File Constants:
// Constants for texttype flags in the Say() function
const SAY_TEXTTYPE_DEFAULT := "default";
const SAY_TEXTTYPE_WHISPER := "whisper";
const SAY_TEXTTYPE_YELL := "yell";
// Constant for Unicode Language flag in the SayUC() function
const SAY_LANG := "ENU";
// Constants for doevent flag in Say() function
const SAY_DOEVENT_ENABLE := 0x1;
const FACE_NORMAL := 0x0;
const FACE_FORCE := 0x1;
- CanMove
- Face
- GetProperty
- IsLegalMove
- MakeBoundingBox
- Move
- RunAwayFrom
- RunAwayFromLocation
- RunToward
- RunTowardLocation
- Say
- SayUC
- Self
- SetAnchor
- SetOpponent
- SetProperty
- SetWarMode
- TurnAwayFrom
- TurnAwayFromLocation
- TurnToward
- TurnTowardLocation
- WalkAwayFrom
- WalkAwayFromLocation
- WalkToward
- WalkTowardLocation
- Wander
[+] Attribute
- AlterAttributeTemporaryMod
- BaseSkillToRawSkill
- CheckSkill
- GetAttribute
- GetAttributeBaseValue
- GetAttributeCap
- GetAttributeDefaultCap
- GetAttributeIntrinsicMod
- GetAttributeLock
- GetAttributeName
- GetAttributeTemporaryMod
- RawSkillToBaseSkill
- SetAttributeBaseValue
- SetAttributeCap
- SetAttributeLock
- SetAttributeTemporaryMod
- [+] Basic
- [+] BasicIO
- [+] Boat
- [+] CfgFile
- [+] CliLoc
- [+] DataFile
- [+] File
- [+] Guild
- [+] Http
- [+] Math
[+] Npc
- CanMove
- Face
- GetProperty
- IsLegalMove
- MakeBoundingBox
- Move
- RunAwayFrom
- RunAwayFromLocation
- RunToward
- RunTowardLocation
- Say
- SayUC
- Self
- SetAnchor
- SetOpponent
- SetProperty
- SetWarMode
- TurnAwayFrom
- TurnAwayFromLocation
- TurnToward
- TurnTowardLocation
- WalkAwayFrom
- WalkAwayFromLocation
- WalkToward
- WalkTowardLocation
- Wander
[+] OS
- Clear_Event_Queue
- Create_Debug_Context
- Debugger
- Events_Waiting
- GetEnvironmentVariable
- GetPid
- GetProcess
- HTTPRequest
- Is_Critical
- LoadExportedScript
- OpenConnection
- OpenURL
- PerformanceMeasure
- Run_Script
- Run_Script_To_Completion
- Set_Critical
- Set_Debug
- Set_Event_Queue_Size
- Set_Priority
- Set_Script_Option
- Sleep
- Sleepms
- Start_Script
- Start_Skill_Script
- SysLog
- Unload_Scripts
- Wait_For_Event
- [+] Party
- [+] PolSys
- [+] Storage
- [+] MySQL
- [+] Unicode
[+] UO
- Accessible
- AddAmount
- AddMenuItem
- ApplyConstraint
- AssignRectToWeatherRegion
- Attach
- Broadcast
- CanWalk
- CancelTarget
- CheckLineOfSight
- CheckLosAt
- CheckLosBetween
- CloseGump
- CloseTradeWindow
- CloseWindow
- ConsumeReagents
- ConsumeSubstance
- CoordinateDistance
- CoordinateDistanceEuclidean
- CreateAccount
- CreateItemAtLocation
- CreateItemCopyAtLocation
- CreateItemInBackpack
- CreateItemInContainer
- CreateItemInInventory
- CreateMenu
- CreateMultiAtLocation
- CreateNpcFromTemplate
- DestroyItem
- DestroyMulti
- Detach
- DisableEvents
- DisconnectClient
- Distance
- DistanceEuclidean
- EnableEvents
- EnumerateItemsInContainer
- EnumerateOnlineCharacters
- EquipFromTemplate
- EquipItem
- EraseGlobalProperty
- EraseObjProperty
- FindAccount
- FindObjtypeInContainer
- FindPath
- FindSubstance
- GetAmount
- GetCommandHelp
- GetCoordsInLine
- GetEquipmentByLayer
- GetFacing
- GetGlobalProperty
- GetGlobalPropertyNames
- GetHarvestDifficulty
- GetMapInfo
- GetMenuObjTypes
- GetMidpointCircleCoords
- GetMultiDimensions
- GetObjProperty
- GetObjPropertyNames
- GetObjType
- GetObjTypeByName
- GetRegionLightLevelAtLocation
- GetRegionName
- GetRegionNameAtLocation
- GetRegionString
- GetSpellDifficulty
- GetStandingCoordinates
- GetStandingHeight
- GetStandingLayers
- GetWorldHeight
- GrantPrivilege
- HarvestResource
- IsStackable
- ListAccounts
- ListEquippedItems
- ListGhostsNearLocation
- ListHostiles
- ListItemsAtLocation
- ListItemsInBoxOfObjType
- ListItemsNearLocation
- ListItemsNearLocationOfType
- ListItemsNearLocationWithFlag
- ListMobilesInBox
- ListMobilesInLineOfSight
- ListMobilesNearLocation
- ListMobilesNearLocationEx
- ListMultisInBox
- ListObjectsInBox
- ListObjectsInBoxOfClass
- ListOfflineMobilesInRealm
- ListStaticsAtLocation
- ListStaticsInBox
- ListStaticsNearLocation
- ListStaticsNearLocationOfType
- ListStaticsNearLocationWithFlag
- MoveItemToContainer
- MoveItemToSecureTradeWin
- MoveObjectToLocation
- OpenPaperdoll
- POLCore
- PerformAction
- PlayLightningBoltEffect
- PlayMovingEffect
- PlayMovingEffectEx
- PlayMovingEffectXYZ
- PlayMovingEffectXYZEx
- PlayMusic
- PlayObjectCenteredEffect
- PlayObjectCenteredEffectEx
- PlaySoundEffect
- PlaySoundEffectPrivate
- PlaySoundEffectXYZ
- PlayStationaryEffect
- PlayStationaryEffectEx
- PrintTextAbove
- PrintTextAbovePrivate
- ReadGameClock
- RegisterForSpeechEvents
- ReleaseItem
- RequestInput
- ReserveItem
- RestartScript
- Resurrect
