speed improvement for all SystemFindObjectBySerial calls (including internal ones)! Your start-up times (with CheckIntegrity enabled) should be vasty improved. Fixed build so minidumps should give more information. |
02-18 | Racalac |
Removed unecessary equip layer check (some items in client 4.0.0 were prevented from being equipped due to a client bug). |
02-09 | Racalac |
Added | new servspecopt.cfg options: DefaultContainerMaxItems (default 125) and DefaultContainerMaxWeight (default 250). These values will be used for containers that do not define "MaxItems" and "MaxWeight" in their itemdesc.cfg entries. |
Added | OS.EM function: is_critical(). Returns 1 if the calling script was set critical, else 0. |
Fixed | client version string was being limited to 10 characters. |
02-09 | Racalac |
Changed | CheckIntegrity=1 in pol.cfg now also checks storage areas and offline character for duplicate serial items (This extends start up times). |
02-08 | Syzygy |
Sort-of fix for shards with data files with very high serial numbers: if 0x4effffff <= serial <= 0x40000000, serial will be allocated as a normal serial if 0x7fffffff <= serial <= 0x4f000000, serial will be allocated as a "nonsaved" serial. The upper range for "saved" serials will not be raised at this time. |
02-04 | Racalac |
Changed | PushthroughHook array of obstructors now includes hidden mobiles. |
Changed | renaming a stackable item a specific name will now prepend the amount to the single-click description. i.e. rename 2 items 'sucky item', then stack will produce a desc of '2 sucky items'. |
Fixed | character.height was being assigned an incorrect value on start, causing LOS problems. |
02-03 | Racalac |
Fixed | offline boat travelers were not being processed correctly on startup, leaving them behind on the water. |
Added | POL now supports Minidumps on Windows. If you are running POL on Windows XP, you do not need to do anything to enable this. Before Windows XP, you need a new "dbghelp.dll" with version 5.1 or greater in your POL directory. I've uploaded a redistributable version on core-test, this will be available and/or included in the final 095 core package. What Minidumps do: When(/if!) POL crashes, you will no longer see the cryptic dump of registers and call stack. Instead, POL will log and print on console that it has created a ".dmp" file in your POL directory. This file is much much more useful to us for debugging a crash than the simple text dump as before. This File should be sent to the developers along with the usual "what I did to cause this crash" information. If you run Linux, everything should work as before. |
Added | Newly created NPCs send and receive SYSEVENT_ENTERED_AREA events with the NPCs around them. Fixed by Syz: While on a moving boat, mobile's names no longer flash, and it's much easier to talk on a moving boat. Only annoyance is now mobiles show the walk animation while the boat moves (but don't move anywhere) |
02-02 | Syzygy |
Added minidump support |
02-01 | Syzygy |
CoreRequired in pkg.cfg can now be a full version string (ie "POL095-2003-02-01" ) (pkg)/uoclient.cfg can now contain a 'Protocol' element: Protocol { # # EnableFlowControlPackets: use the 0x33 (0x00 / 0x01) pause/restart packets. # Though OSI seems to no longer send these packets, they seem to help with smoothness, # particularly with boat movement. EnableFlowControlPackets 1 } |
01-30 | Racalac |
Fixed | "TrueObjtype" was not read correctly on startup. |
Fixed | coordinate bounds checking for CreateNPCFromTemplate and CreateMultiAtLocation (still be careful with this latter one, if some part of the multi overlaps beyond the map edge, it will cause problems) |
Fixed | unequiptest and equiptest are now automatically reloaded after an .unload or .unloadall |
01-28 | Racalac |
Fixed a crash with destroying items in core-called run-to-completion scripts (like OnInsert) introduced 01-26 |
01-26 | Syzygy |
foreach will no longer iterate over error objects |
01-26 | Racalac |
