POL System Events
This document describes all the "System Events" (Sysevents) that the POL core uses. These are enabled in Control Scripts using the EnableEvents() function. Only these events listed here should be used in the EnableEvents() function. You may not define User Events with any of these values (or any of the reserved values in sysEvent.inc). To use a user event in your script, you must not use EnableEvents(), just send it using SendEvent() (or process_obj.sendevent()) and look for it normally in the receiving script. Some of the Sysevents below are ranged, meaning you may specify a world distance in EnableEvents() beyond which the script will not receive the event. Use DisableEvents() to disable any of the Sysevents.
- AUX_Connection_Receive_Event
Explanation | |
This event comes in two types: Normal and Unicode. The latter is sent when the source is a client speaking in Unicode speech. | |
ID#: | 0x00000001 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_SPEECH (0x00000001) |
source | Character Reference |
text | string normal text (junk if unicode) |
texttype | type of speech: "yell", "whisper", "emote", or "default" |
uc_text | (Unicode only) a "Unicode array" of 2-byte "Big Endian" integers corresponding to the unicode characters sent. will be an 'error' type if the Unicode input is "bad". will be uninitialized if no Unicode text is available (ie, when a non-Unicode client types the command) |
langcode | (Unicode only) string 3-character, uppercase language code, i.e. "ENU", "DEU", etc. |
tokens | (Unicode only) if speech has (speech.mul) Tokens, gives array of spoken TokenIDs |
When sent: | |
When a player speaks in range of an item listening point, or NPC that has enabled the event. Note Ghost speech is a seperate event. | |
Ranged? | |
Yes |
Explanation | |
Combat Engaged event. | |
ID#: | 0x00000002 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_ENGAGED (0x00000002) |
source | Character Reference |
When sent: | |
When an attack is initiated against an NPC. (set opponent, or Target with the Harmful flag set) | |
Ranged? | |
No |
Explanation | |
Combat Disengaged event. | |
ID#: | 0x00000004 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_DISENGAGED (0x00000004) |
source | Character Reference |
When sent: | |
When an attack is stopped against an NPC. (set opponent null, attacker dies) | |
Ranged? | |
No |
Explanation | |
The NPC was damaged. | |
ID#: | 0x00000008 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_DAMAGED (0x00000008) |
source | Character Reference, or 0 if no character source |
damage | integer damage amount |
When sent: | |
The NPC recevied damage. | |
Ranged? | |
No |
Explanation | |
A character entered inside a range around the NPC or top-level item. Note, ignores Z distance. | |
ID#: | 0x00000010 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_ENTEREDAREA (0x00000010) |
source | Character Reference |
When sent: | |
The mobile walked into the range, a new NPC was created inside the range, or a character un-hid inside the range. | |
Ranged? | |
Yes |
Explanation | |
A character left the range around the NPC or top-level item. Note, ignores Z distance. | |
ID#: | 0x00000020 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_LEFTAREA (0x00000020) |
source | Character Reference |
When sent: | |
The mobile walked out of the range. Not sent if mobile hides, dies, or deleted. | |
Ranged? | |
Yes |
Explanation | |
The NPC's opponent moved. | |
ID#: | 0x00000040 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_OPPONENT_MOVED (0x00000040) |
source | Character Reference |
When sent: | |
The NPC's current opponent moved. Inhibits the Enter/Leave events for the NPC's opponent. | |
Ranged? | |
No |
Explanation | |
Not Implimented. | |
ID#: | 0x00000080 |
When sent: | |
Not Implimented | |
Ranged? | |
No |
Explanation | |
Only sent to the merchant NPC that bought the items. | |
ID#: | 0x00000100 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_MERCHANT_BOUGHT (0x00000100) |
source | Character Reference |
amount | if ScriptedMerchantHandlers is 0 in servspecopt.cfg, amount of gold items sold for |
shoppinglist | if ScriptedMerchantHandlers is 1 in servspecopt.cfg, array{ struct.item, struct.amount } |
When sent: | |