- RevokePrivilege
- SaveWorldState
- SecureTradeWin
- SelectColor
- SelectMenuItem2
- SendBuyWindow
- SendCharProfile
- SendCharacterRaceChanger
- SendDialogGump
- SendEvent
- SendHousingTool
- SendInstaResDialog
- SendOpenBook
- SendOpenSpecialContainer
- SendOverallSeason
- SendPacket
- SendPopUpMenu
- SendQuestArrow
- SendSellWindow
- SendSkillWindow
- SendStatus
- SendStringAsTipWindow
- SendSysMessage
- SendTextEntryGump
- SendViewContainer
- SetGlobalProperty
- SetName
- SetObjProperty
- SetRegionLightLevel
- SetRegionWeatherLevel
- SetScriptController
- Shutdown
- SingleClick
- SpeakPowerWords
- StartSpellEffect
- SubtractAmount
- SystemFindObjectBySerial
- Target
- TargetCoordinates
- TargetMultiPlacement
- UpdateItem
- UpdateMobile
- UseItem
- [+] Util
- [+] Vitals
CanMove( direction ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
direction | String, one of N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE |
Explanation | |
Given current position and direction, would it be possible to move there? | |
Return values | |
0 on invalid parameter, or illegal move. 1 on legal move | |
Related | |
Face( direction, flags := FACE_NORMAL ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
direction | Integer (0 - 7) or String, one of N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE |
flags | Integer |
Explanation | |
Sets Facing to given direction. If FACE_FORCE is set frozen/paralysed is not checked. | |
const FACE_NORMAL := 0x0; const FACE_FORCE := 0x1; | |
Return values | |
0 on invalid parameter, illegal direction, or failed to face. New direction on success. | |
Related | |
GetProperty( propertyname ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
propertyname | String |
Explanation | |
Deprecated. Equivalent to GetObjProperty( Self(), propertyname ) | |
Return values | |
An unpacked object. See GetObjProperty in UO.EM | |
Errors | |
"Property not found" | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
Related | |
IsLegalMove( move, boundingbox ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
move | String, one of N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE |
boundingbox | Bounding box, from CreateBoundingBox |
Explanation | |
Given your position, and a tentative move, would it fall within a bounding box. This function ignores facing. It checks explicity for moving in a given direction, regardless of facing. | |
Return values | |
0 on invalid parameter, or illegal move. 1 on legal move | |
Related | |
MakeBoundingBox( areastring ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
areastring | String, see explanation |
Explanation | |
Make a bounding box from an area string. An area string is a number of 'x1 y1 x2 y2' world coordinate entries. | |
"1 1 4 4 2 5 3 7" would create a walk area something like this: | |
Used with Move() and IsLegalMove() functions | |
Return values | |
boundingbox on success, empty string on invalid param (ick). Careful, not much error checking! |
Move( direction ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
direction | Direction String, Facing Integer, or Bounding Box |
Explanation | |
A Direction String is one of: N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE | |
A Facing Integer is 0 through 7 where 0 is North, 1 is NorthEast, etc. | |
See MakeBoundingBox for info on the bounding box. | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success, or Direction String if bounding box was used | |
Errors | |
none, returns 0 on failures | |
Related | |
RunAwayFrom( object ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
object | UObject |
Explanation | |
Runs away from object one tile. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
Note also, walking in range of your opponent may cause you to attack. | |
See the NPC members run_speed and use_adjustments. If use_adjustments is 1 the NPC will adjust the direction of the move to attempt to avoid small obsticles. Also, this function will always return true as a result. If it is 0, the NPC will not attempt to adjust the move, and the function will return false. | |
The success of this function is affected by the NPC's anchor point. See SetAnchor(). | |
In the future, this function will activate a pathfinding system. | |
servspecopt.cfg NpcMinimumMovementDelay setting controls the maximum speed of NPC. | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Mobile specified cannot be seen" if object is a character and invisible | |
Related | |
NPC | |
UObject | |
Related Configs | |
servspecopt.cfg |
RunAwayFromLocation( x, y ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