Added better stacking control over CProps: You can now specify specific CProp names that will be ignored when items are being stacked. There are two ways to do this: -Template level: new Itemdesc.cfg property: StackingIgnoresCProps, a space-delimited list of case-sensative cprop names to ignore only for stacking items of this objtype. i.e.: StackingIgnoresCProps propname1 propname2 etc. -Global level: A new packagable config file stacking.cfg (can be in /config and/or any package) specifies lists of CProp names that are ignored for all stacking items (duplicate names ignored). Structure: Stacking { IgnoreCprops propname1 propname2 etc. } |
Fixed | movecost.cfg entries were being interpolated in the wrong order. |
Changed | MoveItemToLocation now calls UnEquipTest and UnEquip Scripts if the item was equipped on a char. |
Changed | OnRemove and OnInsert are now Run-To-Completion (i.e. CRITICAL) scripts. |
01-24 | Syzygy |
The compiler will now put correct function names in listfiles. |
01-22 | Syzygy |
Added ReadMillisecondClock() to polsys.em |
01-22 | Racalac |
Fixed moved some npc creation code around so now npc.npctemplate is initialized by the time the vital maximum and regen rate exported functions are called. (so grabbing the HITS property from the npcdesc element is successful) |
01-20 | Racalac |
Fixed resetting stealthsteps (broken 01-09) Added control character stripping from sysbook text entry. |
01-18 | Racalac |
Removed 01-06 LOS combat initiation check. Fixed weirdness with merchant sell window and the .buy/sellprice changes. Removed hardcoded death sounds for human characters. |
01-15 | Racalac |
Fixed | Errors on startup from corrupt items shouldn't crash the server. Also, file name & line numbers are printed for ease of debugging. |
Fixed | Buying stackable items from NPC merchants now call canInsert and onInsert for player's backpack. |
Fixed | Setting .buyprice and .sellprice to 0 means the item's price is 0, not itemdesc default. (setting the members to -1 will force them to default to itemdesc) |
Fixed | Entered/Left regions weren't firing since 12-23. |
01-12 | Syzygy |
Fixed an assertion failure when assigning to a non-integer element of an array test script: "var a := {}; var b; a[b] := 3;" |
01-12 | Racalac |
Fixed | Polsys::ReloadConfiguration() now really reloads npcdesc! |
Fixed | item.multi should now return the correct MultiRef (items on tables and other 'blocked' locations were not being processed correctly) Removed hack fix for bug noted in 01-08 changes. Caused problem with boats. |
01-09 | Racalac |
Fixed | polcore().clear_script_profile_counters() shouldn't complain if you pass 0 parameters (the correct amount) |
Fixed | PC Unhide generating ENTERED_AREA events shouldn't fire strange combat update functions anymore. |
01-08 | Racalac |
Hack fix for gold "dropping through" floors of multis. This would affect ant 0 height graphic. **Please let me know if there are any weird effects with multis, LOS around/in/through multis, **walking on multies, dropping items on multis, and so on! |
01-07 | Syzygy |
NPC Templates in packages will once again have ":packagename:" prepended to their template name (npc.npctemplate, as well as what's written to npcs.txt) |
01-06 | Racalac |
Fixed | You now need line-of-sight to initiate combat. |
01-05 | Racalac |
Fixed | run_speed and use_adjustments weren't written to the save file. |
01-04 | Racalac |
Added | obj.set_member(membername, value) and obj.get_member(membername) to replace the removed "." method. This sets/gets a built-in member on the object which is named "membername". Returns an error if the member was not found on that object (i.e. "dmg_mod" on a backpack). |
01-03 | Myrathi |
Implimented new encryption routines as the basis for making future encryption updates a LOT easier (and is the start of internal support for encryptions 2.0.3 upwards!) NO NEW ENCRYPTIONS ARE WORKING AT THIS TIME. |
01-02 | Racalac |
Added character and account name to "No handler for skill X" message. |
Syzygy | |
Deleting an element from the datastore will mark the associated file as dirty. |
01-01 | Syzygy |
Windows 95 is no longer supported. Minimum (MS) OS required: Win98/NT4 Added to polsys.em: ReloadConfiguration(). Loads npcdesc.cfg and pol.cfg |
Linux | HUP signal will cause ReloadConfiguration to be called. |
01-01 | Racalac |