After an NPC merchant buys items from a player. | |
Ranged? | |
No |
Explanation | |
Only sent to the merchant NPC that sold the items. | |
ID#: | 0x00000200 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_MERCHANT_SOLD (0x00000200) |
source | Character Reference |
amount | if ScriptedMerchantHandlers is 0 in servspecopt.cfg, amount of gold items sold for |
shoppinglist | if ScriptedMerchantHandlers is 1 in servspecopt.cfg, array{ struct.item, struct.amount } |
When sent: | |
After an NPC merchant sells items to a player. | |
Ranged? | |
No |
Explanation | |
Item dropped on an NPC generates this event. Also sets the following cprops on the item: "GivenBy": PC's serial, "GivenTo":NPC's serial, "GivenTime":gameclock value when item was given. | |
Important: The item is moved to a storage area until the script handling the event moves it to a real container. If the item is not before by the time the event object goes out of scope (including passed to a subroutine! use 'byref' to prevent the event from being destroyed before it can be passed to the handling subroutine), the item will automatically be moved back to its old container, and the aformentioned cprops are erased. | |
ID#: | 0x00000400 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_ITEM_GIVEN (0x00000400) |
source | Character Reference |
item | Item Reference |
When sent: | |
A player drops an item on an NPC. | |
Ranged? | |
No |
Explanation | |
Allows the NPC to receive double-click events (i.e. for mounting horses, pack llamas, etc.) | |
ID#: | 0x00000800 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_DOUBLECLICKED (0x00000800) |
source | Character Reference |
When sent: | |
A player double-clicked on an NPC. | |
Ranged? | |
No |
Explanation | |
Dead players generate this event when speaking, not SYSEVENT_SPEECH. Otherwise, see SYSEVENT_SPEECH for the struct members. | |
ID#: | 0x00001000 |
When sent: | |
A dead player speaks. | |
Ranged? | |
Yes |
Explanation | |
The GONE_CRIMINAL event lets the system tell the NPC when a mobile has become a criminal (from a previously non-criminal state) by firing this event and placing a character reference to the new criminal in the source field of the event. If used in conjunction with the ENTERED_AREA system event, then guards should be able to do their guarding work without needing to do polling scans of the area around them periodically. On ENTERED_AREA events, you check to see if the person entering the area is a criminal or not. On GONE_CRIMINAL events, you know that the person who was already in the area has become a criminal from previously being innocent. | |
ID#: | 0x00002000 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_GONE_CRIMINAL (0x00002000) |
source | Character Reference |
When sent: | |
A player inrange has become a criminal. | |
Ranged? | |
Yes |
Explanation | |
Used for token speech if SeperateSpeechTokens is enabled in servspecopt.cfg. | |
ID#: | 0x00004000 |
When sent: | |
Like SYSEVENT_SPEECH but only when tokens are present. | |
Ranged? | |
Yes |
Explanation | |
Used for token speech if SeperateSpeechTokens is enabled in servspecopt.cfg. | |
ID#: | 0x00008000 |
When sent: | |
Like SYSEVENT_GHOST_SPEECH but only when tokens are present. | |
Ranged? | |
Yes |
Explanation | |
Used for boat piloting via mouse movement. Sent to a boat's control script. | |
ID#: | 0x00010000 |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | SYSEVENT_BOAT_MOVEMENT (0x00010000) |
source | Pilot Character Reference |
speed | speed (0 = stop, 1 = normal, 2 = fast) |
direction | direction (absolute) |
relative_direction | direction (relative to boat's facing) |
When sent: | |
When the boat's pilot uses mouse movement. | |
Ranged? | |
No |
AUX_Connection_Receive_Event | |
Explanation | |
This event is the method by which the AUX connection script received data from an external application. (Data may be sent with aux_connection.send()) | |
Note: ONLY received in AUX connection handler scripts. | |
ID#: | n/a |
Struct Members: | |
Name | Type |
type | string "recv" |
value | unpacked scripting object |
When sent: | |
When an external application connected to an AUX handler script sends packed data, wait_for_event() will return this struct. | |
Ranged? | |
Yes |