x | Integer World Coordinate |
y | Integer World Coordinate |
Explanation | |
Runs away from the given coordinates one tile. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
Note also, walking in range of your opponent may cause you to attack. | |
See the NPC members run_speed and use_adjustments. If use_adjustments is 1 the NPC will adjust the direction of the move to attempt to avoid small obsticles. Also, this function will always return true as a result. If it is 0, the NPC will not attempt to adjust the move, and the function will return false. | |
The success of this function is affected by the NPC's anchor point. See SetAnchor(). | |
In the future, this function will activate a pathfinding system. | |
servspecopt.cfg NpcMinimumMovementDelay setting controls the maximum speed of NPC. | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Invalid Coordinates for Realm" | |
Related | |
NPC | |
Related Configs | |
servspecopt.cfg |
RunToward( object ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
object | UObject |
Explanation | |
Runs toward object one tile. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
Note also, walking in range of your opponent may cause you to attack. | |
See the NPC members run_speed and use_adjustments. If use_adjustments is 1 the NPC will adjust the direction of the move to attempt to avoid small obsticles. Also, this function will always return true as a result. If it is 0, the NPC will not attempt to adjust the move, and the function will return false. | |
The success of this function is affected by the NPC's anchor point. See SetAnchor(). | |
In the future, this function will activate a pathfinding system. | |
servspecopt.cfg NpcMinimumMovementDelay setting controls the maximum speed of NPC. | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Mobile specified cannot be seen" if object is a character and invisible | |
Related | |
NPC | |
UObject | |
Related Configs | |
servspecopt.cfg |
RunTowardLocation( x, y ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
x | Integer World Coordinate |
y | Integer World Coordinate |
Explanation | |
Runs toward the given coordinates one tile. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
Note also, walking in range of your opponent may cause you to attack. | |
See the NPC members run_speed and use_adjustments. If use_adjustments is 1 the NPC will adjust the direction of the move to attempt to avoid small obsticles. Also, this function will always return true as a result. If it is 0, the NPC will not attempt to adjust the move, and the function will return false. | |
The success of this function is affected by the NPC's anchor point. See SetAnchor(). | |
In the future, this function will activate a pathfinding system. | |
servspecopt.cfg NpcMinimumMovementDelay setting controls the maximum speed of NPC. | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Invalid Coordinates for Realm" | |
Related | |
NPC | |
Related Configs | |
servspecopt.cfg |
Say( text, text_type:=SAY_TEXTTYPE_DEFAULT, do_event:=SAY_DOEVENT_DISABLE ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
text | String |
text_type | Integer |
do_event | Integer |
Explanation | |
Makes the NPC print text above its head. Uses the NPC member speech_font and speech_color. | |
If do_event is enabled with SAY_DOEVENT_ENABLE, it will send a speech event to nearby npcs. | |
Notes: npc.em constant for this function: | |
// Constants for texttype flags in the Say() function const SAY_TEXTTYPE_DEFAULT := "default"; const SAY_TEXTTYPE_WHISPER := "whisper"; const SAY_TEXTTYPE_YELL := "yell"; // Constants for doevent flag in Say() function const SAY_DOEVENT_DISABLE := 0x0; const SAY_DOEVENT_ENABLE := 0x1; | |
Return values | |
0 | |
Errors | |
"NPC is squelched" | |
"texttype string param must be either 'default', 'whisper', or 'yell'" | |
Related | |
SayUC( uc_text, text_type:=SAY_TEXTTYPE_DEFAULT, langcode:=SAY_LANG, do_event:=SAY_DOEVENT_DISABLE ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
uc_text | Array of 2-byte integers, where each integer is a Unicode character |
text_type | Integer |
langcode | 3-character 'Originating Language' string code e.g. ENU, CHT, DEU, RUS, KOR, etc. |
do_event | Integer |
Explanation | |
Makes the NPC print text above its head. Uses the NPC member speech_font and speech_color. | |
If do_event is enabled with SAY_DOEVENT_ENABLE, it will send a speech event to nearby npcs. | |
uc_text MUST be an array of integers representing unicode characters. | |
Integers must be "Big Endian" (0x1234) and not "Little Endian" (0x3412). | |