Fixed | for real: EnumerateItemsInContainer crash (with "worn items container" who.backpack.container) |
03-01-2001 | Myrathi |
Added | DefaultDecayTime=# in SERVSPECOPT(.LOCAL).CFG (default = 10) - unit: minutes |
NOTE | Only newly created or "refreshed" items will use any new setting! Existing items and items which remain "untouched" will retain the old value. |
Fixed | Picking up an item, failing to place it somewhere else and having the action "undone" (by the core) will no longer reset the decay timer if the "time until decay" is greater than the default interval. |
Fixed | CreateItemCopyAtLocation() now copies itemref.graphic to cloned item. |
12-29 | Syzygy |
accounts.txt will no longer be reloaded after a new version is written by pol itself Failure to bind the listening socket will now cause startup to fail on windows. New ecompile.cfg options: GenerateListing [0,1] GenerateDebugInfo [0,1] GenerateDebugTextInfo [0,1] Fix for ecompile under win32: use GetModuleFileName instead of argv[0] to determine path to ecompile.cfg |
12-29 | Myrathi |
Fixed | Shutdown no longer crashes when built with .NET (bonus points go to Syz!) |
Fixed | Deprecation warnings now give filename of the operator/token as well as line number. |
12-28 | Racalac |
Added | IP & Account logging information for unexpected and out-of-sequence messages. |
12-28 | Syzygy |
Fixed a crash bug on exit in the VS.NET build (having to do with Token destruction) (on the VS.NET build, some globals are destroyed in the opposite order. We now manually clear one particular container) |
12-27 | Racalac |
ReFixed | Players cannot rename a mobile with an invalid string. |
MaybeFixed | Crash in EnumerateItemsInContainer. A long-shot fix, please test who ever was experiencing this bug! |
12-25 | Myrathi |
Added | CFGFILE.EM function ListConfigElemProps(element): returns an array of the element's property-names (as unique strings). |
12-24 | Racalac |
Fixed | Now updates the client correctly when another mobile's color changed. |
12-24 | Myrathi |
Fixed | unicode support problems under Linux (think I got 'em all) |
Fixed | various bugs in various unicode routines. :P |
Fixed | unicode spell invocation using: ~IN<spellid> |
Added | "INVOKE: <info>" console spam now restricted to [pol.cfg]LogLevel=6 or higher. |
12-23 | Myrathi |
Fixed | Stat messages should now normalize properly to 1000 max-hp (0x11 packet) |
12-23 | Racalac |
Fixed | Exception if no regions were defined. |
Fixed | CreateMultiAtLocation now returns a MultiRef, not an ItemRef ;) |
12-22 | Racalac |
Fixed | When combining two stacks of the same objtype (either dragging one stack onto the other, or onto the container containing the other stack), the CProp lists of each item must match EXACTLY in order to be stacked. So, if Stack A has cprop myprop i5 and Stack B has cprop myprop i6, they will not be stackable by dragging. Similarly, if either of the stacks are missing a cprop the other possesses, the items will not stack. **Needs testing please** |
12-21 | Racalac |
Fixed | when a player buys an item from a merchant NPC, canInsert and OnInsert scripts are called for his/her backpack. |
CRITICAL | You MUST add this to an itemdesc.cfg entry or you server will fail to start! Container 0xFF02 { Name WornItemsContainer graphic 0x1E5E Gump 0x003C MinX 0 MaxX 66 MinY 0 MaxY 33 Weight 0 MaxItems 65535 Maxweight 65535 } Note the objtype is in the core-reserved range of 0xF000 - 0xFFFF. I hope no one has any items defined in that range.. :) Note this change just fixed a bug with backpack weight limits, and won't help "total" character weight (including equipped items). |
Fixed | using an item's x,y,z members in its own create script would throw an exception. |
Added | UO.EM function CreateItemCopyAtLocation(x, y, z, itemref): makes a clone of the item referenced with "itemref" at location x,y,z. Copies member variables and CProps. Does not work with Multi objects. Does not copy a container's contents. **Needs testing please** |
Fixed | Items split from a stack retain the CProps from the original stack. |
Fixed | character.setwarmode() now works with NPC characters (no longer throws an exception) |