Integers will be clipped internally to 2-bytes (value masked with 0xFFFF) | |
The Array must be terminated with zero. (0x0000) | |
Return values | |
0 | |
Errors | |
"A parameter was invalid" | |
"NPC is squelched" | |
"texttype string param must be either 'default', 'whisper', or 'yell'" | |
"Unicode array exceeds maximum size." | |
"langcode must be a 3-character code." | |
"Invalid value in Unicode array." | |
Related | |
Self() | |
Explanation | |
return a mobileref to self | |
Return values | |
A Character Reference to this NPC | |
Related | |
SetAnchor( centerx, centery, distance_start, percent_subtract ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
centerx | Integer world coordinate |
centery | Integer world coordinate |
distance_start | Integer |
percent_subtract | Integer |
Explanation | |
Sets the NPC's 'anchor' point. The NPC will have difficulty moving far away from this coordinate, and will generally stay near it. | |
centerx and centery define the anchor point. | |
distance_start is the distance away from the anchor point at which the npc may not be able to move beyond. Under this distance there is a 100% chance the move will succeed. If 0, it disables the anchor point. | |
percent_subtract is how much to subtract from the normal 100% chance for each move beyond the distance_start boundary. So if this value is "20", the first move beyond the distance_start range (and away from the anchor point) will only have an 80% chance of succeeding. The next one will have a 60% chance. So the NPC will tend to move back toward its anchor point. | |
The anchor point has no effect as long as the NPC is in war mode. | |
Return values | |
1 on success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Invalid Coordinates for Realm" | |
Related | |
SetOpponent( character ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
character | CharacterRef |
Explanation | |
Set your opponent. If you are in range (or are carrying a projectile weapon and have LOS), you will attack. If a player character is connected, the NPC will highlight. | |
Implicitly sets war mode. | |
pass 0 to clear the opponent. | |
Return values | |
0 on invalid param or clear, 1 on successful set | |
Related | |
Character | |
SetProperty( propertyname, propertyvalue ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
propertyname | String |
propertyvalue | Packable script object (int, string, array, etc) |
Explanation | |
Deprecated. Equivalent to SetObjProperty( Self(), propertyname, propertyvalue ) | |
Return values | |
1. See SetObjProperty in UO.EM | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
Related | |
SetWarMode( warmode ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
warmode | Integer 1/0 |
Explanation | |
Usually used to leave warmode, but can be used to enter warmode independently of setting an opponent. | |
Setting war mode to 0 clears your opponent. | |
Return values | |
1 on success, 0 on invalid param or clear | |
Related | |
TurnAwayFrom( object, flags := FACE_NORMAL ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
object | UObject |
flags | Integer |
Explanation | |
Adjust facing to turn away from object. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
See Face() for flags explanation | |
const FACE_NORMAL := 0x0; const FACE_FORCE := 0x1; | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Mobile specified cannot be seen" if object is a character and invisible | |
Related | |
NPC | |
UObject | |
Related Configs | |
servspecopt.cfg |
TurnAwayFromLocation( x, y, flags := FACE_NORMAL ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
x | Integer World Coordinate |
y | Integer World Coordinate |
flags | Integer |
Explanation | |
Adjust facing to turn away from given coordinates one tile. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
See Face() for flags explanation | |
const FACE_NORMAL := 0x0; const FACE_FORCE := 0x1; | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Invalid Coordinates for Realm" | |
Related | |
TurnToward( object, flags := FACE_NORMAL ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
object | UObject |
flags | Integer |
Explanation | |
Adjust facing to turn toward object. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
See Face() for flags explanation | |
const FACE_NORMAL := 0x0; const FACE_FORCE := 0x1; | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Mobile specified cannot be seen" if object is a character and invisible | |
Related | |
NPC | |
UObject | |
Related Configs | |
servspecopt.cfg |
TurnTowardLocation( x, y, flags := FACE_NORMAL ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
x | Integer World Coordinate |
y | Integer World Coordinate |
flags | Integer |
Explanation | |
Adjust facing to turn toward given coordinates one tile. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
See Face() for flags explanation | |
const FACE_NORMAL := 0x0; const FACE_FORCE := 0x1; | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Invalid Coordinates for Realm" | |
Related | |
WalkAwayFrom( object ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
object | UObject |
Explanation | |
Walk away from object one tile. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
Note also, walking in range of your opponent may cause you to attack. | |
See the NPC members run_speed and use_adjustments. If use_adjustments is 1 the NPC will adjust the direction of the move to attempt to avoid small obsticles. Also, this function will always return true as a result. If it is 0, the NPC will not attempt to adjust the move, and the function will return false. | |
The success of this function is affected by the NPC's anchor point. See SetAnchor(). | |
In the future, this function will activate a pathfinding system. | |
servspecopt.cfg NpcMinimumMovementDelay setting controls the maximum speed of NPC. | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Mobile specified cannot be seen" if object is a character and invisible | |
Related | |
NPC | |
UObject | |
Related Configs | |
servspecopt.cfg |
WalkAwayFromLocation( x, y ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
x | Integer World Coordinate |
y | Integer World Coordinate |
Explanation | |
Walk away from the given coordinates one tile. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
Note also, walking in range of your opponent may cause you to attack. | |
See the NPC members run_speed and use_adjustments. If use_adjustments is 1 the NPC will adjust the direction of the move to attempt to avoid small obsticles. Also, this function will always return true as a result. If it is 0, the NPC will not attempt to adjust the move, and the function will return false. | |
The success of this function is affected by the NPC's anchor point. See SetAnchor(). | |
In the future, this function will activate a pathfinding system. | |
servspecopt.cfg NpcMinimumMovementDelay setting controls the maximum speed of NPC. | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Invalid Coordinates for Realm" | |
Related | |
NPC | |
Related Configs | |
servspecopt.cfg |
WalkToward( object ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
object | UObject |
Explanation | |
Walk toward object one tile. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
Note also, walking in range of your opponent may cause you to attack. | |
See the NPC members run_speed and use_adjustments. If use_adjustments is 1 the NPC will adjust the direction of the move to attempt to avoid small obsticles. Also, this function will always return true as a result. If it is 0, the NPC will not attempt to adjust the move, and the function will return false. | |
The success of this function is affected by the NPC's anchor point. See SetAnchor(). | |
In the future, this function will activate a pathfinding system. | |
servspecopt.cfg NpcMinimumMovementDelay setting controls the maximum speed of NPC. | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Mobile specified cannot be seen" if object is a character and invisible | |
Related | |
NPC | |
UObject | |
Related Configs | |
servspecopt.cfg |
WalkTowardLocation( x, y ) | |
Parameters: | |
Name | Type |
x | Integer World Coordinate |
y | Integer World Coordinate |
Explanation | |
Walk toward the given coordinates one tile. Puts the script to sleep for a period of time proportional to the NPC's run_speed (or dexterity if not defined). | |
Note also, walking in range of your opponent may cause you to attack. | |
See the NPC members run_speed and use_adjustments. If use_adjustments is 1 the NPC will adjust the direction of the move to attempt to avoid small obsticles. Also, this function will always return true as a result. If it is 0, the NPC will not attempt to adjust the move, and the function will return false. | |
The success of this function is affected by the NPC's anchor point. See SetAnchor(). | |
In the future, this function will activate a pathfinding system. | |
servspecopt.cfg NpcMinimumMovementDelay setting controls the maximum speed of NPC. | |
Return values | |
Boolean for move success | |
Errors | |
"Invalid parameter type" | |
"Invalid Coordinates for Realm" | |
Related | |
NPC | |
Related Configs | |
servspecopt.cfg |