Fixed | If the items sold TO an NPC merchant cost more than 60k gold, the core now creates seperate stacks of 60k gold instead of one greater than 60k (invalid for the client). So if you have any script code that handles this, you should probably remove it (or face creating twice the amount of gold you should!). |
Added | Unhiding AND Unconcealing generates a SYSEVENT_ENTEREDAREA event for nearby NPCs. |
12-20 | Racalac |
Fixed | A Mobile's lifebar will no longer disappear when you (for example), poison it. |
Fixed | An exploit that allowed players to drag items onto far away mobiles. |
12-19 | Racalac |
Fixed | a bug with system books where bad characters were written to the save files, causing errors like "Item has no SERIAL property". |
Fixed | If zero items were sold to an NPC, a gold coin was created in the player's pack with amount == 0. |
12-17 | Racalac |
Fixed | a nasty bug where items would not decay in certain areas (specifically, in a zone with a multi house). Also fixes the related "items don't decay near multis" bug. |
Fixed | If an item is defined as no decay on multis (the default), its destroy script was mistakenly called when the item was not decayed. This is fixed. |
12-15 | Syzygy |
Correct crash bug in CanRemove and OnRemove script execution when there's no owning mobile The originally defining package will be listed when multiple packages define an objtype "attack timer" spam outputs only when DebugLevel >= 20 item.invisible will initialize based on itemdesc.cfg settings |
12-10 | Myrathi |
Added array.exists( index ) - returns 1 if index <= array.size(), otherwise 0. | |
Added | sturdier parameter checking for object member-functions (no AV when too few params) |
Fixed | corrected the size of the 0xBB 'messenger' packet (no longer "eats up" extra bytes) |
Fixed | rename packet validation. Invalid content is truncated and a log message shown for admin use (including an output dump of the invalid data). Valid characters are spaces and upper- or lower-case letters (A-Z) e.g. Client #1 (account test) attempted an invalid rename (packet 0x75): 0000: 48 61 63 6b 54 65 73 74 0d 0a 09 43 6f 6c 6f 72 HackTest ...Color 0010: 20 30 78 34 38 30 0d 0a 0x480.. ........ |
Fixed | core now sends correct number-of-chars to client at login (this should fix the UOTD "can't create character" client issues) |
Fixed | array member-functions (.erase(), .size(), etc) now enforce parameter-passing: if you pass the wrong number of parameters (too few -or- too many) they'll return an appropriate error (until now, passing too few caused an Access Violation! Argh!!!) |
Fixed | arrays will no longer "resize" when you attempt to *retrieve* a value from an index that doesn't exist. Setting a value in a non-existant index still resizes, as always. Test array.size() or check array.exists(index) as appropriate. - Example: var arr := {1,2}; // create array with arr[1] and arr[2] arr[4] := "test"; // auto-enlarges to 4 indices (arr[3] is uninitialized) var foo := arr[23]; // arr.size() is still 4 and it returns: // error{ errortext = "Array index out of bounds" } var bar := arr.exists(15); // bar holds 0 since arr[15] doesn't exist. var zim := arr.exists(3); // zim holds 1. arr[3] exists, even though it's uninit! |
Removed | account.SetAcctName() member-function (deprecated since 089!) - use instead: account.SetName(name) |
12-09 | Myrathi |
Added new uo.em function: SendQuestArrow(to_whom, x := -1, y := -1) - 'to_whom' is the character the arrow shows to. - Passing 'x' and 'y' within map bounds will set the Quest Arrow to point at that location. - Passing -1 as 'x' and 'y' (ie. by just called SendQuestArrow(to_whom)) will remove it. |
12-09 | Myrathi |
Fixed | All UNICODE.EM commands now take arrays with integers the "right way round" (sorry!) Integers must now be "Big Endian" (0x1234) and not "Little Endian" (0x3412). |
Fixed | Text-commands typed by a unicode-enabled client are now "recognised" properly. |
Added | Text-command scripts now receive 2 extra parameters when activated by Unicode-enabled clients. - Program blocks should now look like this, to take advantage of them: program textcmd_mycmd( who, text, uc_text, langcode ) - 'uc_text' is a "Unicode array" of 2-byte "Big Endian" integers (see above) and can be an empty array (uc_text.size() == 0). - 'langcode' is a 3-character, uppercase language code. - 'uc_text' will be an 'error' type if the Unicode input is "bad". - 'uc_text' and 'langcode' will be uninitialized if no Unicode text is available (ie, when a non-Unicode client types the command) -Note- Text-commands should still be in an "English readable" character set!! There is no guarantee that foreign character sets in script-names will work, never mind Unicode character-sets, as the 'filename' is still matched against the ASCII equivalent! |
Added | NPCs now receive 2 *extra* event-parameters when they "hear" Unicode speech: - 'uc_text' is a "Unicode array" of 2-byte "Big Endian" integers (as above) - 'langcode' is a 3-character, uppercase language code. - these 2 parameters do not exist when speech is received from a non-Unicode client. - Example: var ev := os::wait_for_event(120); if ( ev ) case ( ev.type ) SYSEVENT_SPEECH: PrintTextAbovePrivate(Self(), "You said...", ev.source); if ( ev.uc_text ) PrintTextAbovePrivateUC(Self(), ev.uc_text, ev.langcode, ev.source); PrintTextAbovePrivate(Self(), " Unicode", ev.source); else PrintTextAbovePrivate(Self(), ev.text, ev.source); PrintTextAbovePrivate(Self(), " ASCII", ev.source); endif endcase endif |
12-07 | Syzygy |
Fixed | compiler bug w/ switch statement containing variable declarations |
Fixed | compiler bug allowing this to compile: Broadcast( "ff"; |
Fixed | itemdesc.cfg setting 'Invisible' not being used on item creation |
12-05 | Racalac |
Fixed a crash bug with cheaters sending an invalid packet. |
12-04 | Racalac |
Added Character Method: setwarmode( 0/1 ); Sets the internal warmode flag and sends the update to the player. Returns the new warmode value. |
Added | MoveItemToContainer and MoveItemToLocation both call the item's parent container's canRemove and onRemove scripts. |
Fixed | Text command scripts now have their controller properly set. (character reference in canInsert scripts where being passed as uninitialzed when the script was started via a textcommand) |
12-02 | Racalac |
Fixed | Characters with the "freemove" privilages can now move with 0 stamina, frozen, or paralyzed. |
Added | "You are too fatigued to move" message when trying to move with 0 stamina, or not enough stamina as defined in movecost.cfg. (Only if MovementUsesStamina=1 is enabled in servspecopt.cfg) |
Changed | MaximumClients in pol.cfg will be checked only after a character is selected to play. Clients connected are only counted if they have attached characters (so a client waiting to log in is not counted, and neither is a client that recently logged out). |
Added | MaximumClientsBypassCmdLevel (default 1). This integer value (from 0 (player cmdlevel) to 5 ("test") defines the minimum character command level to bypass the maximum clients check. So if the option =1, counselors and above staff can log in if the MaximumClients value is reached, but additional player cmdlevel characters cannot. |
12-01 | Racalac |
Improvements to pol.cfg MaximumClients: cmd_level>0 is checked, and clients without characters attached are not counted against the maximum. |
12-01 | Myrathi |
Fixed | Unicode ghost speech (no longer shows in chinese) |
Fixed | Various buffer overflow exploits in various uo.em functions (eg PrintTextAbove()) New EModule: UNICODE.EM containing 2 new constants and 4 new functions. _DEFAULT_UCFONT, _DEFAULT_UCCOLOR BroadcastUC(), PrintTextAboveUC(), PrintTextAbovePrivateUC(), SendSysMessageUC() - These functions act identically to their UO.EM predecessors except for the parameters. - ** please note the "UC" function suffixes ** - Unicode "strings" are actually EScript Arrays of 2-byte integers, where each integer is a unicode wide-character. (example uctest.src will be uploaded to CoreTest group) These "integer codes" are always clipped (internally) to 2 bytes (value & 0xFFFF) and a '0x0000' value will stop the end the string, regardless of the size of the array. - Passing a non-array variable or an array with a non-integer value in it, as the 'uc_text' parameter, will throw an error. They MUST all be integers. - The 'uc_text' array cannot exceed the current 'maximum speech length' of 200. - LangCode's are 3-character identifiers for the language it's in: ENG, RUS, KOR, etc. Passing a langcode string that's not 3 characters will throw an error. |
11-30 | Myrathi |
ECompile now displays "deprecation" warnings for certain operators and tokens and although your scripts will still compile, these are now "last warnings": - '=' is deprecated; use '==' - 'local', 'global' and 'dim' are deprecated; use 'var' - 'begin' and 'end' are deprecated. ** Deprecated expressions will be removed from 096 ** ** so make sure you update your scripts!!! ** |
11-28 | Racalac |
Improved | canInsert script will be called when a stack of item is placed into the backpack through the paperdoll icon |
Fixed | .hp, .maxhp_mod, for weapon and armor items should be writable again. |
Fixed | .buyprice and .sellprice were returning 0 if you didn't write to them first. Now if they are not written to first, they will return the itemdesc value for VendorBuysFor and VendorSellsFor. |
11-27 | Racalac |
Added for Secure Trade Window: if a trade is cancelled, canInsert and onInsert scripts will be called for the player's backpack. If the items cannot be inserted, they will fall to the player's feet. |
11-25 | Racalac |
Fixed a bug with character.concealed being misread on server start as a boolean (0/1), not an integer(0-255) Fixed a bug in SystemFindObjectBySerial where items in the secure trade container were not being found. Fixed a crash introduced in the 11-21 test core concerning core-destroyed stacks of items. Fixed a bug with the conceal system where if a character's concealed level was reduced to a value still greater than 0, other characters of the same new concealed level did not see the character. |
11-24 | Racalac |
Added new itemdesc.cfg property: UseRequiresLOS (defaults to 1 if not defined). If true, Line-of-sight is needed to double-click the item. If false, a player can use the item without LOS. * Note DoubleClickRange is still checked. Added new itemdesc.cfg property: GhostsCanUse (defaults to 0 if not defined). If true, dead (ghost) characters may double-click this item. Fixed a bug in SystemFindObjectBySerial where an item held on a character's cursor was not found. Added a new os.em function: set_event_queue_size(newsize) : Changes the maximum number of events the current script will keep in the queue (additional events will be discarded). If not called, the default size is 20 events. The function returns the old queue size. |
11-21 | Syzygy |
active trades will be cancelled on death Fixed a problem with listening points that would cause big problems after listener destruction (house doors, tillermen, wink wink, nudge nudge) Containers will default to limits: 150 items, 250 stones |
11-20 | Racalac |
Added a new object method: script_process.clear_event_queue(). (script_process comes from NPC.process or uo.em's getprocess(pid)) |
11-19 | Racalac |
You will no longer be able to initiate a secure trade with a ghost (if either party is dead). |
11-17 | Racalac |
These Item creation/movement/deletion functions now properly will update character's weight on the status gump: ConsumeSubstance, DestroyItem, CreateItemInContainer, CreateItemInBackpack, MoveItemToContainer, MoveItemToLocation, SubtractAmount. CreateItemInContainer and -Backpack will call the container's canInsert and onInsert scripts. POL will attempt to find a character that owns this container. If one is not found (i.e. container is on the ground, the CharacterRef passed to the passed to the canInsert and onInsert scripts will be an uninitialized object (so, check to make sure it's valid before using it). Adding to a stack of items (manually and by a CreateItem script function) in a container will call the container's canInsert and onInsert scripts. Note if a script initiates this action (and the script has no character controller), the CharacterRef passed to the canInsert and onInsert scripts will be an uninitialized object (so, check to make sure it's valid before using it). The core will no longer play sounds effects for items being inserted into containers (thus, they aren't heard by everyone.). You can get the desired effects using the container's onInsert script. For example, to get the different gold drop sounds in addition to the default one, you might have in your container's onInsert: if(item.objtype == GetObjtypeByName("goldcoin")) if(item.amount >= 100) PlaySoundEffectPrivate( who, 0x38, who ); //lotsa gold elseif(item.amount >= 30) PlaySoundEffectPrivate( who, 0x37, who ); //some gold else PlaySoundEffectPrivate( who, 0x36, who ); //a few coins endif else PlaySoundEffectPrivate( who, 0x49, who ); //default sound endif |
11-17 | Myrathi |
Fixed Unicode speech (and a couple of possible buffer overflow bugs) - Text commands are now properly recognised and run TypeOf() (see basic.em) on Dictionary and Struct variables now returns "Dictionary" and "Struct", respectively. Added "unicode.em" with Unicode support functions (refer to file for names) - a Unicode "string" ('uc_text' param) is simply an Array of Integers. - each Integer corresponds to a 2-byte Unicode character. - each of the 4 functions must also be given a 3-character "language code" - examples are "ENU" (US English), "ENG" (UK English), "RUS" (Russian) |
11-17 | Syzygy |
Fixed the map Z-height algorithm to match the UO client for negative Z (for an example, see 1906,49) Fixed an assertion failure in SendOpenBook on Linux systems Fixed an ecompile error with substrings/multidimensional subscript access ( ex: tmp := Props[3,1] ) |
11-16 | Racalac |
New member for the Text Event struct: "texttype". This will be a string with a value of "yell", "whisper", "emote", or "default" depending on the type of speech received. NPCs will only receive text events if the source is in range, depending on the texttype (this will be configurable in the future, for now, whisper is 2 tiles, normal is 12, and yell is 25 tiles). So an NPC will not get a yell event from a source 30 tiles away, even if its speech event range is 40. Item text listeners will get all text in their range, regardless of texttype. (Need feedback for this) New os.em function: clear_event_queue(), empties current script's event queue. (Distro folks! - need to add this prototype to os.em) The npc.em movement functions (Wander(), Move(), WalkToward(), WalkAwayFrom(), RunToward(), RunAwayFrom(), TurnToward(), TurnAwayFrom(), WalkTowardLocation(),WalkAwayFromLocation(), RunTowardLocation(), RunAwayFromLocation(), TurnTowardLocation(), TurnAwayFromLocation()) now return 1 is the move was successful, and 0 if the move failed. NOTE this will almost ALWAYS return 1, if UseAdjustments is true (see next item), because the "adjusted" move probably succeeded. New npcdesc.cfg member: UseAdjustments : If set to 1 all NPCs of this template will behave as normal when blocked by and object (pace back and forth if path is blocked). If set to 0, the NPC will not attempt to find a adjacent tile toward the target that is not blocked (defaults to 1 if not found in the npcdesc.cfg entry). Also, a new NPC member with the name ".use_adjustments" is read/write. These NPC changes are in preperation for a pathfinding system. New npcdesc.cfg member: RunSpeed . If present, (default to dexterity value) this value is used for time delay between NPC moves (maximum usable value is 250, which is pretty damn fast! Running NPCs move twice as fast as walking NPCs). Also, a new NPC member with the name ".run_speed" is read/write. Note that this member may become a Vital in the near future (before the 095 final release). |
11-14 | Racalac |
Fixed MoveItemToContainer bug (default container coords of -1 was being flagged as out of range). Reminder: any value of x or y outside the gump coordinate range as defined in the container's itemdesc.cfg will be interpreted as "random location" Added new uo.em function: ListItemsNearLocationWithFlag(x,y,z,range,flags). "flags" here are tiledata.mul flags for the item's graphic. A list of known flags is forthcoming (curious people can see Alazane's file format page at ) Fixed an additional MoveItemToContainer bug that was causing random location of items inside the container gump. |
11-13 | Myrathi |
Updated ECOMPILE and RUNECL banners to include better version info (number after the decimal point is the supported file version) |
11-12 | Syzygy |
Added support for ecompile.cfg and packaged includes see scripts/ecompile.cfg.example |
usage | include ":pkgname:filebase"; npcdesc.cfg can once again hold non-"NpcTemplate" elements. xlate.cfg is no longer loaded and ignored, just ignored. |
11-10 | Syzygy |
item.color := (value) will once again set the color properly. |
11-10 | Myrathi |
Updated item.facing - valid range is now 0-127 Updated TotalStatsAtCreation= option in SERVSPECOPT(.LOCAL).CFG Can now take comma-delimited lists of values and/or ranges (default = "65,80") Example: TotalStatsAtCreation=65,80,90-95,100-110 Anti-exploit checks in uo::SelectColor() now validates values as 2 to 1001 to prevent client-side exploits: - returns the chosen color value - or an error ("Client selected an out-of-range color") An error situation will also display information on the console: e.g. Client #1 (account test) selected an out-of-range color 0x1 Anti-exploit checks & updates in UNICODE-speech code squelch()'d mobiles cannot speak. Text-color is validated between 2 and 1001 to prevent client-side exploits. Invalid color prints a message to console: e.g. Client #1 (account test) speaking with out-of-range color 0x1 |
11-09 | Syzygy |
Major changes to the script engine: *** ALL SCRIPTS MUST BE RECOMPILED!! *** All scripts should function as they do now, with two exceptions: .smember no longer works the hidden iterator variable in "foreach" is now called _(var)_iter instead of _(var)_counter Fixed two major script object leaks. Internal changes to the way member assignment and access works. Internal changes to the way script substrings are handled. Removed the 'Substring' object type. |
Fixed | len() on an error would return random values (now returns the number of elements in the error dictionary, which is probably unnecessary) |
11-04 | Syzygy |
Fixed a nasty compiler error. Expressions like this: (!ev.source.isA(POLCLASS_NPC)) will now work properly. The compiler used to consider that something like (!ev.("source".isA(POLCLASS_NPC) ) ) |
10-23 | Syzygy |
foreach now operates over dictionaries: foreach v in dict print( _v_iter + " -> " + v ); endforeach |
10-17 | Syzygy |
xlate.cfg is no longer used. spells.cfg no longer depends on xlate.cfg for reagent name lookup - will use itemdesc.cfg names. Preload 'equiptest' and 'unequiptest' scripts, to speed system load time. (however, equiptest/unequiptest scripts created after startup will not be noticed) Changed config file handling to speed load time. (menus.cfg entries might have their elements reordered, though) Sped up system load |
10-13 | Syzygy |
Sped up storage area lookups |
09-14 | merged changes from Racalac: |
-New property for itemdesc.cfg Map{} entries: Editable, which defaults to 0 This determines if the user can plot points on the map gump. Note you can still edit the map via the script methods. -New script methods for map objects: GetPins(): returns an array of structs with .x and .y members for each pin point. InsertPin( index, x, y ): inserts a pin with the passed x,y before the passed index. Valid range 0 to n-1 AppendPin( x, y ): appends a pin to the end of the course with the passed x,y ErasePin( index ): erases the pin at the passed index (valid 0 to n-1), and shifts pins down. isa(): returns true if the object is a map object -New pol.cfg option: MaximumClients=X Denies logon to clients if # of clients connected is at defined maximum -New syshook for walking through other players, i.e. define a package with syshook.cfg : SystemHookScript pushhook.ecl { Pushthrough Pushthrough } with pushhook.src with something like: use uo; program PushthroughHook() return 1; endprogram exported function Pushthrough(walker, obstructors) //note passed ARRAY of mobiles in destination tile foreach mob in obstructors print(; endforeach if(GetVital(walker,"Stamina") < GetVitalMaximumValue(walker,"Stamina")) return 0; else return ConsumeVital(walker,"Stamina",1000); endif endfunction -New player privilage: 'freemove' - ignore Pushthrough/stamina cost for movement -New character method: character.GetGottenItem() returns itemref to item on player's "cursor" |
09-12 | |
Linux changes |